Upcoming CES: Anything exciting or just another Yenta-fest for insiders and elites?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
I have not felt any buzz about this year's show, but I have been pretty busy lately. Is it just going to be a yentafest for the industry insiders, or will we have some exciting new products announcements and introductions?
Apparently Nola will have the latest Concert Grand Reference, their cost-no-object speaker. I hope we good report on that one.
Kharma will be at CES this year with new products i read , CAT is demonstrating with wilson audio , sounds interesting to me , if vegas was round the block i might go.
I bet the Q 7 will be there

I think CAT and Wilson will be great. But then Wilson becomes a whole new speaker with good tubes.
I would love to learn if the new Avalon flagship speaker will be released there, but no word... :(
I havent heard them much with tubes unfortunately , the wilson importer sells also SS amps :D
Cat legend and JL 2 or 3 would be nice ,teamed up with maxx 3 for example , or the new XLF

Hmmm... Shown quite a bit with VTL.
I d love to see /hear that one as well , and with the 300.000 $$ price tag i bet avalon has left mdf for something more exotic

the MDF implementation at the Avalon factory is taken very seriously andromedaaudio, they cabinet actually behaves like a well tuned instrument after various tests with several other materials, glues, bracing options, etc.. yes, I am biased :)
I know , youre absolutely right they have extraordinairy cabinet design , but i still think a (extra) 1 inch face plate out of aluminium or a resin based one would make them even better
the MDF implementation at the Avalon factory is taken very seriously andromedaaudio, they cabinet actually behaves like a well tuned instrument after various tests with several other materials, glues, bracing options, etc.. yes, I am biased :)
I think CAT and Wilson will be great. But then Wilson becomes a whole new speaker with good tubes.

I heard that Wilson Audio is not displaying at the show. There speakers will be there at other vendors rooms.
There's an Aussie crowd, SGR, who are little known outside of Australia who will be showing for the first time.


Be interesting to see what people think.

It will be interesting to see what the US folks think of SGR and their active speakers.

Also looking forward to how Dan D's long time coming Momentum pre amp is received, tone controls and all.
I have not felt any buzz about this year's show, but I have been pretty busy lately. Is it just going to be a yentafest for the industry insiders, or will we have some exciting new products announcements and introductions?

We all go to gossip. Thought that was common knowledge :confused:
I am looking forward to reading about the new, 5 years in development, Theta Prometheus.
I am looking forward to reading about the new, 5 years in development, Theta Prometheus.

Did Theta came up on their own with that name or did they simply borrow it from Ridley's latest flick's title?

Casa Nova is another flick's title.

Casablanca as well.


Citizen Kane? ;)

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