

Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2019
I was interested in a clock I could try with a CD player or my JCat USB card. I'm not spending $7000 or more on one. I see all sorts of clocks for pro audio gear that are less than $1000. Had anyone tried any of these? Are there good ones. Or will the clock in say a Jays Audio be better than a stand alone.
Sold out at $1800. Not sure what "sold out" means - no more ever or currently out of stock.
Haven't heard it.
I saw that one. Mike L and his CD player got me looking and Insaw the TEAC. Then I saw other sites for pro auido and lots of them. Same basic price.
I see used ones. I'm trying to find what the JCat card uses. I am guessing the termination is different.

Mostly it looks like you need a custom cable. Orherwise its a clock like any other. But the JCat clock does have a BNC out, so it could be used wirh a transport of other device.

Mostly it looks like you need a custom cable. Orherwise its a clock like any other. But the JCat clock does have a BNC out, so it could be used wirh a transport of other device.
you need a "clock 50" cable. such as this one. it's very specific. with BNC's tuned to 50 ohms for a 10Mhz OCXO clock. 1 meter to 1.5 meter long i'm told is ideal. so proximity of the transport and clock is important.

i'm currently using the Shunyata Sigma v2 Clock 50 version i bought for my Esoteric T1 turntable. as you can imagine there are different levels of performance. not compared clock 50 cables myself.
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I saw that one. Mike L and his CD player got me looking and Insaw the TEAC. Then I saw other sites for pro auido and lots of them. Same basic price
Mike L search piqued my interest as well. I'm going to ask my personal network of obsessive friends for recommendations. I'm new to all things digital
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you need a "clock 50" cable. such as this one. it's very specific. with BNC's tuned to 50 ohms for a 10Mhz OCXO clock. 1 meter to 1.5 meter long i'm told is ideal. so proximity of the transport and clock is important.

i'm currently using the Shunyata Sigma v2 Clock 50 version i bought for my Esoteric T1 turntable. as you can imagine there are different levels of performance. not compared clock 50 cables myself.
Yes, and an external power supply. Which could be JCat or other.

Your clock is assumed to be much better. But how audible is that better. How much does one have to pay to close the gap. It would be interested to hear anyones comments on world clocks they have tried that are in say a under $3000 price point. The one from JCat seems to be bare bones. Some sort of enclosure would be needed. As well as a power supply. That could add $2000 real quick. The ZEAC CG-10M sells for $1300 or so used. And its in a case with a power supply.
Yes, and an external power supply. Which could be JCat or other.

Your clock is assumed to be much better. But how audible is that better.
hard to judge gear out of context. my transport has to justify it's spot compared to my streaming. without my clock and clock cable it absolutely was out of place. with it, it is in place in degrees to be determined.

so the reference varies and therefore what makes sense to do.
How much does one have to pay to close the gap. It would be interested to hear anyones comments on world clocks they have tried that are in say a under $3000 price point. The one from JCat seems to be bare bones. Some sort of enclosure would be needed. As well as a power supply. That could add $2000 real quick. The ZEAC CG-10M sells for $1300 or so used. And its in a case with a power supply.
the idea is that a clock boosts a transport beyond where it would cost to acquire a stand alone transport to accomplish. kinda.

for instance; maybe a $1000 clock plus $500 cable plus the Jay's Audio $2400 transport surpasses the stand alone Jay's Audio $5000 transport. i have no idea about that, just trying to show a way to view it. might surpass it a bunch, or not be as good. might depend on the dac and interface. might turn out that the clock takes the analog sorta sound beyond.......might be key. seemed like that to me.

and with the clock you can step into the higher performance. not write the big check.
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I can see that Mike. I really stream most. Getting a clock that is versitile and ups my streaming is the goal. If it ups a transport, all the better. You will probably be done with yours in 6 months to a year. I might take it off your hands of thats the case.
I can see that Mike. I really stream most. Getting a clock that is versitile and ups my streaming is the goal. If it ups a transport, all the better. You will probably be done with yours in 6 months to a year. I might take it off your hands of thats the case.
assuming you are referring to my transport, not my clock. it's possible that the TEAC transport is a place-holder. it will depend on (1) how much i play CD's, and (2) how good the Wadax Studio transport is when it appears, or (3) some other alternative. this will not be a pursuit of the ultimate transport, but the best place on the price/value curve.....and performance in league with my streaming. which i may be close to now.

looks like the Wadax Studio transport will only work with the Wadax Studio clock, not any third party choice. so that could enter into my end game transport decision. buying a second expensive clock is unlikely.
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The question still remains, what is a good clock in that price catagory. Mike thought the TEAC player was not that good, till he put a $27,000 clock to it. So maybe the clock by TEAC is not good either. Has anyone heard it. There are lots of clocks out there. The question is, what are the good ones.

And to Mikes point. Maybe a good player with a good clock in it will outperform a player with a external world clock with a clock that is not that good.
Good integrated player/good clock? No SACD. Multiple digital inputs. Now discontinued.

From @RoyGregory Gy8 site:
In a field where market dominance can be measured in months and product shelf life often seems little longer than that, Neodio’s Origine CD player has been a rare and welcome constant, setting musical standards that few of the far more costly and complex products that have followed it onto the market have been able to match. The Wadax Atlantis and Reference models might have eclipsed it in my own system, but since their arrival the Neodio has been by turns my second choice digital replay solution and (at considerably less than €20,000) by far the most affordable machine capable of serious high-end musical performance. It was also by far the best-looking CD player – EVER!

There have been other favorable reviews.
The question still remains, what is a good clock in that price catagory. Mike thought the TEAC player was not that good, till he put a $27,000 clock to it. So maybe the clock by TEAC is not good either. Has anyone heard it. There are lots of clocks out there. The question is, what are the good ones.

And to Mikes point. Maybe a good player with a good clock in it will outperform a player with an external world clock with a clock that is not that good.
TEAC is the more consumer valued parent of Esoteric. I have little doubt the Esoteric Clocks (and transports) are a step up from the TEAC clocks (and transports). Whether you see their value is up to you. Esoteric doesn’t give anything away.

If value for Clock performance is your goal, I would suggest you look at Cybershaft. There are others.

Personally, I would likely never buy an Esoteric clock and would buy, and have bought a Cybershaft.
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Mutec of Germany produces some of the finest clocks available. They are used in studios and in fine music systems. Truly great square-waves, multiple highly isolated outputs, and guaranteed phase-noise performance near the limits of what is possible.
Last year they were able to lower pricing across the board and they introduced the outstanding REF10 Nano (4 outputs instead of 8, lower cost built-in power supply with inlet to bypass with a fine 15V linear) at just $1,799.

We bought and tested one and were so impressed--that we became a Mutec dealer, making this the only non-UpTone developed product I sell.
[You can read more about what we are doing here. BTW, UpTone is now the #1 dealer of the Mutec REF10 Nano in North America. We've sold 16 units this year.]

By the way, I also own and use a Cybershaft clock, and their new low-priced models are a good value. :)
@Superdad, how does this stack up against their top of the line REF10 SE120?
Thanks Superdad.
Does your switch have a clock input?
Do you have a cable or can you make a cable that works wirh the JCat USB XE card.
The ERv1 and v2 does have a 10MHz input, of which, a Mutec REF 10 SE 120 is hooked up to the current ERv1. (We are still awaiting the v2 version....coming soon)

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