Lampizator DSD DAC

Bruce B

WBF Founding Member, Pro Audio Production Member
Apr 25, 2010
Snohomish, WA
As most of you know, I had the opportunity to review a Lampizator DSD DAC about 6mo ago. (review HERE) I was enamored with this DAC, even with it's idiosyncrasies. This was some of the best DSD I have ever heard and I reluctantly returned it back to the manufacturer. Little did I know that the DAC I was listening to, was an earlier model and the newer units had been through many revisions. I emailed Lukasz and told him I love to hear one of the newer modified DAC's at some point.

Low and behold, a box shoed up on my doorstep last Thursday. When I opened it up, I found out the date of manufacturer was 3 days earlier. How's THAT for fresh of the line!! I know I'll need to burn this in for a lot of hours, so now I just have it playing in the background. I'll be pitting this up against the PBD and other DAC's that I have lying around here.
This DAC has Balanced fully differential XLR outputs, Duelund capacitors Copper Cast PIO. No more switches to change sample rates! I'll keep you guys posted.....

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So is this just the DSD DAC, or one of Lampizator's other DAC's (most of which can have the DSD part added, I believe)?
I have a level 7 big box coming in a week or two. The ones I heard were very good . Dsd seems to sound very good but it's PCM that I want to hear when mine shows up .
I have the Lampi Level 4 DAC in for review right now. It does both PCM and DSD.
Thanks I have read it , I had no,idea that was you hahaha. I have listened to three lampi,s Level 4 , and two fives they are very special I look forward to my level 7 when it comes. May i ask why not a PCM lampi as well ?
And thanks for fixing the link as well .
AL, Bruce is something of a DSD expert and the DSD only Dac is to my mind a no compromise DSD solution.
Nothing I have read (which is far from everything, though) suggests that the DSD DAC would sound as good as the Level 7 with DSD. What I'd be curious about would be a comparison between Levels 4 and 5 with DSD vs. DSD alone. Either Mark or Bruce "needs" to do some travelling :D
Nothing I have read (which is far from everything, though) suggests that the DSD DAC would sound as good as the Level 7 with DSD. What I'd be curious about would be a comparison between Levels 4 and 5 with DSD vs. DSD alone. Either Mark or Bruce "needs" to do some travelling :D

Mine has both so I can't really compare the two obviously. I will tell you my sneaking suspicion for what it's worth, and that is my expectation bias tells me the DSD only DAC version will sound better than the PCM and DSD version when playing back DSD files.
Mine has both so I can't really compare the two obviously. I will tell you my sneaking suspicion for what it's worth, and that is my expectation bias tells me the DSD only DAC version will sound better than the PCM and DSD version when playing back DSD files.

This would be my thought as well.
Although according to the price list Level 5 w/DSD is more than twice as expensive as the DSD DAC. Regardless, all the Lampi's are very appealing products (to me, at least).
I agree, i hear that DSD in L7 is the best so far….DHTs make the difference.
Nothing I have read (which is far from everything, though) suggests that the DSD DAC would sound as good as the Level 7 with DSD. What I'd be curious about would be a comparison between Levels 4 and 5 with DSD vs. DSD alone. Either Mark or Bruce "needs" to do some travelling :D
I had the opportunity to listen at home to Lampi level 5 a few month ago. Shortly - it was not my sound compared to my Audio Aero La Fontaine. To much timbre and coloration, to less of resolution and transparency. IMO it could do better in systems based on ss amplifiers.
Since I have Auralc Vega in my rig for 2 month and have extensively listened to both native dsd and ripps of sacd I found dsd the perfect solution for jazz and classical music for its 3 D imaging, timbre and live -like presentation.
Next week I will have on loan from ?ukasz a demo of DSD DAC and if it confirms your outstanding opinions , I am very keen to order one and trade Vega.
I had the opportunity to listen at home to Lampi level 5 a few month ago. Shortly - it was not my sound compared to my Audio Aero La Fontaine. To much timbre and coloration, to less of resolution and transparency. IMO it could do better in systems based on ss amplifiers.
Since I have Auralc Vega in my rig for 2 month and have extensively listened to both native dsd and ripps of sacd I found dsd the perfect solution for jazz and classical music for its 3 D imaging, timbre and live -like presentation.
Next week I will have on loan from ?ukasz a demo of DSD DAC and if it confirms your outstanding opinions , I am very keen to order one and trade Vega.
I have never had the opportunity to hear the Lampizators. I have however heard the Audio Aero La Source in my system, which I imagine is similar to yours...and was impressed. Expensive! But impressed. Enjoy your La Fontaine.
Thank you, I will:)
I auditionned at home Vivaldi Dac , Metronome c 8 and a new Gryphone Kalliope fed from W20. All of them had some advantages over La Fontaine, but the overall presentation of Audio Aero is closest to my preferences : fast, detailed and precise sound but on the musical , rich and warmer side. My former player before I switched to AA was ARC Ref 8 and I liked it a lot during nearly 3 years. Then I decided to go " files" and that's a pity AA is closed - my next upgrade could be La Source.
I will go dsd with Lampi instead.
Congratulations for your sophisticated system.
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