A Small Departure from c-j

Big Dog RJ

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2012
Greetings fellow audiophiles, distinguished guests and music lovers,

At this point in time, we are faced with a slight recession for the rest of 2015 across Australia, and may go well beyond early 2016.
I have returned to Melbourne, and now have to face the consequences of this slight downturn. Hence, I am selling off my entire system, lock stock and barrel in order to have a buffer to protect the family. My MV60se has already been sold, next will be the ACT2 and so on...
The system is displayed on Caxton Audio's website (www.caxtonaudio.com.au) under the trade-in tabs. All of it from cables, power cords to interconnects to the kitchen sink is going... very sad indeed, I could hardly part with the ACT2, especially after what wonderful music it delivered partnered with the MV60se. Therefore, my good mates at sound-reference and Caxton Audio have offered to help, and of course when all is going well again, I will get that GATpre and those ART amps one day...

Having said that, I still have my Quads, Rega turntable and the MAC cd player. I was lent a small integrated 300B tube amp from Jas-Audio, just to have something to listen to. Great little amp, this thing sounds marvelous driving the Quads. At just 8 watts of pure class A, it is very smooth and relaxing through electrostats.
It is no where close to c-j gear but for the money what it can do is remarkable! Manufactured somewhere in China, with some simple Chinese tubes, nothing fancy, this thing really sounds very good. Matches very well with the MAC and Rega, I must say the musicality is wonderful, and I don't see how other manufacturers price their gear so highly just to achieve this level of musicality. This amp is less than half the cost of any high-end gear out there. Jas-Audio has been trying to make a name in the high-end market. I strongly feel they should just keep introducing their products within the mid-end market and will someday take on the high-end by surprise.

Hats off to Jas-Audio, well done! And to those of you who are still enjoying your c-j gear, it is certainly one audio manufacturer that is truly passionate about "the music". Cheers to c-j fans and all enthusiasts. Enjoy your music.
That is no good RJ

I am sure you will get back on your feet sooner than you think.

In the meantime, enjoy the Quads with the JAS as they are still better than 99.5% of what everyone else has in this world.:cool:

Thanks mate, appreciate the encouragement.

I just don't know what it is but this has happened to me more than one occasion. Four times now since 2004. First it was when I had the mg20, then with the Wilson's, that was pretty bad nearly went homeless on that one. Then again with the Lamm's and now with the Quads! Might as well just stick to Bose. No pun intended to Bose fans but I remember when I did own two Bose systems, the 301 & 901, life was really good! Didn't have to worry about the economy or job security then...

Well I guess it's a matter of time when the Quads are sold off. I'm just trying to hang on to the Rega at least. I personally know many neighbors and fellow mates doing it really tough at the moment, at least now I need to set my priorities straight and make things right.

Life does teach some darn hard lessons. Can't have all the cake at once. Hard work and commitment will pay off but it's very discouraging when you give it 100% and business objectives have to be met so there goes staff cuts. It's happening all over the globe, I wonder how many families are able to cope.

At least I had an audio system which I'm able to carefully part with and be stable for awhile. The others, I just don't know how they get through. ..

Bye for now,
Hello RJ - It saddens me to read that you've had to unload some things, but I understand it as I've been in that very boat. You're doing the right thing though as the well-being of your family is more important than any hobby we engage ourselves in. Please be well and stay strong as better times will be upon you once again.
Hey Johnny mate, how you doing?
Thanks for that, I certainly learnt a lot from this lesson and turn of events. No uni or higher degrees teach you that!

By the way, how's your Paris tt going? Trust all is fine after that episode took nearly half a year! Great patience indeed...
Cheers mate, take it easy.
I'm doing well RJ. The Paris is performing like a dream and I love it. I'm in between cartridges at the moment though. Had to sell my Grado Sonata as I was getting the dreaded hum. Hoping to get a Dynavector DV20x2L shortly.
Hey RJ,

Tough selling off some of your CJ but family first is definitely the best reason and a 300B and quads sounds like a real nice fix in the meantime. Hang in there and hope things turns around soon for you again.

G'day mates! Graham & Trevor,
How you going? Trust all is well at your end of the woods and things running smoothly.

Yes, it was a bit of a set back...again! However, this time I became a bit more street smart, especially taking sound advice from the good wife. I really owe her a lot, she's always been there for us, and has so much tolerance to my craziness.
I decided to sell off the system since it still has good value. Once I get back on track I can re-build but this time round, I will be more focused on the simpler things. For example, this Jas-Audio 300B SE Class A integrated has really stepped up to the plate. It certainly cannot do all those special things that cj gear can but it certainly creates some magic with stats.

Therefore, I'm going to budget and focus on the entry-level to mid-end gear. I feel there is a whole lot of new products out there yet to be discovered. What's better still is these systems are designed by professional techs and musicians, so there's something more to just spending dollars. These chaps are passionate about their music, and they'll try to please the customer in any way possible. They are also very obliging towards dealerships/distributors, hence will work with any combination you ask for.

Some of the well known high-end chaps cannot do this, due to their rigid structures and business models. So this is certainly something of interest to me as a future project.
Will send in a few more updates as the next couple of months pass by. Till then take it easy and enjoy your music.
Cheers, RJ
RJ is back! and it "just sounds right"

G'day gentlemen, ladies and distinguished audiophiles/music lovers;

Looks like a miracle came through within just 8 days; had a lot of faith and back in the saddle. Started off with some very good projects, plus in a secure industry, health care & training & infrastructure. Including projects across the region (Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines & Australia). Great stuff indeed and good times ahead. I never knew this would come through, I was extremely depressed but held strong.

So, yes I just had to do it, I got back my ACT2 and although the Mv60se was sold off, I managed to get the Classic 60se - wow! Partnered with the Act2, this thing is phenomenal! I never expected this level of realism and control, plus the added advantage of new circuit design incorporating the KT120's. The MV60se was a fantastic amp, very well designed and built on a solid history of musicality. The original version used EL34's and "SE" version used 6550's. Then came along the KT120's and they were a drop in replacement for the 6550's but that's about it. The overall sound was improved along with a very good soundstage.

The Classic 60se take this to a different level. Designed around the KT120, it makes maximum use of this design, and wow does it deliver! The drum whacks are real "whacks", bass thumps are real thumps, and strings are razor sharp with unbelievable transient control. Never overwhelms the listening experience. There is simply just not enough words to describe this soundstage that I am experiencing, and the price was just right as well, nothing that would send you homeless...

Having said that, I must give some honest credit to the little awesome Jas-Audio 300B SE ClassA integrated that I was using temporarily. It is probably one of the most musical amps I have ever owned, and that midrange cannot be beaten. The same level of midrange, plus a whole lot of other wonderful attributes were experienced with the Lamm's driving my Quads few years back on a trip overseas. However, the price tag was close to a house.

On a fraction of that budget, getting that magical midrange and partnered with easy to drive speakers, I think the 300B is probably the best in terms of musicality.

Those special music enthusiasts out there, who are passionate towards "affordable" midrange magic with a well balanced presentation, should seriously consider Jas-Audio. On the other end of the spectrum, those looking for that state of the art sound but have realistic budgets (like me), look no further; I very very highly recommend the c-j Classic 60se.
Simply outstanding, well done c-j!

Cheers to all c-j ambassadors of sound.
Hey Big Dog,

Great stuff! I have been such a big fan of CJ for so many years. In fact, i have been so happy with my CJ, that, ironically, i have not been out there listening to much new equipment. So its nice to hear comments from others about other CJ equipment. Having enjoyed the old MV60 many years ago before venturing into the big Gryphons, I am glad to hear about your success with the new Classic. CJ really do seem to try to push the performance with each new generation of equipment.
Excellent news RJ and a big welcome back!:D
Cheers gentleman,
Thanks for your welcome. It was extremely difficult times after that july 21st day of misery. I headed back home and just hugged the family. The way they looked at me was like "oh no Not again. .." but this time was different. I knew if I sprang into action and started selling off the one thing I love the most, I'll be able to bounce back.

I just didn't expect it to happen so quick and effectively. So for the better, I sold off the amp and bits and pieces of interconnects, power cables, sort kones etc. Just aftet the 5th Aug, things suddenly sparked up. New projects started to fall from the ceiling, so to speak, and so I went on my own. With my very supportive network, managed to close some fantastic agreements in long-term projects. So that's a good thing because this will certainly keep the faith.

Another thing is that I have decided this time, to focus on realistic budgets when it comes to my passion for music. Therefore, I couldn't have it any better, having the Act2 back, and especially the new classic60se. What a pristine musical instrument!

Enjoy your music everyone and look after the loved ones. A very special cheers to all.
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Great stuff! Congrats again. I have to ask...how close did the Classic come to the Lamm? And did you compare any of CJ's other amps to the Lamm? Curious as to how the ART amp compares. Thanks for any insight!
Hey mate how's it going?

I had posted a note before, and was trying to edit it due to spelling errors whiles commuting on the train back from work, and the whole thing deleted instead... these are my fantastic IT skills!

Anyway, just to recap what I stated in a nutshell for those who missed out:

I am happy to report that the Classic 60SE is sounding superb! Since acquiring the amp in Aug/Sept, it certainly took a while to settle in. Excellent traits so far:
1. Increased depth, and scale of soundstage, with added weight of full spectrum, from top to bottom (no sweat in the presence of sound).
2. Soundstage has fully opened up, making the Quads completely disappear, not necessary to sit in a sweet spot either to enjoy the music.
3. The highs to mids are extremely smooth, puts me to relax to the fullest, eventually causing a good snooze...
4. The bass is tighter and well controlled, with a top notch quality in mid-range to bass, having a more apparent balance in scale & imaging.
5. Partnered with the ACT2 the overall synergy is fully satisfying, I have basically nothing to complain about, other than the Classic 60 still looks butt ugly without the cover.

From this combination, I don't see any point of upgrading either component, unless coming back to Lloyd's reply, that I found the midrange of the cj to me can only be bettered with the Lamm's that I did hear on the very same Quads. The Lamm's midrange is something very hypnotic. That SE tube midrange magic cannot be beaten in my opinion. However, I am not sure if this is the case on every type of speaker system. I can only comment that the ML2's driving the Quads were superb in terms of musicality and refinement in the midrange. Anything from vocals, strings, piano to mid bass, with a superb "musical bottom end" was just stunning driving the Quads.

For a fraction of the cost, the Classic 60SE would obviously appeal to a larger market. The Lamm's are not for the majority of budgets out there, and I for one am certainly not looking at Lamm's anytime in the near future. By the time I could afford a pair of ML 2's or 3's I'd probably lose my hearing...

Whereas the ART amps are concerned, these are far more affordable than Lamm's but this is not the same league to make a comparison. I guess you could compare it this way:

1. If you wanted more dynamics and drive with SOTA, the ART amps are probably the answer; musicality, drive, effortless power and superb dynamic handling- can drive anything out there, offering a stunning soundstage which is quite remarkable when properly set up. I would probably start saving and settle for an ARTSA version, plenty of power for Quads.

2. If you are after total musical bliss, hours of endless midrange pleasure to the core, with superb Class A operation and with the right load, Lamm is the choice, and it WILL deliver true musical bliss. Similarly to cj, the Lamm's have that enveloping sound, sort of hugs you from all sides and immerses you in total musicality, so you actually listen and enjoy your music without worrying about the way it is produced from whatever component. The only major difference that I found when driving the Quads was that the Lamm's had more of that warmth hugging feeling, and once you're hooked, it is so hard to look back.

3. If you have the extra dollars and can afford it then why not go for both! I would expect the GAT and Lamm's to be the ultimate in pre-power synergy, I know it worked wonders with the ACT2. To me the ART amps are like a modern Bugati Veyron or Bentley that needs plenty of room to drive at full throttle on a Sunday afternoon, obviously no traffic and open roads to unleash it's full potential. The Lamm's are like an absolute classic, like a half a million dollar Jag or soft-top Rolls that needs to be enjoyed on another Sunday afternoon. So the answer to that would be have a big enough garage to house all four types of cars!

What I will do is this though, after having experienced what the Classic 60SE can do for what it's worth, it is an outstanding amplifier and gets better as you partner it with top-notch preamps. It is definitely one of those rare pieces that you must keep in your system no matter what, and it is one item that I will be keeping. To top this performance, I would go for the ARTS; at the moment the Quads really don't need anything more than what it's getting.

The ART amps are definitely SOTA in every aspect of the word, and I can confidently say the ARTSA is well positioned in this league of SOTA at a somewhat affordable price point compared to the Lamm's. Having said that, the Lamm's won't drive anything out there either. SE power is not an ideal match for reactive loads or stubborn loads, for that matter the solid state ML series would suit better but then the mighty ART amps take the podium here.

As you can see, I was having a tough time to decide which one is better. Of course when it comes to budgets, the choices are limited. I can state that those who are considering the Classic 60SE version, I very highly recommend it, and must be run in for at least a few months to experience a remarkable world of musicality. After all, it is a true Classic indeed!
Cheers to cj on this one, well done once again.
Thank you! A long and enjoyable read! Sorry you had to redo it! Been there...

...sounds like i really need to hear Lamm magic someday...particularly their SETs. I nearly went for the ML 2.2s due to a special opportunity. I went with Gryphon only because (as you say) i wanted long term optionality to drive a speaker that required more current, higher power. But would still love to hear Lamm magic, particularly since it is considered to be particularly magical with big Wilsons.

Great to read that the cj's are back. Mated with the proper cables, cj's can be magic. My best ever listening session of the Richard Strauss "Four last songs" with Elisabeth Schwarzkopf was in a cj system. Although I have listened to electronics sounding different and better in some aspects, some cj's can have a coherency that is hard to beat. They will not have the wow effect of many modern electronics, but in the long time they are really excellent.

Great to read that the cj's are back. Mated with the proper cables, cj's can be magic. My best ever listening session of the Richard Strauss "Four last songs" with Elisabeth Schwarzkopf was in a cj system. Although I have listened to electronics sounding different and better in some aspects, some cj's can have a coherency that is hard to beat. They will not have the wow effect of many modern electronics, but in the long time they are really excellent.

Micro - you have kindly shared your tremendous CJ experience with me over the years. I am practically a newbie in comparison to your vast experience, but after 15 years, i can say that CJ have worked very hard (and excelled imho) at creating long-lasting pieces that are balanced for a sound that (for those who like CJ balance like me) can happily live with for years and years. In my case, for 15 consecutive years.
No double gentleman, no doubt.
No matter what, at the end of the day, you need to relax and really enjoy your music. Apart from the loudness of a live performance, which a few ultra high end systems claim to achieve, which is absolute bollocks, the majority of good highend systems do give you that musical enjoyment. It's that we are so caught up in trying to achieve the ultimate that we tend to forget to enjoy the music, like back in the old days when the NAD system was super fine. I really enjoyed my music. Now I just appreciate what I have and enjoy it to the fullest!

I can also proudly say that I have hit the 100 mark in lp's and still counting. I am to pick three new lp's of Grant Green this Saturday, so that'll be 103 and counting. I still do listen to cd's and enjoy them very much, mainly because I'm enjoying the music.

Cheers to all, RJ

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