New Audigon Service Fee

but that's my point. Between paypal and Agon fees the price is up 8% then shipping on top of that, insurance, holy smokes. I list and sell on USAM and just hope more hifi lovers find it. I sold a pair of Revel Salon 2's. $12k. Agon got $460, paypal got $460, shipping was 650, I think insurance was $40-50. I was given a pallet, bubble wrap, tie downs and tape $40. My $12k quickly became $10445. then the $20 listing fee. I remember when Agon ONLY charged the $20 listing fee. this was an example, in reality I sold the speakers on usam and made enough to order a pizza.
Same here.
It's so wrong when the buyer is forced to pay the PayPal fee.
I agree. I look at it as a cost of doing business. The seller should eat the fee.
Everyone has their beliefs. I'm sure people who believe the seller should eat the fees just price their gear accordingly.
I am sure that is the case. I will only take ACH payments now.
Yes Zelle is one that I use quite a bit.
New to WBF, have had recent negative dealings with both Audiogon and eBay as a seller. Paid listing fees to Audiogon to maximize exposure of items that had not sold yet on USAM (have had very positive results in selling equipment no longer used). 30 days on Audiogon and not a nibble, they wanted me to pay additional fee for greater exposure, 30 days was enough. Also listed on eBay at same time. Listed NOS Tubes (now listed on WBF) and got an immediate offer, unfortunately “buyer” messaged wanting to conclude sale outside of eBay. Second item a VPI record periphery ring had an immediate offer which I accepted. Shipped the item at greater cost than $ received for shipping. USPS attempted 2 deliveries, “buyer” finally picked up item 1 day before EBay was going to release funds. Buyer then requested “return/refund” due to shipping damage. The shipment was insured, but I can’t file a USPS claim because buyer accepted/picked up without reporting damage until he contacted eBay. Pictures he submitted clearly show package was damaged. eBay is now having him ship the item back to me, 21 days after it was delivered. No more eBay, removed other listings I had. Will stick with USAM and now that I “discovered” WBF, on this site classified. Sorry for the long rant. Aloha
So, how much is the buyer charged by Audiogon.
I see nothing in the Fees section or Terms of Service.
I rarely do stuff like this but AG has become so full of it I submitted a report to the FTC.

they are zeroing in on “junk fees” proliferating the economy and the buyers fee falls under this. Especially with the fact it’s technically a “surprise” fee since you have no idea what it’s going to be.

it may not amount to anything but ignoring it just emboldens AG to do this stupid BS.

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