Rockport Technologies Xenia


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
These used to be the biggest Rockport speakers. If I don't remember incorrectly they were two towers pr side with active planar subtowers.

Does anyone have any more info on them or an URL with info.

I wonder if there ever was made any pairs?
These used to be the biggest Rockport speakers. If I don't remember incorrectly they were two towers pr side with active planar subtowers.

Does anyone have any more info on them or an URL with info.

I wonder if there ever was made any pairs?

No s-t! Wow...I am going to start looking into this one!
Here is what I have found so far:
- built in 1998
- sounds like something similar to IRS Beta/Genesis 1s
- Horn loaded Planar midrange
- (1) 58 inch ribbon tweeter
- Subwoofer Towers with 16 x 9in woofers
- Powered speaker
- Total Weight: 2200 lbs
- Retail Price: $128,500 (in 1998)
Andy sent me a brochure of Xenia a long time ago.

If I find it, I can scan it and post the picture here.

Smokes! that would be awesome! Thank you!!!
Yeah, thanks that would be great Wizard.

Any more news on this speaker. I also wonder if anyone actually heard them and can possible describe comparisons to Hyperion, Altair or Arrakis and finally if they were ever sold and could be picked up on the used market or still as a new speaker from Rockport.

I am interested.
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