Hi Everyone, I started a thread a few months ago wondering what table I should buy and I decided to wait for a few months for the new Technics SL-1000R table to make its way into some hands of people on this site to get a better idea on how it sounds especially compared to the Kuzma Stabi M table. Now I know it is rare to find someone that has knowledge of these two tables but I just want to be sure when I buy one of these tables I have made the right decision. No one in my area has the Kuzma for me to listen to and it is doubtful I am going to hear it before I make my decision. The Technics will be easier for me to listen to because more dealers will have it closer to where I live so I may have to rely on your opinions on the kuzma and make a decision based on what you say so if anyone has listened to both tables please chime in.