So here for me is my next big revelation and a big thank you for encouraging me to re-audition this tube in my Horizon is Lukasz and Rau.
My preferred tube set until the last 3 days has been
Thomson CSF 5687
Takatsuki 274B
Prior to my receiving the Horizon Lukasz had suggested that a string contender for pentodes would be KT 170
I purchased a quad matched set of TungSol KT 170's and only heard them for 5-10 minutes during the weekend Lukasz was here at my house and we were rolling tubes. I was not wowed but as Lukasz said at the time, the tubes had no hours on them and I should rethink rolling them back in at a later date
Earlier this week ran had them in and out of his system and really liked them, so much so he said that if I put them in and listen, there is no way I could go back to the KT88. Well I lisrtened for 4 days and was dazzled. Today I put back the KT88 and as good as they were they just did not project all of the information I was hearing with the KT 170's. The KT 170 filled the stage from side to side and front to back.If it were a video every pixel would be illuminated. There was energy I have never heard before and rock solid top to bottom.definition.
The KT170 is new stock, in production, affordable and readily available so for present and future Horizon owners this is a tube that I would give a huge thumb's up to
Thank you Lukasz and rau. This becomes my pentode of choice. It really works well with the Tak and brings out the best in my Lamm gear