Documentary Heaven (Food for your Brain)


Feb 8, 2011
Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada

A friend of mine, film/documentary connoisseur and artist, told me about this online DocHeaven last Monday.
They have thousands of great documentaries and they're all free.

You can browse your favorite subjects...Science, Space, Cultures, Sociology, Medicine, Music, Biology, Earth, Humanity, Wildlife, Politics, Religion, Sex, ...all everything.
If you watch one (or more), you can share your impression/experience right here. For example you watched a documentary about the Internet, or about Global Warming, or about Spies, and you can say that it was very good. Then other members and guests might be very tempted to watch too.

It's a fantastic free resource to explore the world and beyond, and to gain extended knowledge on all things.
I have already browse some and I want to watch them all...thousands and thousands of them.
Many I have already seen on DVD and Blu-ray, some of the best.

I didn't know that such a great site existed. Not all of them are there yet, the latest great documentaries...some are hard to get by for various reasons, but with time they'll be included too. It's just the way our world should work when in search for intellectual advancement and knowledge.

I highly recommend that you take a look. This is the best tip today, and tomorrow.
Thanks Bob

Sorry :b ... You post so many links and so consistently I don't think I would have the time to do anything else but explore those links :)

This is however a great link.. Thanks a Million!!!
No sweat Frantz, it is indeed a great website. Thanks to my friend who told me about it.
And yes, it's true that I do take the time to research/explore. Who knows what tomorrow will bring... :b

* Here's a funny thing Frantz: Ten years ago many audio/video sites were banning people who were giving links from other sources of info...other sites, etc.
Now they all have sold out (most of them), and they allow access to further knowledge, without trying to control other people's lives.

Links are good, they expand our fields of view. And they're free to be clicked on or not.
This link on Documentary Heaven is just another great link for all WBF members and guest readers. Everyone love great documentaries.
We have Netflix, now we have Documentary Heaven...for free.

Yesterday I bought one Blu-ray movie, and I paid $33.55 for it, one movie only... X-Men: Apocalypse 3D BR (comes with the 2D version as well).
DocHeaven is free.

* I'm going to do a test now: For the next two weeks I won't post a single link...just for the heck fun of it. I have no difficulty with that, none whatsoever.
You won't see a single link from me in my posts till October 19th @ 3:55 PM.
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I've already saw the film* about this true story (I have the DVD).
Last night, after watching the debate and Charlie Rose show, I watched this documentary (it was the first one suggested from the link; 'Documentary Heaven'):

I love mountains, I love climbing, and I've seen the natural elements unleashing hell. I've been there, but nothing compared to that!
The documentary puts you closer because you have the people who have been there telling it. In particular from one of the two guys who climbed/walked for ten days. This is human survival @ the extreme, the will to survive, the human spirit.

Highly recommended, very.
Overall: 99

It's not on Blu-ray, not in 4K, not in 3D, and no Dolby Atmos. It is on DVD though. It's also on youtube (above), and with very poor (compressed) audio.
But it don't matter @ all because it is still one of the BEST documentaries about human survival in the truest sense.

"I Am Alive: Surviving the Andes Plane Crash is a 2010 television documentary recounting the tragedy of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 from the perspective of survivor Nando Parrado. Directed by Brad Osborne, this 2-hour special features reenactments of the October 13, 1972 crash and the 72-day struggle for survival that followed, including details of the 37-mile trek out of the mountains by Parrado and fellow survivor Roberto Canessa. Appearing in the film are Parrado, Canessa, Eduardo Strauch and several other survivors, original search teams, historians, expert pilots, high-altitude medical experts, and others including Piers Paul Read (author of Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors), renowned mountaineer Ed Viesturs, and Andes Survivors expert/alpinist Ricardo Peña (who led the only expedition to date to repeat and document the survivors escape route and has made many discoveries at the site of the crash)."
I Am Alive was produced by AMS Pictures and premiered on the History Channel on October 20, 2010. It was released for DVD on February 22, 2011.


This one I watched not too long ago; I did not post it. Now I am posting it, because it is important.
Don't judge before you watch it first. Any preconception or indisposition you might have I can understand.
This one too is from Documentary Heaven Food for your Brain

Some people cannot take any more; I'd say this one adds important understandings that need to be revealed.
Everything's important, and this one is. If it wasn't I wouldn't post it here.

It's a tough subject, very tough. It's a very important documentary too. Today.
I am certain that whoever watch it in its entirety is going to learn few important new things that makes us rethink again.
It did to me; on all the young generations of people working in the archives with the utmost dedication and human respect. It is supremely humble.
And most importantly; today's classes from all over the globe.

To me it is one of the largest lessons on this planet. ...And ongoing from a day-to-day basis.
Even if there is only one marking line you retain from the entire eighty-six minutes documentary; it has the impact of thousand more other important documentaries.

P.S. There might be zero people watching that documentary, it's ok.
It might take a year before only one person see it here, posted, and decide to listen; it's much more an education than images.
I believe it's all for the best, no matter how many people decide to take the course.
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Thanks Bob for posting this for us, as one of the featured videos is The Venus Project which every human on the planet should be forced to watch.
Thanks Bob for posting this for us, as one of the featured videos is The Venus Project which every human on the planet should be forced to watch.

'The Venus Project' ... I don't think I know anything about it. You sure make me look for it, without posting anything else more than the title.

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'The Venus Project' ... I don't think I know anything about it. You sure make me look for it, without posting anything else more than the title.

It describes a system for solving most of the worlds problems by eliminating money(Resource Based Economy). All transportation using zero fossil fuels, everyone,everywhere has everything they need. No one has to work. Food grown in hydroponic glass towers so no fertilizer needed, no insecticides necessary. All power is provided by wind,solar,tidal,current, and the biggest untapped source-geothermal. Zero pollution.

There would never be any more of this:

The two photographs from the previous post and page are powerfully heart-wrenching.

I think it's in the human nature to live with conflicts; it's like we can't control ourselves, we create systems and environments to become slaves without realizing it, blindfolded by the power we give to the people we select. We are too complicated and it leads to our demise; wars, famines, selfishness, corruption, diseases, pollution, rivers of blood.

We don't live in a global world, we live in separated worlds, with different systems of corruption, false values, power/money, all the wrong objectives in the pursuit of material elevation. That false/fake power is so strong that it disbalance the natural equilibrium of humanity.

We come to this planet by being born in one region of the world; and we grow up adapting to the system of that region.
We can be born in Africa, North Africa, we can be born in the Amazon jungle, in a tribe, we can be born in America, New York City, in one of their fine hospitals, we can be born in France, in the wines region, we can be born in India, in a city of temples, we can be born in Alberta, Canada, in a family home of oil explorers, we can be born in Texas, we can be born in Ireland, in London, in Abu Dhabi, in Tokyo, in Chinatown, in Bangkok, Kathmandu, Montreal, Vancouver, Paris, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Oaxaca, Argentina, Italy, Rome, Spain, Morocco, in the Sahara desert, Iceland, New Zealand, Cuba, Hawaii, Greece, Afghanistan, Australia, Switzerland, ...anywhere and we'll adapt to the place we're born.
We all live in separate worlds with various systems, economies, resources, geographical particularities, skin colors, beliefs, food, architectures, car designs, audio system designs, artist musicians, styles, etc.

There are also communes all over the world, with their own branches interconnected to the overall system of separated worlds forming one big planet, Earth.
We are a natural phenomenon. We create separations for our survival, and without consideration to the people from the two photographs above.
We have Twitter and Facebook to keep us entertained and not think about the people from the two above photographs.

We live in established systems of the world's region we were born. It's very hard to break free and reinvent a better system for all.
I don't want to explore man's history going back to Julius Caesar, Alexander, and all that jazz. I don't want to explore the various financial systems over the course of man on Earth, I don't want to go back where we are already, in a system of fur trade for gold. ...Conquest of paradise.

Our societies build their separate worlds higher and higher, with taller skyscrapers...over one kilometer high. While the jungles and the forests are getting more populated by the bulldozers and the chainsaws.

I was born in Quebec, Canada. ...Near Montreal. I am a French Canadian, and I lived all my life in Canada, and I lived more years in British Columbia than in Quebec, and I live on Vancouver Island now for over twenty years. I am lucky, very.
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The Lost Tribes of Humanity | BBC Documentary

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Click that link ? ? Sound City



? In the past I reviewed this Documentary on Blu-ray. It's a Must Have in any serious music collection of any serious music audiophile. Just get the Blu.
...Short of that you can click the link and watch it. But know this: The Blu-ray's sound will blow you away.

I love raw music myself, music from the human soul; be it Blues, Classical, World, Rock, ...all that Jazz.
I don't remember if I gave it a rating score. If not here's one...overall: 97 (everything, including the music sound quality on Blu-ray).
This is not Mozart, or Beethoven, or Bach, or Chopin,'s Nirvana, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Paul McCartney, and many more...on analogue
2-inch tape from a Neve sound mixing console (only four were made in the entire world):


Bruce, our in-house pro music recording engineer, might have some cool info for us ...
But remember, back then it was the analogue sound with real bite; drums, bass, guitars, vocals, ...
That mixing/recording console was hand-made/wired, using the best parts of the day...tubes, and 2-inch reel-to-reel tape decks.

Today it's all digital ProTools; losing out all the music essence, the human communication spiritual level.
Today's music is made on computers, laptops, without analogue human interaction.

If anyone here has never watched that documentary what are you waiting for? Then buy the Blu-ray to be blown away by the "sound bites".
This is audiophile stuff, this is high-end analog classic rock music recordings we all grew up with...Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Neil Young, and much more.

Sure, it's not John Coltrane, or Miles Davis, or Billie Holiday, or Chet Baker, or Bill Evans, or Charlie Parker, or Robert Johnson, or John Lee Hooker, ...but it's all of them together influencing the music of the 60s, 70s, 80s, ...and up to today...2017...with the pro connoisseurs/musicians/artists/singers with the analogue edge...the real sound bite.

Who are we kidding, ourselves?

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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