Audio Smoke and Sparks Force Truth


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
Jersey Shore- waterside
Honesty From Sparks and Silence

Six weeks ago I was in audio nirvana. I had received my new piano black Vivid G3’s and was thrilled. I had aspired for the Wilson Alexia’s, but did not want to spend the money and loved my Martin Logan Montis with Shunyata Alpha Digital power cords. I had just finally broken in my Triton V2 and was simply thrilled. But when I had a chance to listen to the G3’s at some length at the Shunyata factory last April, something happened to me--- I heard a cohesiveness of drivers that I had never heard before that said “real” and “believable”. I was in audio love.

So what does one do when in audio love, you bestow jewels and gifts upon your loved one, which I did by buying the G3’s, buying a Shunyata Sigma HC PC for my Triton V2 to replace an Alpha HC and another Shunyata Sigma Analogue to replace a Zitron Anaconda, which I planned to move to my amp.

The G3’s are unlike any other speaker I have tried to voice and I was a total novice and figured it would take at least a month to get them somewhere close to right, especially with the upcoming addition of the two new power cords.

And then it happened---I moved one of the speakers with the amp on. This means nothing unless you have seen the speaker terminals on Giya’s. There is no room for anything, much less spades and jumpers for the four terminals. Below is a picture of the best I could do, which took 1 hour per channel. A disaster waiting to happen because there is not enough floor clearance for MIT spades.
G3 spade.jpg

One loud hum and smell of very expensive smoke and some arching and I was down. That was more than 6 weeks ago because Spectral is meticulous in everything they do and they do it at their own pace.

The amp returned yesterday, but in the process I changed my MIT speaker wire from HD 60 spades to MIT’s new line SL Matrix 90 biwire at considerable cost to insure no repeat of the previous experience and because allegedly with my new substantially better speakers, the upgrade would be instantly obvious and incredible after break-in, not to mention safer as seen below.
G3 biwire.jpg

Today after very careful reconfiguration of just about everything due to the need to move my amp since the new speaker wires are 8 feet and not the 12 feet of my HD 60’s, which meant moving the Triton and Typhon so all of my expensive PC’s reach. So every connection had to reanneal.

So when I just powered up and sighed a huge breath of relief that I did nothing to the speakers when the amp blew and dodged sending them back to S. Africa for repair, I am now left trying to figure out what sounds what and how did my new investments pay off.

There cannot be any bias here because I am totally confused as to what is causing what other than I have music again. So my mishap is going to make me the most honest I have been with my system in a long time. I expect it will take at least a month for me to figure things out, but even then all I will know is if I like the net result.

It strikes me that this audio event is a weird example of audio paralleling life. Like my speaker, several weeks ago I tried to shift some relatedness in my long-term relationship with my girlfriend to what I thought would be better for both of us. She did not agree with my plan on the first day of our trip to improve our relationship and three copperhead snakes intervened and bit her (the real-life version of the spades shorting), sending her to the ICU and ultimately shutting down our relationship, as the Spectral shut down my system.

Of course there were problems with both scenarios, but there seems to be a motto or at least a lesson that applies to both---be careful with what you have because hasty changes could make things less good.
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Wow, looking at the way one is expected to connect speaker cables to your Vivid's is a surprise! Almost criminal to expect one to have to connect cables to a speaker in such a fashion.
At least you're up and running, awaiting the horrible winter they say is on its way compliments of El Nino. I know its too early to tell, but how is the Spectral handling the Vivids? I don't think I've ever seen Vivids being driven by Spectral, so really interested in the sound. I'm currently driving Magicos with Constellation's latest, and itching to get my paws on a 300RS for comparison.
Enjoy the system- Its got to sound awesome!!

The Spectral is thrilled with the Vivids and sounds incredible. I cannot believe how loud the G3's will play with the 260 compared to what the ML's would do. I realized that I had one of the speakers wired backwards with the high's to the wrong set of terminals. I just reversed it and it sounds even better. The speaker wire is brand new and thus no where close to what it should be. I think I know the 300 RS quite well because I have listened extensively to Marty's 400's and we have many common components. It should be incredible because the Vivid's reveal midrange and subtle cue detail unlike anything I have ever heard.

I love Spectral amps because of their speed and tonal balance. Sometimes I think that they are a bit analytic when paired with Spectral preamps so I use a tube preamp with low output impedance with no problems. I also do not know what to make of the speaker wire since it is brand new to me and MIT, but I can already state after just several hours that the sound is ultra smooth, yet incredibly articulate. There is just something very special about the Vivid's with regard to the accuracy of the high's and midrange and the transition from the mid bass to the bass. I am also running two JL F113's physically set back several feet so that they are not in the way of the side firing woofers.

I will keep you posted, but am extremely happy thus far and things should improve considerably.

The Spectral is thrilled with the Vivids and sounds incredible. I cannot believe how loud the G3's will play with the 260 compared to what the ML's would do. I realized that I had one of the speakers wired backwards with the high's to the wrong set of terminals. I just reversed it and it sounds even better. The speaker wire is brand new and thus no where close to what it should be. I think I know the 300 RS quite well because I have listened extensively to Marty's 400's and we have many common components. It should be incredible because the Vivid's reveal midrange and subtle cue detail unlike anything I have ever heard.

I love Spectral amps because of their speed and tonal balance. Sometimes I think that they are a bit analytic when paired with Spectral preamps so I use a tube preamp with low output impedance with no problems. I also do not know what to make of the speaker wire since it is brand new to me and MIT, but I can already state after just several hours that the sound is ultra smooth, yet incredibly articulate. There is just something very special about the Vivid's with regard to the accuracy of the high's and midrange and the transition from the mid bass to the bass. I am also running two JL F113's physically set back several feet so that they are not in the way of the side firing woofers.

I will keep you posted, but am extremely happy thus far and things should improve considerably.
The 260 is a sweetheart of an amp! Good luck and happy listening. I must say, those are some crazy speaker connectors!
Try change the speaker wires in a G1..turn those suckers on their sides.....

I have a manufacturing concern and am developing a mini plinth made out of 1" acrylic with a breakout box for mine that will allow much easier speaker connections..tho I dont plan to change my wires but do want to mess with biamping
I use munsdorf silver ribbon with bananas as speaker cables and use the same for the links

The vivids make every listening session an experience....easiest way to describe their "sound"
Try change the speaker wires in a G1..turn those suckers on their sides.....

I have a manufacturing concern and am developing a mini plinth made out of 1" acrylic with a breakout box for mine that will allow much easier speaker connections..tho I dont plan to change my wires but do want to mess with biamping
I use munsdorf silver ribbon with bananas as speaker cables and use the same for the links

The vivids make every listening session an experience....easiest way to describe their "sound"

I have heard the G1's on several occasions, fantastic speaker. BUT, to have to hook up cables in this manner, well it is a major design flaw, IMHO.
That was some story Russ. Did not see that last bit coming with snake and girlfriend! Hope there is fun and enjoyment in the future regardless.
the under the speaker connections were a design decision, to keep the sleek and "hidden wires" look
Pain in the butt for those wanting to mess with cables etc..but according to vivid most customers will do a set and forget re cables.
If you REALLY want to fault the speaker , the grilles are even more useless , the mesh has sharp edges and can slide off from its magnetic mounting scratching the speaker.. I have actually blown the woofer meshes off.. the woofers have a 2" excursion *total* so leave them off.. and risk dents..the drivers are fragile and probing fingers will ruin them , luckily replacing a driver is cheap.. the tweeter costs $150 to replace , they take your old tweeter back , swap it out for a new one and then replace the diaphragm of the broken one..
the under the speaker connections were a design decision, to keep the sleek and "hidden wires" look
Pain in the butt for those wanting to mess with cables etc..but according to vivid most customers will do a set and forget re cables.

I guess I am one of the few here who like the way the cable interface on these speakers is designed. They look better imo because of this and just from practical considerations I like the idea of the cables coming out at floor level rather than coming up from the floor to plug / connect to a set of external terminals some distance up from the floor. I know my cat loves doing sprint laps of the house including round the back of my hifi and the more cable that sits at floor level the better. It would not bother me that I would have to have these speakers on their sides to connect the cables, but then again I'm a big and loyal fan of Wireworld Reference cables and top of the line Audioquest stuff so tend to buy cables once and I don't experiment further after that (no need to - I have total faith in both companies to produce excellent stuff).

PS: the snake bit sort of eclipsed everything else in this topic anyway. I went to research copperhead snakes. Don't know about the US variety but the Australian ones are extremely venomous. And three of them!!??
What is the point of bypassing the x/over? It means you have to implement an active X over and dickies work in designing the x over for his speakers and drivers is null and void.
Why would Vivid refund someone that messed up their amp cos they did a heath robinson on connecting to the speakers terminals a..I and many others have managed to connect up without blowing an amp.
So Rodney, what happens if you want to apply some sort of control to the woofers via vertical biamping and perhaps tentative Deqx or Trinnov dsp to the bass?
My Zus have separate on board Class D amps to their downfiring subs, and ability to tailor via sub cut off/level/phase etc
I can't imagine going back to spkrs where there is no bass/subs tailoring.

Re thes spkr terminals, what a Royal PITA, heavy spkrs are hard enough to negotiate w/out adding extra torture tests.
you can biamp the speakers.. the crossover is splittable.
The sound of these speakers is dictated to by the whole.. not by thinking you are better than the designer and bypassing the x over and then doing a dsp based quad amp on them (4 ways). I use DIRAC and Acourate with mine , without bypassing x over .. and it works real well

Changing cables is a PITA .. but writing off the speakers because of this is beyond the pale..
No Rodney, I wouldn't write them off re this, but I wish engineers would consider the ergonomics/handling of high end audio a bit more.
I used to run a simple Michell Orbe tt/SME V tonearm, w/a 90 degrees angle tonearm cable socket deep set into a tiny opening in the plinth/armboard.
I just could NEVER get correct purchase to change cables, and had to rely on a female riend w/smaller hands and better manual skills to do the changing for me. As a guy, I had NO chance.
A slightly bigger aperture, no problem.
It just seems w/the G1s, to have to rely on a second pair of hands to change cables necessitating placing the spkrs on their sides, seems a TAD overcomplicated.
no one is disputing that turning over 150lb G1's is not a single handed operation or a pain in the ass...
I only have 2 women in the have to call one one my own audiophile pals to help.
Just trying to uncrate the speakers is a herculean task..
Not too easy to use spades on the Devialet either...
I made a jury rigged breakout box .. and tried various cables , biwiring/iamping with various amps and DRC on the bass etc and settled for a single wire cable made out of Munsdorf silver ribbon.. so no need to turn over again.. they fixed for now.. I dont intend to change in the near future.

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