Blind Test Challenge Offered by Engineer on Audiogon

Ron Resnick

Site Co-Owner, Administrator
Jan 24, 2015
Beverly Hills, CA
I found today on Audiogon a very amusing and, to me, patently incorrect post from an electronics engineer:


I replied:

Unfortunately, the "blind test" will never happen, the ongoing discussions/debates/rants will continue between objectivists vs. subjectivists between those who will never justify/rationalize the expenditure of the kind of money we spend on this forum and from my perch, I have chosen to avoid these kind of confrontational debates.

I go through this with just about every "sane" individual, who could and will never accept what I spend in terms of dollars and time/effort into my system. When they hear it, on those rare occasions that they are actually open to the experience, they are blown away but still think it's crazy.

To most of the "non-believers" much of what we do is indeed "voodoo" and to be honest I can't blame them from thinking so. We are conditioned to accept and believe. We are living in an alternative universe to most of these people.
Unfortunately this type of arrogant and confrontational style prevents people from having civilized debates on most interesting aspects of the high-end, particularly on research of what is behind our preferences.
Unfortunately this type of arrogant and confrontational style prevents people from having civilized debates on most interesting aspects of the high-end, particularly on research of what is behind our preferences.

Ron, what will you do if he takes you up on your offer? As far as I know, your listening room has not been completed, nor has your system been set up yet. I think he was inviting you to a blind test of his system using different power cords and footers.

I interpret the poster's last full paragraph to refer clearly to a $3,000 to $5,000 "system" versus "quality of a system priced much more than that amount." I think my reply was directly responsive to his offer.

By the time the poster and I work out the details and select a panel of judges I think my system will be set up.
I found today on Audiogon a very amusing and, to me, patently incorrect post from an electronics engineer:
View attachment 43529

Ron, I'd ask you to forward this to Mr. Cakyol, but it's probably not worth your time:

Dear Cakyol,

You may an electronics engineer, but you are one closed-minded individual who appears to enjoy making claims that are so absurd they are actually entertaining and fondly reminiscent of Julian Hirsch (another unenlightened electrical engineer who was enthralled by what was measurable)

Here’s a little story that might cause you to reconsider some of your remarks. I’m not an electronics engineer, just a physician who was educated in an era when everyone knew unquestionably that ulcers were caused by stress and dietary factors. Ulcers were blamed on increased gastric acid and antacids and medications that block acid secretion became the therapy of the day. Then in 1982 two Australian physicians, Robin Warren and Barry Marshall proposed the heretical idea that a bacteria, Heliobacter pylori (H. pylori), and not diet or stress, caused ulcers. The medical community was very, very slow to accept their findings. But the story has a happy ending as they won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2005.

I would suggest that you might want to do the work required to prove your hypothesis. I encourage you to take up Ron’s challenge. Until then, the only award you will likely get from this community is the Dumb A** of the Year Award if for no other reason than for claiming you know what a dog cannot hear.
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This guy sounds like a poor man's James Randi.
All I can advise, Ron, is don't go near fuses or Mooks LOL.
I found today on Audiogon a very amusing and, to me, patently incorrect post from an electronics engineer:

Hello Ron

That's his opinion and is undoubtedly based on his experience. Maybe he just can't hear the differences. So in his mind you guys are the nuts. Not everyone listens to music the same way. And just because they don't listen the same way you do is no indication of the enjoyment they may feel while doing so. There are many people out there that are fine with Blue Tooth, computer speakers or Sonus and couldn't care less about soundstage proper speaker placement or all the other things we may make a fuss over.

I am suspicious of anyone claiming to be an "Electronics Engineer". There is no such thing. It's EE, electrical engineer at every university in the country.

This is the typical guy has had had limited experience and never heard a decent audiophile system. This would be an eye-opener for him I'm certain. Probably will never have the opportunity or make it happen. If he had any money, he would already know a few things. Likely a new graduate or someone working in a field that is less technical than his schooling. Might even be a recording studio guy or sound guy. These guys are notorious for knowing everything already and claiming that all expensive cables are just snake oil. I have tried to reason with them on other forums. Waste of time....

Steve N.
Well done, Marty! (Except I would edit out some of the gratuitous nastiness.)

I’d be happy to post this on Audiogon on your behalf!
Well done, Marty! (Except I would edit out some of the gratuitous nastiness.)

I’d be happy to post this on Audiogon on your behalf!

No need to post it Ron. He won't get it anyway. But you are correct. I really didn't mean to be nasty (not my style), but rather sarcastic as the ridicule was intended! I couldn't help myself! I did however, tone it down a bit, sort of.....:)

That's my long experience with them as well. They like to fancy themselves as protectors of consumers from charlatans and fools. They are self appointed knights of the realm of orthodoxy, as I like to say. They see themselves as righteous warriors, but they behave more as thugs, attempting to bully every forum they frequent into succumbing to their objectivist viewpoint exclusively. They are closed-minded and typically arrogant, which, I suspect, is why they cannot accuratly see their own state of mind. They are a tiresome lot who like to band together into forum gangs, running to each others defense, and rapidly parachuting into any discussion thread to quickly extinghish any spark of an open-minded explorative discussion.

It's not just that they claim to not hear differences in equipment, they will declare that neither does anyone else hear them. They say subjectivists hear differences they WANT to hear, without realizing that maybe they don't hear differences they DON'T WANT to hear. Since they don't trust their own ears, I always wonder how they select their system components. Logically, they should only select mass-market (read as: cheap) A/V application gear strictly by specification (which are, typically, uniformly beyond reproach), and by price. Otherwise, they are (surprise) hypocrites.
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Nice summary, Ken. Could not have said it better myself.

There are electronics engineers and electronics engineers. Like those who design high end crystal radios, and those who do better than that.
I think one of the problems is, is that there are a number of chalatons in high end audio (as with any business), so those outside of high end will tend to focus on those, and paint the entire industry with the same broad brush.

I post regularly on the music forums, and there is also a "protector of the audio uneducated" over there. He works at a recording studio in LA. He constantly claims, that $5000.00 is the most anyone ever has to spend on speakers, and that anything above that is a waste of money. He also claims, that room treatment will always make up for inadequacies in speakers. He's argued that a mediocre speaker will always sound better in a correctly treated room, than a very high end speaker in a normal living space. And that $5000.00 worth of multi channel speakers will always sound better than substantially more money invested in 2 channel.

Among his other claims are: all CD players/transports are comparable, a consumer level multi channel AV receiver will sound as good as any high end amp, there is no reason for any resolution above 44.1/16 bit.

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