Heart arithmetic at times


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
Ok so im not a dr and At present over weight
no heart or diabetes on either side of family
Gen’s back all good.
Bloodwork is near perfect except past two years
LDL is above normal yet total is below 200.
I am a runner for most all of my life
now just at the gym.
Past few months I now feel Mostly at night drums in my chest
no matter other symptoms
I am in the process of having to tests done
wearing a hart monitor past week.
dr heard it at his house office
it happens mostly at when I feel it at night in bed. After a a glass of scotch after a shot of two or
More but only an hour later dr said alcohol can do this.
Anyway any thoughts on this ?
im getting a bunch of tests done now.
do you feel tired? do you cough and have to sleep on incline? Have the they done an echo cardiogram?
First off ty Greg kind of youl
No don’t cough no incline
Have had a few echos done.
a leaky valve but within norm they say. Enlarged left top valve f my heart a med norma
i do have sleep apnea not do to weight but a combo
Of mouth and brain I use a machine
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This will sound like it’s completely out of left field, but how are your vitamin D levels? One of my docs has me take a 5000 unit supplement daily because I dont retain D. Don’t know if that's at all related but your listed symptoms look like a copy of mine. Regardless, I hope you feel better and soon! Kind regards, Scott
Oddly about ten years back I was advised to take vit d as well. perfect blood but low on this.
I was told as we age certain changes take place Vit d is common. I’m not lacking energy if I sleep well.
My resting heart rate is 70 or so sleeping below 70 avg 62
At the gym I get it up to 125 or so and it t goes right back at rest
now I do take concerta time release 108 Mg methylphenidate for my ADHD and 10 mg twice after 2 pm an hour or so apart
My heart rate does not increase when taking my meds
I don’t know how long this has been happening other than the night stuff.
i have a test getting done to see blood flow , stress and some other one.
The blood flow is not the one they do for blockage
it’s less invasive
they do use a med intravenously to enhance the scan
let’s see
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Have they suggested a Pacemaker/Defibrillator I don't know if it is indicated for Arrythmia.
Man I'm A lot of things but not a dr this is new to me-and ill Follow them but will get other opinions too.
I have no other symptoms and no blood clots so who knows.
I get the scans next week so hopefully this and ten days wirh a monitor gives them a better understanding
I am vaxed no boosters and I don’t do any yearly shots either.
let’s see lol
I have a pacemaker. It keeps my heart steady. So much so the nurses aid can guess I have a pacemaker when she takes my pulse.
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I’m ok if they advise , but I do feel the varying in speed is either more evident or getting worse
I went downstairs and then back up
I felt fine but big jumps in my chest
I asked my wife to feel my pulse
She said it was beating fast then just slowed down lol. who knows
There is no shame in a trip to the emergency room. My freinds life was saved because his doctor wife sent a paramedic to his car.
Wine may protect against coronary artery disease in some doses to some extent, but all alcohols can increase risk of rhythm disturbance.
See your doc and listen to them. Write down questions beforehand, take a support person, write down their answers and ask again if you don't understand.
Ok so im not a dr and At present over weight
no heart or diabetes on either side of family
Gen’s back all good.
Bloodwork is near perfect except past two years
LDL is above normal yet total is below 200.
I am a runner for most all of my life
now just at the gym.
Past few months I now feel Mostly at night drums in my chest
no matter other symptoms
I am in the process of having to tests done
wearing a hart monitor past week.
dr heard it at his house office
it happens mostly at when I feel it at night in bed. After a a glass of scotch after a shot of two or
More but only an hour later dr said alcohol can do this.
Anyway any thoughts on this ?
im getting a bunch of tests done now.
Do you check your blood pressure regularly? I had something similar for years and ignored it until one night I woke up feeling like someone was sitting on my chest. My BP was sky high and they thought I was having a heart attack (runs in my family). It turns out they THINK I had periocarditis (this is pre-Covid BTW. mid-2019) and put me on high blood pressure medication. Since then, no issues have returned.

When I was experiencing symptoms for years it was often at night that I felt similar "drums in the chest" and also arrhythmic heart beat. It was often worst after drinking or having strong caffeinated beverages shortly before bedtime.

My guess is you will see that you have high blood pressure and need to get it under control with medication. Not the end of the world but I have found that I need to be consequent with taking my medication or the issues return in a couple of days.
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I’m ok if they advise , but I do feel the varying in speed is either more evident or getting worse
I went downstairs and then back up
I felt fine but big jumps in my chest
I asked my wife to feel my pulse
She said it was beating fast then just slowed down lol. who knows
I had stops and big jumps (more like thuds) in the chest also until I went on medication. They weren't sure about the myocarditis (or periocarditis) in my case but they didn't have another good explanation for the incident that finally sent me to the hospital. Luckily, all my coronary arteries were totally clear (lifetime of sport and no smoking clearly helping).

You were vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna vaccines? There is clear documented data now that these increase the risk of myo and periocarditis and particularly if the person in question is obese.
Moderna two shot. I’ve COVID before the vax and after
Was never more then a few days flu feeling the shots were worse for me
I take blood pressure meds 20 mg enaperal and 12 of a water pill. my pressure is about 130 to 140
80 to 90 low number.
Due to sleep apnea I used a blood oxygen/ heart rate monitor to know I was ok on my machine
this is how I knew my heart rate is as low as 62
when I get up to use the bath room it’s a walk down stairs and back up. Heart rate jumps up to 90 or so
But quickly back down. as for chest drums im
Not sure how long it’s been going on. Dr said do as typically do until test results come in
I think big lifestyle changes are coming for me lol.
a big thanks to all posting here on this topic
Wine may protect against coronary artery disease in some doses to some extent, but all alcohols can increase risk of rhythm disturbance.
See your doc and listen to them. Write down questions beforehand, take a support person, write down their answers and ask again if you don't understand.
I most always drink at night and in bed no less.
nice read ty. it’s very predictable have a glass and about 1 to 2 hours later as alcohol wears off it happens. it lasts for maybe a min or so less most likely. if I drink more repeats it’s self in the same time frame.
What got my attention was st the drs office he listened to my heart no more then 30 seconds and
Said it just did it
Do you feel it ? I said no maybe im just used to how it feels. my blood pressure there was 130/80 heart rate 75 or so.
At the gym im fine and never gasping for air even when I get my heart rate to 140 of running on a burst where normal fast pace is 120
I know my drinking and eating is not good anymore.
I do drink daily but 2 to 4 shots in bed lol.
anyway thanks great read
Moderna two shot. I’ve COVID before the vax and after
Was never more then a few days flu feeling the shots were worse for me
I take blood pressure meds 20 mg enaperal and 12 of a water pill. my pressure is about 130 to 140
80 to 90 low number.
Due to sleep apnea I used a blood oxygen/ heart rate monitor to know I was ok on my machine
this is how I knew my heart rate is as low as 62
when I get up to use the bath room it’s a walk down stairs and back up. Heart rate jumps up to 90 or so
But quickly back down. as for chest drums im
Not sure how long it’s been going on. Dr said do as typically do until test results come in
I think big lifestyle changes are coming for me lol.
a big thanks to all posting here on this topic

There is, as already said, clear data that the covid boosters are linked with your symptoms Al, MRNA technology has never been used on a mass scale until now, so this is all new. I'm not suggesting this is the cause but it is worth looking into..

Keep well..
It maybe but can you Imagine the fights to begin
I won’t read the articles for one it’s above my pay grade next where lies the truth in what we read.
oct before COVID was announced I started getting fatigued and octal migraines.
I think in Feb my dr felt I had COVID based on my symptoms
it was a while before I had any shots and 3 months after Feb my dr felt I had it again
the shots did feel like what my dr was possible COVID
got COVID two more times I know of not long after the shots and confirmed by blood tests
it’s hard for me to blame the vaccines as I’m very hard on my body past 5 to 6 years very bad lol.
I do Ty all for posts and I do plan to ask my dr when tests are performed
PS I never got boosters just the 2 shots
I got the shots not for fear I don’t care when my end arrives
I was forced to by what I do , not the feds but living in nyc it was very hard to be around People and not be vaxed. anyway let’s let this play out and see what dr advises
7 days and the heart monitor fell off my chest
tomorrow is three tests
I bought an Apple ultra watch to help me.
so far it’s good but does not show any issues on ekg
But tonight I went up and down my stairs to upstairs 3 times as I kept for getting something
I then while heart rate was elevated 105 dud the ekg
as I’m doing it I feel my chest drums
I see the graph jump up two beats double the height and pushed closer in graph. I say aha I’ll see what it says. at end it’s says I’m fine lol. Wtf
Is there Settings im missing
my resting HR is about 65 most times
am I missing something?
yes a medical degree in cardiology. more importantly the ability to deal with a cardiac event in the field. chill out until you see the doctor.
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