Does the xp25 sound better when both chassis sit on their own than stack on top of each other?
Wonder how it is different from their Xono that I have...
Kenny, could you describe how the XP-15 sounds different than the Xono? I have the Xono and am thinking about an XP. Thanks.
I had arranged a trade with Mark from Reno HiFi. He sent me the XP-15, but allowed me to hang on to the Xono for 10 days so I could compare them. After the first side of an LP through the XP-15, I knew there would be no going back to the Xono.
The XP-15 sounded like the Xono cold out of the box with one exception: it was much more open in the upper frequencies. The Xono sounded dark and dull in comparison.
As the XP-15 settled in, its lead over the Xono grew and grew and grew. The biggest improvement I'd have to say is in the reproduction of tone. Tones are far more natural with a tube-like bloom. The increased realism I have been hearing from acoustic instruments has been downright stunning - I'm still finding myself amazed.
The XP-15 also passes more information - particularly the low level stuff. It's also faster and more dynamic. And it's more transparent too - it does a better job than the Xono of getting out of the way of the music. Bass is better too.
I'm now listening to "Kind of Blue". Tone is so much more realistic than I've ever heard from this LP. Stunning really.
I am still really surprised that the XP-15 turned out to be so much better than the Xono. I wasn't expecting this big of an upgrade. The Xono was just not allowing me to hear all that my Lyra Skala could do.
Peter - I just noticed the photo of your turntable. Very nice. You should definitely think about upgrading from the Xono.
Thanks Kenny. That sounds like quite an improvement. I really like the many load options on the Xono, but I think it's time to consider the XP15 or XP25.
Hi Kenny: Noticed you are in Kirkland. Maybe we should get together. I am in Sammamish.
Anyone have anything else to say about this phono, how good it is? What did you replace or like it better than?