You are correct, thats exactly what happened. Today I got to listen to the Ideon Absolute DAC in my system whilst my Pac took a quick road trip. The Ideon was in comparison sterile and lifeless (and a few odd artefacts). OK it wasnt that bad, but the Pac (now back in its rightful place) is singing like a songbird, the Ideon I dont miss at all, glad its gone if anything.
Compared to the Dave + MScaler, the Pac makes them sound crude and unsophisticated. There is just more music with Lampi, its the analogy of listening through a tiny straw or listening via a mains pipe, just more music density if you will. Instruments sound more realistic. I actually got my Pac secondhand from the factory, there are still a few left on the website if you look (around 15k euros), so I got a bargain. Is it worth the extra cost over the Chord stuff? Oh you bet! The tubes also make quite a difference and USB cables too.
In a week or so I will release a group test of USB cables, I think I'll have 8 by then to test back to back, you will have heard of most of them. Only big name Im missing is the Shun Omega....