Yes, I use my computer. I copy your beautiful dog, and transfer it in my PC and there I first rotate it properly, and then picture cropping and sizing to taste.
Your iPhone should also allow you to rotate your pictures and save them.
Experiment; if you see your pictures not properly oriented when posting them on WBF, edit them or in your iPhone or whichever other device you use.
* Right now I'm trying to post two very nice 2018 Olympics pictures, without success.
I keep experimenting till it works. It is strange, I think Google and the Olympics and pictures have made few new changes recently; as a matter of fact Chrome did, just few days ago.
But yes Ron, experiment with your iPhone pictures editing, rotating and save the new edits you made, that's important, to click on that save virtual button, it's that new picture you'll be using to transfer/post on WBF.
Also, WBF doesn't have the best feature for image posting; I have to use other avenues.
EDIT: Success, I found the way to get those two Olympic pictures showing, perseverance paid off.