Analysis Plus Silver Apex IC's


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2015
Like many of you, I have been in this hobby for a long time-45 years.
Over a year ago I was reading Mike Fremer's column and at the very end he had a single paragraph blurb about someone suggesting the Analysis Plus Silver Apex for his analogue set-up (I can't recall if it was as phono cables or from phono stage to preamp) and how they proved amazingly good. I have two Reed 3P arms which come with tonerarm wire from clips to RCA's, so I tried a 1M pair to go from my Manley Steelhead to my ARC Ref 6. They replaced a set of mid-tier Black Cat IC's I had been using. The difference they made was substantial.
I mostly use Cardas Clear Beyond. I have Cardas Clear Beyond XLRs connecting my Ref 6 to my Ref 150SE since both were designed to sound best running true full balanced. I use WireWorld's Platinum Starlight 7 USB.
Last night I received a second set of the Analysis Plus Silver Apex I had ordered to go from my DAC, an Abbingdon Music Research, to my Ref 6, Immediately, without any burn-in, the sound improvement was substantial.
I am not connected to the audio biz in any shape, manner, or form. Other than Mike Fremer's short blurb, I have never seen much in the way of discussion of this cable. Before his mention, sure, this company had been around and I was aware of them, but never felt compelled to try any of their products. Analysis Plus' dealer network is somewhat limited, paling in comparison to Audioquest's. I would like to know if anyone else here-where most of you search out the highest-end rather than just the high-end, have been similarly impressed, or am I the only one (and granted my system at about 125K total cost is not high up compared to most of you)? If any of you are remotely interested, please try them and tell me if you feel my enthusiasm is overstated. Compared to Tara Labs and the other "top tier" manufacturers, this IC is reasonably priced.
Late to the Analysis Plus cable party, and this particular post. But, wanted to try something off the beaten path to see how it compares to my current now defunct company Silver Breeze phono cable. I just ordered the Analysis Plus Silver Phono with XLR connectors. Will provide an update as soon as I receive them. The performance to price is what intrigues me. I am willing to splurge more on a phono cable, but why, especially if you can obtain enjoyment from the Analysis Plus. Can’t wait to hear. Thanks for the tip
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Two weeks ago today I received my SW1X DAC III Balanced. Up until last night I had been listening on a daily basis with signal fed from my Aurender W20 via a well regarded S/PDIF cable from a very well regarded company. Granted it was not a mega dollar cable. Last night just out of interest I substituted a 1.5 meter Silver Apex IC for the dedicated S/PDIF from the other company. I wish I had simply started out with the Silver Apex IC. The sound quality took a significant leap forward in just about every imaginable attribute. Now I have ordered a custom made S/PDIF from Analysis Plus that utilizes the Silver Apex cable rather than AP's standard "single crystal" copper S/PDIF cable. The guy I talked to at AP is Steve Sinkoff who has a very interesting background. A former insurance defense trial lawyer like me (though I am still stuck practicing to afford my toys). He let me know that he was a huge fan of Silver Apex before taking his post-retirement gig at AP and plans to order such a custom S/PDIF for himself. AP has a custom cable division and Steve evidently works for it. I ordered it yesterday and I just got an email notification from UPS that I will have it by tomorrow evening. A lot of you folks have had exposure and experience with far more expensive cables that I have. Cardas Clear Beyond and Auditorium 23 are my previous sweet spots. The Silver Apex is less expensive than Cardas Clear Beyond and I like it far better. Right now the only CCB remaining in my system is a set of XLR's between my ARC Red 6 and Ref 150SE where I continue to think it is well-suited.
Just to say this again, hopefully needlessly, I have zero connection to any aspect of the audio industry and know nobody at AP other than my brief conversation on the phone yesterday with former barrister Sinkoff.
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Two weeks ago today I received my SW1X DAC III Balanced. Up until last night I had been listening on a daily basis with signal fed from my Aurender W20 via a well regarded S/PDIF cable from a very well regarded company. Granted it was not a mega dollar cable. Last night just out of interest I substituted a 1.5 meter Silver Apex IC for the dedicated S/PDIF from the other company. I wish I had simply started out with the Silver Apex IC. The sound quality took a significant leap forward in just about every imaginable attribute. Now I have ordered a custom made S/PDIF from Analysis Plus that utilizes the Silver Apex cable rather than AP's standard "single crystal" copper S/PDIF cable. The guy I talked to at AP is Steve Sinkoff who has a very interesting background. A former insurance defense trial lawyer like me (though I am still stuck practicing to afford my toys). He let me know that he was a huge fan of Silver Apex before taking his post-retirement gig at AP and plans to order such a custom S/PDIF for himself. AP has a custom cable division and Steve evidently works for it. I ordered it yesterday and I just got an email notification from UPS that I will have it by tomorrow evening. A lot of you folks have had exposure and experience with far more expensive cables that I have. Cardas Clear Beyond and Auditorium 23 are my previous sweet spots. The Silver Apex is less expensive than Cardas Clear Beyond and I like it far better. Right now the only CCB remaining in my system is a set of XLR's between my ARC Red 6 and Ref 150SE where I continue to think it is well-suited.
Just to say this again, hopefully needlessly, I have zero connection to any aspect of the audio industry and know nobody at AP other than my brief conversation on the phone yesterday with former barrister Sinkoff.
Thanks for the update. I also spoke with Steve today after I emailed the company for a custom request for an XLR phono cable in a 1.50 meter length. He told me that he was very familiar with my equipment. Holy cow, I knew he must have some industry background experiences. Very polite and honest about recommendations. Yes, he also uses the same phono cable as well.

I am willing to experiment to see if I actually need to address my phono cable. I can tell you, I am listening to Patricia Barber One Step Cafe Blue, it’s one of the most fantastic new audiophile pressing I have heard to date, right along with the 45RPM pressing of the Three Blind Mice box set. It’s incredible!! I am shaking my head in disbelief. The cymbal splashes and her voice are so palpable. I ask myself If I need to do anything more to my system besides add cartridges and tonearms to fill the missing tonearm mount gap on my turntable and to just play around. I am serious, I am looking at Omega PC‘s, but heck, I don’t think I need Omega PCs, LOL. I am using previous generation Shunyata Anacondas. Granted, I have an upgraded Aesthetix Io Eclipse phono stage with a nearly broken in Soundsmith Hyperion and the entire musical experience has gained in quality before these upgrades. I am using a 1 meter Audioquest Fire XLR from phono amp to Octave Jubilee preamp.

Been using Audioquest for years for my main ICs, but phono cable has been a tinkering matter with a collection of phono cables being added to the stash every few years. I settled on the Silver Breeze and it’s been my go to cable for quite a while. With the recent system upgrades, I want to see if my phono cable is a weak link in the chain. I am not sure if in fact the current phono cable is a weak link; however, I hope to discover if I need to address that position of my system. Should the Analysis Plus phono prove it’s worth in the phono position, I will most certainly advocate for its use among the analog community. I hope to receive mine this Saturday.
Just found this review in Positive Feedback about the Analysis Plus Silver Apex phono cable. The reviewers rationale for calling these reference cables seems pretty sound. I love the use of superlatives such as organic sounding, which is often used by considerably higher priced phono cables. Also, the engineering used to create the entire line up stems from product development for technical products used in the auto and air transportation industry.

I am not a huge Fremer fan though I respect his intelligence and superlative writing. That said, I just got around to reading his review of the Mark Levinson turntable built in Germany and not by VPI in this month's issue and there in his associated equipment box you will find that among the mega-buck cables he continues to also use AP Silver Apex. I think that says something.
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Any chance to compare AP to the Odin2 tonearm cable?

I distinctly remember about 5 years ago at RMAF when Nordost demonstrated a VPI Avenger turntable, comparing the stock tonearm cable vs their Odin2 tonearm cable. The difference was dramatic as the Odin2 sounded much better.

FWIW in my system and in my room:
Odin2 interconnects (DAC to amp) are significantly clearer - particularly in conveying midrange and treble energy - than AP Gold interconnects. However, AP Ultimate power cords (DAC) are very close to Valhalla2 in performance, with more listening needed to determine a preference. Odin2 power cord (amplifier) comparison pending.

It's a good reminder to forget pricing and just use your ears in audio.
Any chance to compare AP to the Odin2 tonearm cable?

I have Reed 3P arms on my two decks. There is a photo of my system somewhere on this Board. A heavily modded hot-rodded TD124 and a heavily modded and hot-rodded 301. So from cart clips to phono stage I have the "Firewire" silver cabling that Reed sources from Germany.
Where AP Silver Apex initially impressed me was putting it between my Manley Steelhead and Ref 6. Now I am using it between my SW1X DAC III Balanced and Ref 6 and from my Aurender W20 to the SW1X.
The Silver Apex S/PDIF is entering it's 3rd day of 24/7 burn in. At first I thought crap, the 2M Silver Apex IC sounds better than the 1.5M Silver Apex S/PDIF. Last night they reversed their positions-the IC was excellent, the S/PDIF is better than excellent.
I am quite self-conscious that I must be coming across as over-enthusiastic at a minimum and maybe a shill.
I will just move on. "nuff said as to how I feel about the silly Silver Apex.
The SW1X deserves a lot of verbiage from me at some point soon. I had no clue Qobuz could be so enjoyable. And on top of that, vinyl is still my first love.
I just received my AP Silver Apex Phono. Let the music begin. Question?
These are not marked left or right and don’t have the traditional red/black or red/white sleeves on the XLR. For the first time, I am stumped as to which color, the gray, or the white is left or right! My assumption is white is left, because red is always right, LOL.


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I just received my AP Silver Apex Phono. Let the music begin. Question?
These are not marked left or right and don’t have the traditional red/black or red/white sleeves on the XLR. For the first time, I am stumped as to which color, the gray, or the white is left or right! My assumption is white is left, because red is always right, LOL.
This link should help if you have not figured it out already.

Remember, to turn every thing around 180 as the link talks solder side. You just need to ohm it out with a meter.

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Easier answer. AP responded that white is right.
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Just to be clear, I am very interested in these AP cables. Looking forward to your take.
Absolutely, I will provide some initial feedback this evening after another round of hours of listening. So far, not bad at all.
Could not listen yesterday due to post Covid 2nd vaccine effects. Chills, fever, racing pulse, sweating in the bed overnight, it’s soaked. Took Tylenol and crashed out and woke up this morning feeling full of energy. Wow, what a difference. Later today will try and listen.
I use the silver apex speaker cables on my pair of Vivid Oval V1.5's. Very nice speaker cables.
Here are some additional listening impression updates. I am really liking what I am hearing. The Analysis Plus Silver Apex phono cables give me a sense of being even keeled and does not exhibit a preferred frequency spectrum that is accentuated which often we may experience with any mods which could translate into muddy bass, shrill highs or mids, etc. I need to put that statement into context. In comparison to my old go to phono cables, Silver Breeze, which were custom built for me using pure silver innards and Neutrik XLR's, the AP Silver Apex seem to blend and homogenize the musical properties of the entire frequency spectrum into a very level handed and satisfying musical listening experience, which for now, appears to be better than the Silver Breeze cables.

My Silver Breeze cables were no slouch and have always provided me with musical bliss and satisfied me with hours upon hours of listening pleasure. Where I think the AP phono cables do better, is this homogenization of the sound, into a coherent sound field, where one feels as if the stage is in front of you. To support that supposition, my interpretation of the panning effect of musical instruments and individual singers within the playing field seem to have more individuality and clarity. I have used that statement before, in other posts, but I am perceiving that perhaps I have not felt as close to the stage and thus the truth, as I am now using the AP Silver Hypex phono cables.

For more context, compared to the Silver Breeze phono cables, the AP Silver Apex's convey a cymbal splash that resonates and floats with seemingly more bite and echoing resonance. The same can be said for drums...very taught, pronounced, and defined. One of the albums that I used to make these comparisons, is the Patricia Barber Cafe Blue 1Step series. What a wonderful album this is. The song Morning Glory can really showcase one's system. When I listened to the same song with the Silver Breeze, I was blown away by the recording, the way that the cymbals floated, the articulate bass, and Mark Walker's drum play along with the bongos or congas...I thought, man, this is freakishly incredible sound. With the AP Silver Apex, all of what I described in the last sentence above seemed to have been brought up a few notches in musical information portrayal.

What I really noticed, and I took notice before, the skin effect (Not to confuse with skin effect theory of cables, LOL) of the conga/bongo being hit by the hand. I was definitely into this as my stepfather used to play bongo's and conga's and I always loved the sound of them. It was as if the player was in front of me and just playing as natural as can be. To this aspect, I do feel as if the AP Silver Apex are bringing me closer to the truth of the music. It is not a night and day difference, but more in subtle ways. For example, I feel as if I am following the bass guitar, cymbals, and drums more closely as singular entities within the sound stage. On sound staging, there is great stereo separation with a great sense of a holographic and spacious playing field. Again, I had the same sensation with my other cables, but so far, the AP Silver Apex may be doing things better.

One other listening example. I played Robin Trower Bridges of Sigh album. The song, "In this place", is such a cool slow vibe with an enchanting backdrop. I guess the entire album is like that. However, this particular song has some cool acoustic sessions which when you listen carefully, are quite mind boggling. The wawa on the guitar or whatever was used to create that sound, I have heard it many times, but I never heard it so much more clearly individualized and with panning from left to right with more emphasis. This may be may be one of the defining characters of the AP Silver Apex, albeit, still breaking in for now. The harmonization of individual instruments which allow one to hear and envision seeing into the group on stage.

I played the Allman Brothers Band, Live at the Fillmore. This is a great live album from Classic Records. The same with the song "You don't love me anymore" which is a song that is comprised with a variety of instruments. In fact, I just love the vibe of the entire album, it is great material for live music. Now, here is where I will make more of a clear and emphatic statement concerning these two phono cables. The Silver Breeze sounded quite lively, not bright to my ears, but added emphasis in the mids which seemed to be more pronounced than the rest of the musical spectrum. Conversely, the AP Silver Apex played these same songs with an even handedness. Note, not less bright, or etched, that is not what I am describing....more so the AP Silver Apex played with a Cool hand Luke style with all of the instruments and singers playing cohesively without showboating any one aspect needlessly, unless called for, such as in solo guitar or drum arrangements.

Overall, I get the same satisfying sound I have when using the Silver Breeze phono cables. The AP Silver Hypex seems to place everything together in a more cohesive way. This is all predicted on preliminary listening with about 8 hours of use.

My next tests will include how piano and violin will sound.

Based on the traits of the AP Silver Apex phono cable, I would like to explain the characteristics succinctly (BLUF).

1. Leading and training edge of cymbals seemed to be more fleshed out with the AP Silver Apex. The Silver Breeze are also excellent in this regard, especially, with solo cymbals; however, when more than one instrument is played, I may be perceiving a slight blurring, but not grossly blurred with the Silver Breeze, of the mixed instruments, and just enough for me to take notice of this aspect.

2. Individual instruments and singers are harmonized on a believably real front stage with a very strong holographic feeling.

3. Drums, congas, and bass are easily followed with precise thwacks, thuds, or strums. Taught and dry are in my initial notes. Perhaps this is an artifact of the AP Silver Apex being better at creating a more refined and individualized listening experience concerning the ability to discern each instrument better.

4. Straight out of the package, I still feel it is too soon to declare the AP Silver Apex phono a decisive or overwhelmingly better product. However, if the trend keeps going into the direction that it is going, then, yes, the AP Silver Apex will be a better phono cable. With additional listening time, I should be able to depict more idiosyncrasies between the two cables. At least for me, my ears, and on my system, I find it completely satisfying as is and look forward to how much better it will get with further use.

5. Finally, knowing what I know about my listening traits, my gear, and my room, I would state to anyone looking for a phono cable in this price range, to highly consider the AP Silver Apex phono as an option. My beloved Silver Breeze are old, and the company went out of business. They have been my reference for years. The AP Silver Apex phono cable straight out of the box equaled or bettered my old Silver Breeze in some areas, and in some of those areas, more so than others…and they are not even broken in. I do not have any affiliation with AP, just a satisfied customer passing the good news story.
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Like many of you, I have been in this hobby for a long time-45 years.
Over a year ago I was reading Mike Fremer's column and at the very end he had a single paragraph blurb about someone suggesting the Analysis Plus Silver Apex for his analogue set-up (I can't recall if it was as phono cables or from phono stage to preamp) and how they proved amazingly good. I have two Reed 3P arms which come with tonerarm wire from clips to RCA's, so I tried a 1M pair to go from my Manley Steelhead to my ARC Ref 6. They replaced a set of mid-tier Black Cat IC's I had been using. The difference they made was substantial.
I mostly use Cardas Clear Beyond. I have Cardas Clear Beyond XLRs connecting my Ref 6 to my Ref 150SE since both were designed to sound best running true full balanced. I use WireWorld's Platinum Starlight 7 USB.
Last night I received a second set of the Analysis Plus Silver Apex I had ordered to go from my DAC, an Abbingdon Music Research, to my Ref 6, Immediately, without any burn-in, the sound improvement was substantial.
I am not connected to the audio biz in any shape, manner, or form. Other than Mike Fremer's short blurb, I have never seen much in the way of discussion of this cable. Before his mention, sure, this company had been around and I was aware of them, but never felt compelled to try any of their products. Analysis Plus' dealer network is somewhat limited, paling in comparison to Audioquest's. I would like to know if anyone else here-where most of you search out the highest-end rather than just the high-end, have been similarly impressed, or am I the only one (and granted my system at about 125K total cost is not high up compared to most of you)? If any of you are remotely interested, please try them and tell me if you feel my enthusiasm is overstated. Compared to Tara Labs and the other "top tier" manufacturers, this IC is reasonably priced.
i read your post this afternoon whilst swapping between Cardas clear beyond and my silver apex cables
on my headphone rig
my findings reflect your own ,an excellent ic at a very reasonable price
ps. I’ve tried many cables over the past 50 years

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