2022 Academy Award Winners

Will Smith-Chris Rock contretemps obscures the bigger story: female Oscars hosts eviscerating “Me Too” earlier in the evening….
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I enjoyed the acceptance speeches by Questlove (“Summer of Soul” is outstanding) and the director of “The Queen of Basketball”, my cofavorite short documentary with”Audible”
I enjoyed the acceptance speeches by Questlove (“Summer of Soul” is outstanding) and the director of “The Queen of Basketball”, my cofavorite short documentary with”Audible”
I thought Summer of Soul was a fabulous documentary
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Howard Stern nailed it.
I can't stand Stern and his wokeness but he did get it correct. Last night was without doubt the epitome of what the Academy Awards have become. Its a total farce with wokeness prevailing. Will Smith was a total disgrace and his speech was so disingenuous as he pandered to the crowd telling us what God had commanded him to do with his life. Will is seen laughing openly at Rock's jokes until he sees his wife upset at the joke and how noble could it be to "fight for his family" just as his role in King Richard

No one in the audience did a thing and they quickly broke for a commercial as Bradley Cooper and Denzel comfort Will Smith.

Yes, sadly the golden era of movies and the splendor of the silver screen has long departed the Academy Awards . At least Will and Jada weren't together with their other lovers at the event as they sure wanted to show the world that they are "happily married"
I've been reading in the local LA papers here that the DA is still considering pressing charges

I cannot believe that the hall of Hollywood's finest sat and watched that and no one uttered a word and when he won the Oscar his speech made me want to throw up.
I can't stand Stern and his wokeness but he did get it correct. Last night was without doubt the epitome of what the Academy Awards have become. Its a total farce with wokeness prevailing. Will Smith was a total disgrace and his speech was so disingenuous as he pandered to the crowd telling us what God had commanded him to do with his life. Will is seen laughing openly at Rock's jokes until he sees his wife upset at the joke and how noble could it be to "fight for his family" just as his role in King Richard

No one in the audience did a thing and they quickly broke for a commercial as Bradley Cooper and Denzel comfort Will Smith.

Yes, sadly the golden era of movies and the splendor of the silver screen has long departed the Academy Awards . At least Will and Jada weren't together with their other lovers at the event as they sure wanted to show the world that they are "happily married"
Denzel helped will. Wow I’m surprised yet another ass I’ll dislike
Will Smith should be prosecuted for assault. He should have been removed from the theater immediately after the incident and someone else should have accepted his award so we wouldn't have had to listen to him babble on. Speaking of babbling on, why didn't they cut him off like they have others for many years in the past? His babbling caused the show to run over and me to miss CODA winning for best picture. (I didn't add enough extra time on my recorder)

If he isn't indicted then others will think it is open season on comedians.
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But was the slap incident real or staged - the true question!
I asked the same question. I've now seen the replay several times. When Rock first cracked the joke there is NO doubt Smith laughed. Then he looked at his wife who was not happy. That's when he bolted for the stage and did the slap. However when he sat down, you could see he was visibly upset when he told Rock to keep his wife's name out of his XXXX mouth. I mean after all, he did win the damn acting award a few minutes later!

Truth is, I have no idea if it was staged. It sure looked real. Was it just quick thinking that provoked Rock to make the wise ass comment "This is the greatest night in the history of television". That could easily have been part of the planned routine. But that is belied by the apology Smith gave in his excessively long acceptance speech. Again, he didn't get a Nobel for curing cancer but it was an acting award for goodness sake and he's a very good actor. Who knows.....?

In any event, it was pretty much a dud of a show full of self-aggrandizing people who think way too much of themselves. I also didn't see or hear of any of the nominees giving back their 6 figure amenity and gift bags to Ukraine charities, but maybe that's too much to ask.

And now totally off topic- was there anyone there dressed particularly well? When Amy Schumer is wearing a dress that looked like it came form Babies R Us, something is terribly wrong, but maybe that's just me. On the other hand, Penelope Cruz can wear a garbage bag and I wouldn't complain.

Very glad CODA won. A film of genuine humanity and triumph of the human spirit and very unlike a movie about toxic masculinity due to repressed homosexuality that is just the sort of film Hollywood loves.

I was most disappointed the Director award went to Campion. Especially when the best directed movie by Denis Villeneuve was not even nominated for the category. A well directed movie should make time seem as if it is flying by. "Power of the Dog" made it seem like my watch was broken for 2 hrs 6 min. Dune, at 2 hrs 35 min seemed like it was too short!
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I've been reading in the local LA papers here that the DA is still considering pressing charges

I cannot believe that the hall of Hollywood's finest sat and watched that and no one uttered a word and when he won the Oscar his speech made me want to throw up.
I hope they do press charges. No one should be able to get away with such a brazen assault in public and not have to answer for it. The Academy should have kicked him out of the building immediately. No leadership. The world has gone far too soft and woke.
I was most disappointed the Director award went to Campion. Especially when the best directed movie by Denis Villeneuve was not even nominated for the category.
Dune was magnificent. A pity the vinyl soundtrack is selling for $300 +
Will Smith should be prosecuted for assault. He should have been removed from the theater immediately after the incident and someone else should have accepted his award so we wouldn't have had to listen to him babble on. Speaking of babbling on, why didn't they cut him off like they have others for many years in the past? His babbling caused the show to run over and me to miss CODA winning for best picture. (I didn't add enough extra time on my recorder)

If he isn't indicted then others will think it is open season on comedians.
It's most unlikely that Will Smith will be arrested or indicted. Hell no one gets arrested in LA any more. Apparently the producers talked about having Will removed from the show and should he win the award would be accepted by in his absence by Chris Rock o_O
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I've been reading in the local LA papers here that the DA is still considering pressing charges

I cannot believe that the hall of Hollywood's finest sat and watched that and no one uttered a word and when he won the Oscar his speech made me want to throw up.
I like what you said Steve but I’m not a masochist to sit and watch this shit. I honestly don’t care about two guys getting into it, their business not mine but I do find this video entertaining! Macho Will Smith’s best is that little bitch slap and then like any woke cupcake he cries and talks about love, pathetic!

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NYT has an article today that goes "do the Oscars hold movies in contempt"

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