Steve Jobs would fire swaths of people at Apple if he were still around


Oct 25, 2015
Eastern WA
So I've been enjoying my iPhone XS Max, but given that it is a smartphone, a mini computer, it's severely limited.

First it was the fact that I can't use any head phones I like. True they sell an adapter, but does it work? NO. Can I plug it into stereo equipment and using it as a mobile source? NO. Can I use it as a recording device for audio? NO.

They don't even make basic cables you would want. There's no such thing as a lightening extension cable. You can get them from aftermarket manufacturers but they don't work.

If you want to output anything you need a dongle. You need a big cancerous piece of shit hanging off the phone. Steven Jobs would have fired the first person to suggest that. It's the most regressive moronic, anti-apple thing to exist in modern times. The last thing they did this bad was making their computers incompatible with NTFS. Steve Jobs was about pushing Apple to be sleaker, slimmer, faster, integrated, and intuitive. A dongle is the absolute opposite of just that. Think about it, it's $50 for a dongle, and you can't even use an extension to stop it from hanging off your phone, meaning you have to have two cables go all the way to the phone to charge and use... Steve Jobs would be using a whip to drive out these idiots from Apple by the dozen.

In fact the lightening is being phased out this year, because it's been such a monumental failure. The new iPad already doesn't use it. The iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR will go down as a boil on Apple's face, remembered as lémons.
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I find it funny that new chameleon.
It might catch on in some countries like the United Arab Emirates and the United States of America.
Huawei has a nice one ... the Mate X, for only $2,600
I just switched last month to the XR. Coming form the 6s Plus, I don't see much of an upgrade. I do like the fact you can recharge wirelessly, since I had to replace the last one 3 times because the lightning port flaked out on me.
So I've been enjoying my iPhone XS Max, but given that it is a smartphone, a mini computer, it's severely limited.

First it was the fact that I can't use any head phones I like. True they sell an adapter, but does it work? NO. Can I plug it into stereo equipment and using it as a mobile source? NO. Can I use it as a recording device for audio? NO.

They don't even make basic cables you would want. There's no such thing as a lightening extension cable. You can get them from aftermarket manufacturers but they don't work.

If you want to output anything you need a dongle. You need a big cancerous piece of shit hanging off the phone. Steven Jobs would have fired the first person to suggest that. It's the most regressive moronic, anti-apple thing to exist in modern times. The last thing they did this bad was making their computers incompatible with NTFS. Steve Jobs was about pushing Apple to be sleaker, slimmer, faster, integrated, and intuitive. A dongle is the absolute opposite of just that. Think about it, it's $50 for a dongle, and you can't even use an extension to stop it from hanging off your phone, meaning you have to have two cables go all the way to the phone to charge and use... Steve Jobs would be using a whip to drive out these idiots from Apple by the dozen.

In fact the lightening is being phased out this year, because it's been such a monumental failure. The new iPad already doesn't use it. The iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR will go down as a boil on Apple's face, remembered as lémons.

Buy a Samsung :cool: I use the same cable to charge my Dell laptop and Samsung phone. Has a phone jack as well, and a better camera.
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I had one previously. I actually like the iPhone a lot but they need to be the company they are selling. People are drifting.

99% of iPhone users never use dongles so Steve Jobs would be mad only for selling dongles. He was always the fearless one. He never put USB port on his mobile devices including iPad which made everybody mad. He removed CD Drives from laptops and desktops when CD was still the popular medium. People were furious about these decisions. They were swearing they would never buy an Apple device again. He DIDN'T CARE a bit. He hated listening to customer needs. There was a certain way of doing things and that was the only way to do it. His car had no license plates. He never used a chauffeur, always parked on handicapped spaces. Never allowed HD sound on iTunes. He hated hated hated compatibility of 3rd party devices & services with HIS devices.

So yes he would be mad about even caring to make a dongle. He would just say "Don't care, don't use them with my device, don't care if you don't buy my device because of this.". I loved him for this attitude. So unique.
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I do feel like he’d be all about a single connector, or even none. But the dongle... no go, not in heaven or hell.

He was moving forward with those decisions, not backwards.
He was just what a company often needs, someone to push the future and tell others when something is dumb.
Henry Ford's once said: 'If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, “A faster horse!”' Jobs' take on the matter is: "People don't know what they want until you show it to them. That's why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page."

In 2007, people never asked for phones as complicated and as expensive as a computer.

Here is what Microsoft's boss Ballmer thought at the moment. He made fun of the idea of a 500USD phone. Nokia was making fun of Jobs. Seeing him as the mad guy a wannabe who doesn't know s**t about the phone industry.

Jobs way of doing business is not the safest or wise way. People like him take enormous risks. They are basically half mad (Jobs didn't treat his cancer medically until it is too late because he believed he can cure it himself). Usually they are destroyed in the market. Once in a while a guy like Jobs succeeds in a big way and they become heroes and as Jobs says "leave a dent in the universe".

99% of iPhone users never use dongles so Steve Jobs would be mad only for selling dongles. He was always the fearless one. He never put USB port on his mobile devices including iPad which made everybody mad. He removed CD Drives from laptops and desktops when CD was still the popular medium. People were furious about these decisions. They were swearing they would never buy an Apple device again. He DIDN'T CARE a bit. He hated listening to customer needs. There was a certain way of doing things and that was the only way to do it. His car had no license plates. He never used a chauffeur, always parked on handicapped spaces. Never allowed HD sound on iTunes. He hated hated hated compatibility of 3rd party devices & services with HIS devices.

So yes he would be mad about even caring to make a dongle. He would just say "Don't care, don't use them with my device, don't care if you don't buy my device because of this.". I loved him for this attitude. So unique.

You are mostly right with your enumeration. Another infamous attitude was the complete denial to the quasi Standard FLAC :rolleyes:
Only that I hated him for all that and never bought anything from the rotten fruit sect (again) :p
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He had God complex for sure. His official biography by Walter Isaacson is a great book to understand who the man is. He didn't eat. He managed to live only by drinking vegetable juice and fruit juice (possible reason for his cancer) and rarely a sushi. He literally cried during meetings when he was not approved. He was an outcast in a way. He was a genius. He changed music industry, phone industry, computer industry, tablet industry, film-animation industry (he found Pixar when he was fired from Apple). I can see that he is a person you can hate very very easily. He treated his colleagues like shit. Anybody that worked with him says the same thing "He is a cruel genius.". He was a very bad father for his first-born, denied her for years.

But I love people like Jobs. They are damaged souls that change the world. A sensible human with empathy and dignity would never go as far as these people. These people think they are gods so they act like gods. They are pain in the a** most of the time but they change the game. I always loved Apple products. I nearly own everything they sell. They are less crazy since Jobs died so there is less joy but still.

When you say you hate Apple and Jobs I can understand why. You have very valid reasons. But Steve Jobs will probably be mentioned in some kind of futuristic media 200-300 years from now as the crazy guy who changed how the world interacts.

Just a quick 1 minutes video to his legacy.

With love and respect.
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He had God complex for sure. His official biography by Walter Isaacson is a great book to understand who the man is. He didn't eat. He managed to live only by drinking vegetable juice and fruit juice (possible reason for his cancer) and rarely a sushi. He literally cried during meetings when he was not approved. He was an outcast in a way. He was a genius. He changed music industry, phone industry, computer industry, tablet industry, film-animation industry (he found Pixar when he was fired from Apple). I can see that he is a person you can hate very very easily. He treated his colleagues like shit. Anybody that worked with him says the same thing "He is a cruel genius.". He was a very bad father for his first-born, denied her for years.

But I love people like Jobs. They are damaged souls that change the world. A sensible human with empathy and dignity would never go as far as these people. These people think they are gods so they act like gods. They are pain in the a** most of the time but they change the game. I always loved Apple products. I nearly own everything they sell. They are less crazy since Jobs died so there is less joy but still.

When you say you hate Apple and Jobs I can understand why. You have very valid reasons. But Steve Jobs will probably be mentioned in some kind of futuristic media 200-300 years from now as the crazy guy who changed how the world interacts.

Just a quick 1 minutes video to his legacy.

With love and respect.
Maybe in addition he should also be declared holy :rolleyes:
So I've been enjoying my iPhone XS Max, but given that it is a smartphone, a mini computer, it's severely limited.

First it was the fact that I can't use any head phones I like. True they sell an adapter, but does it work? NO. Can I plug it into stereo equipment and using it as a mobile source? NO. Can I use it as a recording device for audio? NO.

They don't even make basic cables you would want. There's no such thing as a lightening extension cable. You can get them from aftermarket manufacturers but they don't work.

If you want to output anything you need a dongle. You need a big cancerous piece of shit hanging off the phone. Steven Jobs would have fired the first person to suggest that. It's the most regressive moronic, anti-apple thing to exist in modern times. The last thing they did this bad was making their computers incompatible with NTFS. Steve Jobs was about pushing Apple to be sleaker, slimmer, faster, integrated, and intuitive. A dongle is the absolute opposite of just that. Think about it, it's $50 for a dongle, and you can't even use an extension to stop it from hanging off your phone, meaning you have to have two cables go all the way to the phone to charge and use... Steve Jobs would be using a whip to drive out these idiots from Apple by the dozen.

In fact the lightening is being phased out this year, because it's been such a monumental failure. The new iPad already doesn't use it. The iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR will go down as a boil on Apple's face, remembered as lémons.

I haven’t been satisfied with apple products since Tim Cook’s takeover, I’m seriously considering a move to Samsung for the reasons you mentioned and a few more of my own. What I don’t care for mostly is the way they push you to upgrade with draining batteries and crashing software. Mac OS of their desktops has also taken a nose dive IMO, packed with useless features that become more complicated to work around with every upgrade.

I don't believe there's anything in audio that's made me swear more than IPhones and batteries.
You don't need to worry about Samsungs' battery. The phone will break and crap itself before the battery goes bad.

Android is a mess, same as Windows is a mess. MacOS is still an oasis, and so's iOS.

I replace Macs every 2 years and a phone ever year. Apple actually makes it easy for you to do so, with financing and special upgrade programs. Try that with a $1600 Samsung.

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