Spectral DMA-400 vs DMA-360 Series 2


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2013
Does anyone know what are the difference between Spectral DMA-400 and DMA-360 Series II in sound quality?

Are they sound very similar? Just 400 has more power output and more bass? My friend is looking for a pair of mono Spectral amp, DMA-400 are too expensive for him and many DMA-360 S2 he have found are very old in his region (Produced around 2009 ~ 2010)

I do like DMA 360 first series as well, even the oldest do play without a problem, Spectral is building robust amps!
Does anyone know what are the difference between Spectral DMA-400 and DMA-360 Series II in sound quality?

Are they sound very similar? Just 400 has more power output and more bass? My friend is looking for a pair of mono Spectral amp, DMA-400 are too expensive for him and many DMA-360 S2 he have found are very old in his region (Produced around 2009 ~ 2010)


Yeah there is a thread on this - see http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showthread.php?13732-DMA-400-vs-DMA-360-S2

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