Best Solution to connect for streaming Online music via Qobuz


Feb 28, 2024
Southern California
Hello all. I am glad to meet you ‘electronically’. I thought to myself, this would be a great place to ask for guidance. Live in Peralta Hills Cali. so greetings to the locals, and to all.

My situation is as follows;

Home Network - Spectrum Modem using Netgear Nighthawk router. Given the size of the house, which was custom built in 1978 with thick walls, heavy wood and proper plaster drywall throughout, wi-fi signal quality was not a slam-dunk. To address the problem of wi-fi signal strength, I utilize an Eero mesh solution, with the primary module connected via ethernet to the Nighthawk sending signal via wi-fi to an additional 5 Eero modules throughout the house and guesthouse. To clarify, the Spectrum modem is located at one side of the house, and at too long a distance to mess with ethernet connection to the audio system, which is located more in middle of house on a second floor room initially conceived as a large gaming/ billiard/ entertainment room, but which is repurposed as an audio/ cinema/ sitting room.

I am considering moving the Spectrum modem to that audio room to accommodate direct ethernet connection to the streamer. As I have it set up now, my hi-fi digital streaming source is the EverSolo DMP-A6 Gold Signature Edition, modest but surprisingly good for such a modest outlay. While the internal DAC is very good, I still like what the Auralic Vega (V1) does. The Eversolo DMP-A6 has phenomenal detail resolution, yet I perceive the Vega to flesh out the whole presentation with a bit more timbral substance. Not huge difference, but I think worth using it. The EverSolo feeds the Vega via USB. Vega feeds either integrated amps or preamp/ amp via older SPM Reference 1mtr interconnects. Amps connected via Nordost SPM Reference 5mtr length speaker cables drive the speakers.

My question to this august body;

As streamer is connected to internet via ethernet cable connected to an Eero module, which itself is receiving data via Wi-fi, and given that I control the streamer‘s setup/ input-output parameters, and select tracks using my EverSolo application, which has Qobuz as one of its streaming service options whic if i understand correctly, uses Airplay, does that mean the stream maxes out at 16/44? Do I gain a benefit of full signal resolution up to 192khz ( a good number of recordings on Qobuz are such hi-res files) by connecting the iPad directly to the EverSolo via USB? It would require a 5mtr USB to do it. It would also require an adapter to convert the Apple connector cable (older iPad) to new USB into the EverSolo.

Another question if I may;

would it benefit me at all to use a Wyred 4 Sound Recovery (reclocker) in the proposed scenario above? Would the EverSolo’s performance benefit from making sure the incoming signal is bit perfect?

Grateful for any suggestion /guidance. I know its very convoluted lol!
Welcome to WBF. I’m in SoCal with Spectrum too. I don’t have any experience with the EverSolo, I can tell you what works best for me in my system. My cable modem is located about 6 feet from my Lumin U1 (not mini). I go Ethernet to TP link WiFi router. My NAS is connected by Ethernet to router. Ethernet to gigabit Ethernet converter, fiber optic cable to another gigabit Ethernet converter. Ethernet to switch, Ethernet to Lumin. By running the fiber optic for a few feet gives me a noise firewall. My NAS is loaded with downloaded DSD music and about 1500 ripped CD’s. I listen to Qobuz and Tidal most of the time.
I forgot to mention that I run Ifi power supplies on the gigabit Ethernet converters.
Thanks for the welcome J007B. That Lumin is a nice component. So, if I am correct you are using the Lumin’s internal DAC? I have not set up a NAS,but I REALLY would like to. I have a Tascam DV-RA1000HD and at least 700+ CDs which I would love to have available on drive.

I am digesting this;

‘…Ethernet to gigabit Ethernet converter, fiber optic cable to another gigabit Ethernet converter. Ethernet to switch...’

Great idea to isolate noise with conversion to fibre optic, which I see goes to another converter to switch back to ethernet, if I am understanding correctly? The ‘bridge separation’ is a way to eliminate noise, correct me if I misunderstand? As far as the switch is concerned, why do you include that? It is to connect multiple ethernet devices?

Thanks again
Got it thanks! The power supply certainly makes a real difference. I’m sure your hi-fi sounds great. It never ceases to amaze me how little things can make a meaningful difference to bring one closer to the musical performance.
The Lumin U1 does not have a built in dac. Currently I’m using the dac in my Aavik pre amp. I was using a switch because I was running multiple devices at one time. Also a good switch located right before the streamer can be beneficial.
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I too have spectrum in So Cal. I rplaced the junk modem they provide with a Netgear Nighthawk. I then use Eero Mesh wifi. My ethernet to my audio and HT system comes directly out of my eero hard wired. I have an Ether Regen switch in there before my streamer.

I strongly recommend you do as you suggested and just move the modem into the audio room and hard wire it.

My upstairs TV was hooked by ethernet cable to one of the eero modules and keep cutting out. I finally unplugged it and went wireless and it is better. That shows how poor the cable from the eero module works.

When I first hooked up my audio system there was no good way to run a cable to it so I listened wireless for a few days. Then I ran a cable across the floor to test it. So much improvement that I left the cable stretched across the floor until I could figure out how to run ethernet permanently.

Best of luck,
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I too have spectrum in So Cal. I rplaced the junk modem they provide with a Netgear Nighthawk. I then use Eero Mesh wifi. My ethernet to my audio and HT system comes directly out of my eero hard wired. I have an Ether Regen switch in there before my streamer.

I strongly recommend you do as you suggested and just move the modem into the audio room and hard wire it.

My upstairs TV was hooked by ethernet cable to one of the eero modules and keep cutting out. I finally unplugged it and went wireless and it is better. That shows how poor the cable from the eero module works.

When I first hooked up my audio system there was no good way to run a cable to it so I listened wireless for a few days. Then I ran a cable across the floor to test it. So much improvement that I left the cable stretched across the floor until I could figure out how to run ethernet permanently.

Best of luck,
Jerry, thanks for the response. Your system network setup is similar to mine, with the important exception of the Ether Regen switch. I think I will get that modem setup moved upstairs. Just a matter of getting Spectrum out to run wiring to the room upstairs with the hi-fi. The fact you've tried it and heard an immediate improvement confirms to me that it is the best way. Thanks again
The Lumin U1 does not have a built in dac. Currently I’m using the dac in my Aavik pre amp. I was using a switch because I was running multiple devices at one time. Also a good switch located right before the streamer can be beneficial.
JOO7B, do you prefer the sound of the DAC in the Aavik to the Lumin U1's internal DAC?
JOO7B, do you prefer the sound of the DAC in the Aavik to the Lumin U1's internal DAC?
The Lumin U1 does not have an internal Dac.
I stream Tidal and the sound improved quite a bit when I had a WiFi 6 router installed.

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