Cinema Theaters: Front Projectors are Near the End - Direct View Displays: The Future of Cinema?


Feb 8, 2011
Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada


Today they can make huge 4K UHD HDR direct view displays...75", 85", 88", 96", 100", 110", 120", 146", 180", 240", ...
And with a picture much brighter than what Dolby Cinema Theaters can offer from projectors.

They're coming, 8K the big picture is coming ...
We will be @ the rendez-vous of the new and brighter era @ the cinema.

I anxiously await consumer giant screens that don't require a room to be dark to watch.
Mike, what do you consider "giant" for a home consumer direct view HDR display; 96" diagonal, 120", 144", 168", 180", 192", ...? ...To give you that full cinema impact experience in your home theater for your family and friends with a dozen super comfy seats...or sixteen (between ten and twenty viewers). ...Three/four rows. ...Twenty feet (240") diagonal direct view 4K HDR display, and bright enough to watch sports during daytime light? ...Or even movies like Harry Potter saga on 4K Blu-ray or 4K streaming. ...Those are quite dark.

* Right now a high quality OLED or LED or Quantum Dot or Micro LED direct view display in the 75" to 88" size could be quite expensive...$10,000+ ...$20,000
And a 100/120" one ... $30,000/40,000/50,000+
..the cost to match my 120” screen size would be outrageous...I’ll stay with my lowly Epson FP thank you
Yes of course; today some very good inexpensive 2K (1080p) front projectors ($500/1,000) are quite bright for say a 100" size screen.

For home a Sharp or Sony or Samsung direct view 4K HDR display in the 75" to 96" size, the most affordable ones (LED) would cost only few thousands. And the overall HDR picture quality and brightness impact would best those affordable front projectors hands down.

It is for cinema theaters, public venues, what's coming up to improve the theaters we go to, to watch Black Panther and Blade Runner 2049, that I'm interested in when I started this thread, mainly and mostly.

There is no doubt that today's direct view display have much more what it takes to render the HDR capabilities and requirements for advanced motion pictures.
Size does matter, Godzilla and King Kong, but light does matter as big if not more.
And if we can have both, best of both worlds...let there be light in grand size style in our cinema theaters from our cities.

Think universal here, mass public cinemas. ...Hundreds seats, several hundreds. ...Three to nine hundred.

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