Capital Audio Fest 2022

Damon Von Schweikert

WBF Technical Expert
Sep 15, 2016

Setup begins for the VAC / Valve Amplification Company, Von Schweikert Audio and The Audio Company display in the Potomac Room of the Capital Audiofest. We're showing our new, award winning ULTRA 7 flagship loudspeakers.

We're also debuting fir the first time ever at a show our brand new Endeavor Reference Edition loudspeakers retailing fir $20K MSRP. We can finally demonstrate just how much ULTRA DNA is present in the entire line of speakers we produce.

The show hotel as well as near by hotels are sold out and this year has a record number of exhibits. Just curious who from the form is coming and what are you most interested in seeing?

Hope to see you here!
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Given its' location VAC/Von Schweikert is always my first and usually more frequent venue.
Sigh. Hurricane / Tropical Storm Nicole is set to peak in Central FL right on top of my scheduled flight Thursday. :( I am probably / hopefully going to be instead flying in first thing Friday morning if that flight gets off the ground, fingers crossed. Hope to see you once I get there!
I'll see you Thursday, Damon. That's an extraordinary amount of crates, boxes and the like! You and Leif have done it many times before so I know VSA will once again shine at CAF. We are showing with Fred A./LampizatOr and GT Audio Works and are looking forward to it. I hope we get to play at a show together with Westminster Lab one day soon. For those attending I have heard the little VSA Endeavors at your factory and everyone should stop by to see what a $20k speaker can do. They are really quite remarkable.
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+1 on the Endeavors. Will be there Friday afternoon. Looking forward to you & Leif.
Sorry @Damon Von Schweikert. My trip has been canceled due to the hurricane down here in FL. :confused: Will the new Endeavors be at the Florida show?
stay safe.
Sorry @Damon Von Schweikert. My trip has been canceled due to the hurricane down here in FL. :confused: Will the new Endeavors be at the Florida show?
Sorry to that my friend. As of now, I don't think we're doing the Florida show. Leif and I are evaluating which shows we'll doing going forward and we plan to incorporate more international shows which will mean less Domestic.
This year, the team of Von Schweikert Audio, VAC / Valve Amplification Company and The Audio Company have not one but two rooms for attendees to enjoy.


This is room 645 where we're pleased to present for the first-time ever, the new Endeavor Reference Edition full-range loudspeakers with the impressive components by Valve Amplification Company, Aurender, LampizatOr, MasterBuilt Audio and Artesania Audio.


The Endeavor Reference Edition is to the E-3 MkII as a BMWM class or Mercedes AMG series is to their regular sedans. The performance of the Endeavor RE goes times beyond that of its predecessor and challenges our competitor's designs costing more than twice the price.

This is achieved with the implementation of our Beryllium dome tweeter (same model used on our ULTRA Line of flagship loudspeakers), our proprietary Ambient Retrieval System with rear-firing ribbonTweeter, the highest level of crossover components and premium bi-wire binding posts that deliver the lowest distortion possible in this class.

The Endeavor Reference Edition achieves the very critical and difficult to reach apex between performance and cost, delivering the ultimate value to music lovers who want the most from their investment.

And as always, we have the Potomac ballroom featuring our flagship ULTRA 7 loudspeakers with VAC Statement electronics with the world-class components from Kronos Audio, Critical Mass Systems, Kronos Audio, Esoteric Audio and MasterBuilt Audio.

Hope to see you here!
I have attended both.
Sorry to that my friend. As of now, I don't think we're doing the Florida show. Leif and I are evaluating which shows we'll doing going forward and we plan to incorporate more international shows which will mean less Domestic.
Good luck at the show, Damon. Sorry to hear you likely won’t be at the Florida show, but I guess I see your logic. It’s a tough game figuring what shows to support. Maybe I’ll swing to AXPONA with the hope to see you there.
Anyone attending CAF should make a point of going to room 645. The Endeavors with VAC amplification and the Horizon DAC was outstanding!
My new favorite von schwiekert speaker is the ultra 7. It has thunderous bass.
anyone listened to the new Model A Speakers from Heretic?

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For an all out speaker like the ultra7 you would expect it be full range. In achieving good bass many speakers have an overall husky tone. Not a deal breaker.
The ultra7 deep bass was a complete surprise to me. given its' diminutive drivers. It was if there was a special tool being accessed for the job only to be put away when not needed.

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