the end for the 2008; what now for Boulder phono stages?

infinitely baffled

Jul 2, 2015
hi guys

just received the sad news that Boulder can no longer supply new 2008 phonostages.
sad for me because i was halfway through saving up for one :(

officially they are saying they have no plans for a replacement...a 2108, for example.

have any of you heard more info on the grapevine?

if not, where do you think should i look for the best phono stage now?

i prefer electronic dance music, reggae, dub, drum and bass, deep hard and slammin' house, trance, ambient, alternative rock and folk.
pre-amp is a wavac pr-t1, power amp a boulder 2060, i prefer mm cartridges for the deep bass

big luvs
Gavman, the two I would recommend: my previous Tom Evans Groove Plus SRX phono, or the Nat Audio Signature Phono Vacuum RIAA battery pwrd phono stage. I'm a serious Nat junkie now, I have no need of a phono stage for my Straingauge cart, but if the phono is up to the level of my Nat linestage/SETs gear it should be amazing. I can put you in contact w/the UK Nat dealer, great guy.
Constellation finally released their top of the line phonostage. Vitus is high end SS. Trinity phono is loved by most who hear it. Lots to choose from if you were considering a boulder 2008. If you want to go tubes the ypsilon and top line Lamm are favorites.

I wish I was shopping in your price range.
I appreciate a lot my Audio Research Ref 2 - a noise free mix of FET input and 6h30 in the gain and buffer tubes.
D'Agostino is just about ready with his phono stage. It'll be $28000. Fully balanced, it'll offer multiple inputs, and easy configuration.

If your stuck on solid state...either the Vitus....more expensive than Boulder or the Pass XS Phono which is in the Boulder 2008 price range. If you want to make a foray into tube, which imho is the way to go for the best vinyl experience....I would look to VAC reference model, Ypsilon, Arc Ref 10, Lamm's reference or the Allnic H5000 DHT. Lots of choices for tube and much more flexibility with sound via tube rolling.
Gavman, the two I would recommend: my previous Tom Evans Groove Plus SRX phono, or the Nat Audio Signature Phono Vacuum RIAA battery pwrd phono stage. I'm a serious Nat junkie now, I have no need of a phono stage for my Straingauge cart, but if the phono is up to the level of my Nat linestage/SETs gear it should be amazing. I can put you in contact w/the UK Nat dealer, great guy.

Cheers bud, I will do some research on your recommendations
Constellation finally released their top of the line phonostage. Vitus is high end SS. Trinity phono is loved by most who hear it. Lots to choose from if you were considering a boulder 2008. If you want to go tubes the ypsilon and top line Lamm are favorites.

I wish I was shopping in your price range.

No kids and a 3 year driving ban are my secret !

the vitus is out of my reach and I am currently leaning towards a second hand 2008. I will do some research on the Trinity stage. ..I guess I am inclined towards SS as I prefer a powerful sound with max bass extension and impact
I appreciate a lot my Audio Research Ref 2 - a noise free mix of FET input and 6h30 in the gain and buffer tubes.

I almost ordered a wavac lcrx2 to match my pre amp, but decided that I prefer what I perceive to be the boulder sound
I am not a vinyl guy, but i do remember reading this direct comparison between the mighty Boulder 2008 and the Vitus Masterpiece Ref Series from Mike Fremer...


...note he also mentions the Ypsilon phonostage in this article which he also reviewed separately.

Thanks for that Christian, very interesting. the vitus is out of my price range. ...unless I can turn one up second hand. But there aren't any available according to hifi shark
D'Agostino is just about ready with his phono stage. It'll be $28000. Fully balanced, it'll offer multiple inputs, and easy configuration.


I will keep my eyes open for that Alexandre, much obliged
I have a pair of Wavac HE 833V2s and would never venture towards the Wavac phono. The reason is the Nagra VPS with the battery driven Nagra MPS power supply. This is the most stunning phono I have heard. YMMV et al. If you are in the market for a serious phono do your self a favour and audition the Nagra VPS + VFS + MPS.
Jfech on this forum has this combo and hopefully will chime in with his impressions.
No kids and a 3 year driving ban are my secret !

the vitus is out of my reach and I am currently leaning towards a second hand 2008. I will do some research on the Trinity stage. ..I guess I am inclined towards SS as I prefer a powerful sound with max bass extension and impact

;)...funny! As for a 2nd hand 2008, i can hardly imagine that wont be remarkably great to listen to, possibly end your search...and allow you to keep a fair amount of money in your pocket. Good luck with the search...big fan of patiently waiting for great used SOTA myself...
I have a pair of Wavac HE 833V2s and would never venture towards the Wavac phono. The reason is the Nagra VPS with the battery driven Nagra MPS power supply. This is the most stunning phono I have heard. YMMV et al. If you are in the market for a serious phono do your self a favour and audition the Nagra VPS + VFS + MPS.
Jfech on this forum has this combo and hopefully will chime in with his impressions.

I was just reading this thread and was about to reply....then saw Pradeep's reply. I'll 2nd his comments. Use the money you save for a better cartridge, cables etc...

The Nagra is a keeper for sure for me...
For tube phono , maybe u want to check out Thomas Mayer phono.
I have a pair of Wavac HE 833V2s and would never venture towards the Wavac phono. The reason is the Nagra VPS with the battery driven Nagra MPS power supply. This is the most stunning phono I have heard. YMMV et al. If you are in the market for a serious phono do your self a favour and audition the Nagra VPS + VFS + MPS.
Jfech on this forum has this combo and hopefully will chime in with his impressions.

Thanks for that Pradeep, really interesting comments.
Especially as my ambition is to own a pair of Wavac HE 833 's...did you ever listen to the pr-t1 pre amp, and if so may I ask you for your opinion?
Likewise the matching lcr X2 phono stage, have you heard one or is it the case that you were so impressed with the Nagra you decided to look no further?
Thank you very much for sharing the benefit of your experience Pradeep,
For tube phono , maybe u want to check out Thomas Mayer phono.

do you know the price, or is that a self build, diy thingy?

it looked nice in the one picture i have seen, but that was a diy project
I was just reading this thread and was about to reply....then saw Pradeep's reply. I'll 2nd his comments. Use the money you save for a better cartridge, cables etc...

The Nagra is a keeper for sure for me...

i'm ashamed to admit this is a consideration, but i struggle with the Nagra aesthetic
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Have you considered/auditioned the Boulder 1008? It's on my list when I'm ready to upgrade. Waiting to see what Spectral does with their phono.

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