Antileon Evo paired with Tube linestage ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2014
Anyone tried to match an Antileon Evo with a good tube linestage : Aries Cerat, Nagra, VAC or others come to mind ?
I'm looking at this option for my next upgrade down the road.
Tube linestage budget not more than 20k.
As you know, I was a huge CJ/Gryphon fan for 11 years consecutively. CJ GAT 2 is certainly within your budget if you go demo, discount and certainly 2nd hand. It is a surprisingly neutral, linear response in my experience...far from the stereotypical CJ of old with its wonderful (but colored) golden hue. That said, like many of the today's true reference standards, the CJ GAT 2 manages to create tonal purity and natural organic qualities without using artifice/color to do so.

Do keep us posted...what a great pairing you are on your way to finding!
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As you know, I was a huge CJ/Gryphon fan for 11 years consecutively. CJ GAT 2 is certainly within your budget if you go demo, discount and certainly 2nd hand. It is a surprisingly neutral, linear response in my experience...far from the stereotypical CJ of old with its wonderful (but colored) golden hue. That said, like many of the today's true reference standards, the CJ GAT 2 manages to create tonal purity and natural organic qualities without using artifice/color to do so.

Do keep us posted...what a great pairing you are on your way to finding!

As you know, I was a huge CJ/Gryphon fan for 11 years consecutively. CJ GAT 2 is certainly within your budget if you go demo, discount and certainly 2nd hand. It is a surprisingly neutral, linear response in my experience...far from the stereotypical CJ of old with its wonderful (but colored) golden hue. That said, like many of the today's true reference standards, the CJ GAT 2 manages to create tonal purity and natural organic qualities without using artifice/color to do so.

Do keep us posted...what a great pairing you are on your way to finding!
Yes i recall you were using your Mephisto with the GAT 2, CJ make some really good linestages indeed.
Nagra Classic preamp would be a good option for a very delicate refined sound.
If more meat on the bone is wanted AC Impera ll would be a good choice but do we need that much meat with an Antileon Evo ? not sure about that.
Thrax Dionysos would also be a very good contender, i've heard it paired with the Mephisto and it was spectacular.
Swapped my VAC Signature linestage with a gentleman who owns a Mephsito that drives a pair of Tidals. He says it is very holographic compared to his Soulution 520 and loved the sound. I swapped the VAC for a Soulution 511 as I needed the amplifier.

VAC linestages work very well with solid state amplification. I still miss the VACs but love the Soulution sound overall.
Swapped my VAC Signature linestage with a gentleman who owns a Mephsito that drives a pair of Tidals. He says it is very holographic compared to his Soulution 520 and loved the sound. I swapped the VAC for a Soulution 511 as I needed the amplifier.

VAC linestages work very well with solid state amplification. I still miss the VACs but love the Soulution sound overall.
VAC and Aries Cerat are my favorite tube linestages.
If i recall VAC linestages don't have a remote ?
VAC and Aries Cerat are my favorite tube linestages.
If i recall VAC linestages don't have a remote ?
They do have simple remote.
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Right now I'm using Gryphon Zena temporarily until Pandora replacement comes out next year. I was pleasantly surprised how good the Zena is. It might miss a bit of the Ref 6 midrange magic but overall it opens up everything considerably. I was hooked on tube preamps for the last 25 years but from now on I'm going with all Gryphon.
Right now I'm using Gryphon Zena temporarily until Pandora replacement comes out next year. I was pleasantly surprised how good the Zena is. It might miss a bit of the Ref 6 midrange magic but overall it opens up everything considerably. I was hooked on tube preamps for the last 25 years but from now on I'm going with all Gryphon.
Oh I see. Thanks for the quick reply.
No one has confirmed it. I’ve heard that is a likely time.

Interesting, where did you here that? In April this year Rune Skov stated on this forum that the Pandora and Mephisto will stay in production.

The Pandora was announced in 2011. The commander was announced in January of 2022 at which time Gryphon stated that the Pandora would remain in production. By October of 2024 it will have remained “in production” for nearly 3 years. I did not take from Runes announcement that it would remain in production forever only for a reasonable time frame which it has. The person who told me also told me about the Commanders price and availability a year before it was announced so I have some faith in them. Things may have changed and Gryphon may go in a different direction. Who knows? I wasn’t trying to make an announcement. I was only responding to a question about preamps with my choice and my reasoning.
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Thanks for that.
I feel Gryphon preamps are underrated.
Not surprised that you like the Zena.
Sounds like you have a good source for information.
Keep us posted.
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The Pandora was announced in 2011. The commander was announced in January of 2022 at which time Gryphon stated that the Pandora would remain in production. By October of 2024 it will have remained “in production” for nearly 3 years. I did not take from Runes announcement that it would remain in production forever only for a reasonable time frame which it has. The person who told me also told me about the Commanders price and availability a year before it was announced so I have some faith in them. Things may have changed and Gryphon may go in a different direction. Who knows? I wasn’t trying to make an announcement. I was only responding to a question about preamps with my choice and my reasoning.

Thanks, as per Down Under, it would be interesting if you hear any more. I had an Essence pre and power before changing to Pandora and Mephisto - both very good IMO but I really did like the Essence, which is the same as Zena if I understand correctly?
Well the Essence pre and the Zena are the same with cosmetic differences. I really like Pandora. I listened for several hours going back and forth with Commander. I was surprised how well the Pandora showed.
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