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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2010
New York City
Gordon called them as he saw them! Here he was slamming RCAs latest and greatest invention--Dynagroove--and most of all talking about the sound!!! What a concept, even then!

Oh and yes, industry shill Hans Fantel slobbered all over Dynagroove; he was the only one.
Gordon called them as he saw them! Here he was slamming RCAs latest and greatest invention--Dynagroove--and most of all talking about the sound!!! What a concept, even then!

Oh and yes, industry shill Hans Fantel slobbered all over Dynagroove; he was the only one.

Worked great with Dynaflex. Every once in a while I pull out an old RCA and say 'Damn, i wonder why this one is hiding,' then i see the dreaded' Dynagroove' nomenclature. It usually goes right back into its slot on the shelves.

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