DS Audio Ionizer

Great. It's "relative humidity" so depending on how cold it is outside, moisture will/will not form if the humidity is too high.
Another proof-point that there is actually no need for the ION-001 in a well humidified room.
So your point is - you either need a humidifier or an ionizer to avoid static, correct? Not everyone wants to run a large, noisy large - space capable humidifier, so what's the solution to avoid static? An ionizer. ;-)
So your point is - you either need a humidifier or an ionizer to avoid static, correct? Not everyone wants to run a large, noisy large - space capable humidifier, so what's the solution to avoid static? An ionizer. ;-)
Yes, but a humidifier has other benefits as well - numerous benefits - not just for vinyl playback ;).
I just installed a new Honeywell Electrode Steam unit (essentially the best one they make for homes), and it's less than half the price of the ION-001. And that does your entire home and sets humidity automatically. (Just sayin')
Since I already own the ION-001, I turn it on while brushing & centering the record, then it's off during playback.
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Yes, but a humidifier has other benefits as well - numerous benefits - not just for vinyl playback ;).
I just installed a new Honeywell Electrode Steam unit (essentially the best one they make for homes), and it's less than half the price of the ION-001. And that does your entire home and sets humidity automatically. (Just sayin')
Since I already own the ION-001, I turn it on while brushing & centering the record, then it's off during playback.
I have both a central steam humidifier (and geothermal heat which is less dry than gas forced air) and the Westek. Both are needed for me.
Yes, but a humidifier has other benefits as well - numerous benefits - not just for vinyl playback ;).
I just installed a new Honeywell Electrode Steam unit (essentially the best one they make for homes), and it's less than half the price of the ION-001. And that does your entire home and sets humidity automatically. (Just sayin')
Since I already own the ION-001, I turn it on while brushing & centering the record, then it's off during playback.
I would love a whole house humidifier.
I just popped in to mention a new audio specific ionizer from Zorin Audio. AS-2 ION is the freestanding one [poised over the surface of the record] and another [AS-1] is incorporated in with their air bearing tonearm I believe. It's a more reasonable price, but obviously some more inconvenience as you have to swing it over and away from the record to change.
I had good info from this thread and so was happy to add something to it!

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