Videos: Show me MALE vocals

First one sounds more open to me. What did you change?
I'm playing around with panels around the speakers. It's a little silly, as I would never listen like this but I wanted to check the effect. In the first one I put all the panels I have to absorb the back waves. In the second there are panels above and to the sides but not in the back. I was just curious to hear how it sounded. I periodically get obsessed with room acoustics.
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Not exactly a stellar-engineered recording. Things get a little dynamic and complex and congested toward the end so just give it some juice. I find 3 notches below max volume on my macbook with headphones is best.
It's been a year or two since I last posted this well-engineered recording so that would have been quite a few improvements ago. Give it at least some juice.
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For macbook and headphones max volume ought to be most engaging.
I've lost interest in listening to system videos on YouTube lately (though I still publish my own occasionally!) but had to make an exception for this one:

Around 9:55, he plays this track:

The system video sounds pretty bad. Jimmy Scott sounds like he's being tortured - the warmth and seductive nature of his voice is simply gone. The balance between the voice and the rest is off. Is it the system, or the video recording, or both? I don't know, but I don't see why OCD Hifi Guy chose to publish this.

I am curious to hear others' opinions...
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Cessaro zeta vocal jazz
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Dava, Cessaro Zeta, Alieno

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Wilson XVX, Dart 468

Wilson XVX, Dart 468

I cannot say that I liked this one. There is a mid bass hump which increases the size of instruments and singers. As if 3mt tall people are singing. Additionally there is a sluggish bass and lack of speed. it’s possible that speakers or amps or both are slow. I don’t know maybe I’m totally wrong, maybe recording is the problem but I heard better wilson sound before.
I've lost interest in listening to system videos on YouTube lately (though I still publish my own occasionally!) but had to make an exception for this one:

Around 9:55, he plays this track:

The system video sounds pretty bad. Jimmy Scott sounds like he's being tortured - the warmth and seductive nature of his voice is simply gone. The balance between the voice and the rest is off. Is it the system, or the video recording, or both? I don't know, but I don't see why OCD Hifi Guy chose to publish this.

I am curious to hear others' opinions...
music in the video and the "original" are not the same.
I've lost interest in listening to system videos on YouTube lately (though I still publish my own occasionally!) but had to make an exception for this one:

Around 9:55, he plays this track:

The system video sounds pretty bad. Jimmy Scott sounds like he's being tortured - the warmth and seductive nature of his voice is simply gone. The balance between the voice and the rest is off. Is it the system, or the video recording, or both? I don't know, but I don't see why OCD Hifi Guy chose to publish this.

I am curious to hear others' opinions...

Not my cup of tea.

I would stop drinking tea if this were the only flavor.
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I cannot say that I liked this one. There is a mid bass hump which increases the size of instruments and singers. As if 3mt tall people are singing. Additionally there is a sluggish bass and lack of speed. it’s possible that speakers or amps or both are slow. I don’t know maybe I’m totally wrong, maybe recording is the problem but I heard better wilson sound before.
Have you heard this recording played on a familiar system in familiar room?
I was thinking the same .
Bonzo is that all you got?
I ll take my elvis presley tape play back anytime over this for a fraction of the price

I have other XVX videos in my channel. Why are you focusing on XVX to compare your speakers? Try the horns
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