Innuos Statement: Nextgen vs Non-Nextgen


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2011
Hong Kong
Innuos debuted the flagship Statement server in 2018?

I wrote a short review about it on WBF in Jan 2019?

Innuos fans were so happy that a higher model was launched earlier this year : Statement Server with Nextgen Powersupply. gave told us the details here ? ... -gen-power.html?m=1

Up till now there is only one Statement Nextgen in Hong Kong.
I contacted the owner nicknamed Appe and he was so kind to move it back to the showroom of the local dealer for me to compare with the non-Nextgen model there. Even Volent HK, the local dealer hadn't yet performed such a comparison audition at that time.

Here were the two Statements playing music in Volent HK showroom. The one at the front was the newer Nextgen ?

The exteriors of Nextgen and non-Nextgen look almost the same, except the labelling stickers on the bottom of the unit.



The dc cables of this Nextgen are much thicker and with a bigger/more conspicuous logo.
It's upgrade dc cables made by Chord of UK.

Internally the diff is huge! o_O
The Nextgen got a much bigger toroid transformer.

There are fewer Mundorf electrolyte caps but the total value is 2x of non-Nextgen.
However the most eye-catching diff is the addition of two big chokes!
Innuos also mentioned that panzerholz and gel were placed underneath the above mentioned components to reduce harmful vibration.

Here is the interior of the PSU of non-Nextgen for comparison.

For the interior of the main unit of Nextgen, I saw a photo a month ago but didn't store it up.
I can only tell you that it contains more than twenty pieces of expensive Audionote UK Keisai caps?

The following components were used to compare the Nextgen vs non-Nextgen : Aqua Audio Formula xHD dac, Bespoke Audio passive preamp, Westminster Lab Unum monos & Volent speakers.

Simply speaking the Nextgen was better than the non-Nextgen in the following aspects ?
- Lower background noise. The soundstage was much "blacker". Was this the effect of the two big chokes?
- Lower blackgeound noise didn't mean that there was less air in the soundstage. In fact there was more normal ambient sound and air, making the soundstage bigger and more 3D.
- Both macrodynamics & microdynamics were improved, again most probably due to the bigger PSU power reserve.
- Nextgen got better bass and treble frequency extensions too.
- Innuos Statement had all along been characterized by its musicality and analogue-ness, so vocal & acoustic music are its specialties.
In contrast the Nextgen was more agile and allrounded thus more real-like. I guess this may be the effect of matching the faster Keisai caps with the mellower Mundorf caps.

In summary there are improvement in all sonic aspects of the Nextgen and adding them together the Nextgen is a big leap forward?

I personally think that the best CAS servers/streamers in the current market are still Taiko Audio Extreme Server and Wadax Audio Atlantis Reference Server.

But below these two titans and among the other less expensive flagship grade CAS servers, the Innuos Statement Nextgen is my favorite.
IMHO the Statement Nextgen is the best choice in that price range.

Innuos offers a Nextgen Upgrade service. However the non-Nextgen have to be sent back via dealers back to Innuos factory for the process.
The Innuos HK dealer told me that many of his non-Nextgen owner clients had asked them to arrange so.
In my opinion, this is well worth the upgrade & shipping cost needed.

WBF members who are non-Nextgen owners please ask your local dealers for a similar demo/comparison.
I'm very confident that you will agree with my views.
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I contacted a dealer, there is now a parts shortage. I have to wait a month to send in my Statement. So sad.

I upgraded the cd cables a year ago thru Chord and it was a definite plus. Do you know if these are the same or similar?
I upgraded the cd cables a year ago thru Chord and it was a definite plus. Do you know if these are the same or similar?
Westminster Lab makes upgrade dc cables for Lumin and MSB.

They also make upgrade dc cables for Innuos products.
Pls contact them.
Internally the diff is huge! o_O
The Nextgen got a much bigger toroid transformer.

Are you sure they change the toroid and supply new cables? The regulare Statement also have a 540VA toroid.

When I asked about the new design this was the replay and it is from a source that knows what he is talking about.

"The only original parts left of the standard PSU are the case and power inlet, the transformer and the umbilical cables."

Mine is supposed to go to Portugal at the end of August.

But it was nice to get a insight what differences one might expect @CKKeung
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View attachment 97124

Secondly the dc cables of Nextgen are much thicker and with a bigger/more conspicuous logo.
Will the future non-Nextgen has these new dc cables too?
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I contacted Innuos. They said the DC Cables are not part of the Nextgen upgrade.

I had upgraded the cables to the Chord cables a while ago, and the cable change alone was a significant lift in SQ. If I remember correctly, immediately there was a greater blackness.

I am wondering where the cables used came from and what their impact is one the benefits you heard and what the nextgen upgrade sounds like with the stock DC Cables.
I contacted Innuos. They said the DC Cables are not part of the Nextgen upgrade.
Hi RikkiPoo,
Did Innuos tell you the price of a pair of the newer & thicker Innuos dc cables?
Did Innuos tell you the price of a pair of the newer & thicker Innuos dc cables?

The cables that your picture show is not from Innuos the new Nextgen model ships with the same cable as the regulare one. Perhaps they are from a third-party manufacturer.

Sean Jacobs the man who designs the PSU for Innuos builds umbilical cables with Mundorf silver/gold wire and according to him they are a nice upgrade compared to stock ones.
The cables that your picture show is not from Innuos the new Nextgen model ships with the same cable as the regulare one. Perhaps they are from a third-party manufacturer.
Hi Octviars,
I contacted the Nextgen owner and Volent HK.
Yes, you are correct. Those thick dc cables are upgrade ones made by Chord of UK but not from Innuos.

Thanks for reminding.
I have also amended my review on #1 just now.
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Thanks for this. Looking into upgrading my Statement.
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Thanks for this. Looking into upgrading my Statement.
I've been waiting a month to send mine in. The dealer says there are parts issues and Innuos is not taking upgrade orders now.
I've been waiting a month to send mine in. The dealer says there are parts issues and Innuos is not taking upgrade orders now.

I ordered the upgrade in June and was at the begining told late August for upgrade that did not happen but today I got the shippinglabel and tomorrow my Statement goes to Portugal
Innuos debuted the flagship Statement server in 2018?

I wrote a short review about it on WBF in Jan 2019?

Innuos fans were so happy that a higher model was launched earlier this year : Statement Server with Nextgen Powersupply. gave told us the details here ? ... -gen-power.html?m=1

Up till now there is only one Statement Nextgen in Hong Kong.
I contacted the owner nicknamed Appe and he was so kind to move it back to the showroom of the local dealer for me to compare with the non-Nextgen model there. Even Volent HK, the local dealer hadn't yet performed such a comparison audition at that time.

Here were the two Statements playing music in Volent HK showroom. The one at the front was the newer Nextgen ?
View attachment 97122

The exteriors of Nextgen and non-Nextgen look almost the same, except the labelling stickers on the bottom of the unit.
View attachment 97123

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View attachment 97124

The dc cables of this Nextgen are much thicker and with a bigger/more conspicuous logo.
It's upgrade dc cables made by Chord of UK.
View attachment 97125

Internally the diff is huge! o_O
The Nextgen got a much bigger toroid transformer.
View attachment 97127

There are fewer Mundorf electrolyte caps but the total value is 2x of non-Nextgen.
However the most eye-catching diff is the addition of two big chokes!
Innuos also mentioned that panzerholz and gel were placed underneath the above mentioned components to reduce harmful vibration.
View attachment 97128

Here is the interior of the PSU of non-Nextgen for comparison.
View attachment 97129

For the interior of the main unit of Nextgen, I saw a photo a month ago but didn't store it up.
I can only tell you that it contains more than twenty pieces of expensive Audionote UK Keisai caps?

The following components were used to compare the Nextgen vs non-Nextgen : Aqua Audio Formula xHD dac, Bespoke Audio passive preamp, Westminster Lab Unum monos & Volent speakers.
View attachment 97130

Simply speaking the Nextgen was better than the non-Nextgen in the following aspects ?
- Lower background noise. The soundstage was much "blacker". Was this the effect of the two big chokes?
- Lower blackgeound noise didn't mean that there was less air in the soundstage. In fact there was more normal ambient sound and air, making the soundstage bigger and more 3D.
- Both macrodynamics & microdynamics were improved, again most probably due to the bigger PSU power reserve.
- Nextgen got better bass and treble frequency extensions too.
- Innuos Statement had all along been characterized by its musicality and analogue-ness, so vocal & acoustic music are its specialties.
In contrast the Nextgen was more agile and allrounded thus more real-like. I guess this may be the effect of matching the faster Keisai caps with the mellower Mundorf caps.

In summary there are improvement in all sonic aspects of the Nextgen and adding them together the Nextgen is a big leap forward?

I personally think that the best CAS servers/streamers in the current market are still Taiko Audio Extreme Server and Wadax Audio Atlantis Reference Server.

But below these two titans and among the other less expensive flagship grade CAS servers, the Innuos Statement Nextgen is my favorite.
IMHO the Statement Nextgen is the best choice in that price range.

Innuos offers a Nextgen Upgrade service. However the non-Nextgen have to be sent back via dealers back to Innuos factory for the process.
The Innuos HK dealer told me that many of his non-Nextgen owner clients had asked them to arrange so.
In my opinion, this is well worth the upgrade & shipping cost needed.

WBF members who are non-Nextgen owners please ask your local dealers for a similar demo/comparison.
I'm very confident that you will agree with my views.
Hello CKKeund,
I'm undecided between the Innuos Statement with Next-Gen PSU and Aurender N20/N30.
Did you get to compare them? What difference in sound signature?
What you preference?
Thank you,
Best regards,
Hello CKKeund,
I'm undecided between the Innuos Statement with Next-Gen PSU and Aurender N20/N30.
Did you get to compare them? What difference in sound signature?
What you preference?
Thank you,
Best regards,
Hi Gady,
Sorry, I don't have the chance to compare the N20/N30 directly against the Statement Nextgen.

Aurender is now not as popular as before in HK.
There are so many server/streamer competitors nowadays.

Please pm WBF member Quaddiffusor. He is a very happy N30 owner.
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Hello CKKeund,
I'm undecided between the Innuos Statement with Next-Gen PSU and Aurender N20/N30.
Did you get to compare them? What difference in sound signature?
What you preference?
Thank you,
Best regards,
I had the N20, N30, and the Statement NG all in my system side by side. For my taste Statement wins by a long shot. It has better clarity and precision which produces more believable color and timbre. It is also much more dynamic which results in much higher palpability in the music. Lastly the noise floor is lower so you can hear more micro details which again enhances the texture and gives a more complete window into the music.

The N30 in comparison has a thicker and more laid back sound with less dynamic range and less insight into the music. I can see how some vinyl fans might prefer this sound.

The best analogy I can think of is like watching or playing 4K HDR vs. 1080p SDR content.
I had the N20, N30, and the Statement NG all in my system side by side. For my taste Statement wins by a long shot. It has better clarity and precision which produces more believable color and timbre. It is also much more dynamic which results in much higher palpability in the music. Lastly the noise floor is lower so you can hear more micro details which again enhances the texture and gives a more complete window into the music.
The N30 in comparison has a thicker and more laid back sound with less dynamic range and less insight into the music. I can see how some vinyl fans might prefer this sound.
The best analogy I can think of is like watching or playing 4K HDR vs. 1080p SDR content.

This is a very interesting data point.
Did you compare with both local files and music from streaming services?

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This is a very interesting data point.
Did you compare with both local files and music from streaming services?


I did only streaming, mostly from Qobuz with 2 Buffalo GS2008 switches upstream. The DAC is MSB reference and amp is Boulder 1160.
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I did only streaming, mostly from Qobuz with 2 Buffalo GS2008 switches upstream. The DAC is MSB reference and amp is Boulder 1160.
I like this result, it gives hope that with streaming only the upcoming PULSAR performs similar.

I like this result, it gives hope that with streaming only the upcoming PULSAR performs similar.

I have spoken to Innuos about this topic because I was hoping the same. Unfortunately the clear answer given was that the Pulsar will not come close to the Statement Next Gen. Even though they share some parts, they are smaller and lesser version of them, with lots of other parts missing due to cost and space limits. The Pulsar manages to comes close to the original Statement which is an achievement on its own own. However as you read on all Next Gen Statement assessments, it is a huge leap over the original.
I have spoken to Innuos about this topic because I was hoping the same. Unfortunately the clear answer given was that the Pulsar will not come close to the Statement Next Gen. Even though they share some parts, they are smaller and lesser version of them, with lots of other parts missing due to cost and space limits. The Pulsar manages to comes close to the original Statement which is an achievement on its own own. However as you read on all Next Gen Statement assessments, it is a huge leap over the original.
This makes sense, otoh the Innuos rep at HE Munich 2022 told me that Pulsar and NG Statement would be about on par with streaming, maybe Innuos should offer their reps better training :cool:

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Has anyone compared statement next gen to aurender n20-n30?

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