The 9 Most Important Watches in the World

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
Mechanical wristwatches (as opposed to battery-powered ones) offer us what sci-fi writer William Gibson called the "tamogotchi experience": the sense that we are wearing and tending to a living thing that whirrs and ticks on our wrist.

Throughout the years, these machines have kept the trains running on time and helped the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit make his two-martini lunch. Sadly, however, these gems are now frequently absent from our wrists thanks to those ubiquitous portable time-telling devices—laptops and cellphones. Watch expert John Biggs, who runs and is the author of a forthcoming book about watches for Dial Press, offers an in-depth look at some of the most amazing watches from this century and beyond—including a hockey-puck-size watch that is one of the most complex mechanical devices ever made.

Mechanical wristwatches (as opposed to battery-powered ones) offer us what sci-fi writer William Gibson called the "tamogotchi experience": the sense that we are wearing and tending to a living thing that whirrs and ticks on our wrist.

Throughout the years, these machines have kept the trains running on time and helped the Man in the Grey Flannel Suit make his two-martini lunch. Sadly, however, these gems are now frequently absent from our wrists thanks to those ubiquitous portable time-telling devices—laptops and cellphones. Watch expert John Biggs, who runs and is the author of a forthcoming book about watches for Dial Press, offers an in-depth look at some of the most amazing watches from this century and beyond—including a hockey-puck-size watch that is one of the most complex mechanical devices ever made.


What I find interesting Steve is that the serious watch collectors that I know would never mix pocket watches with "real" watches." :)
Pocket watches are "IN" again, there are even some retro designs at department stores not that pricey... I just own one and barely use it :(
"Tell me what time it is, boieeeeee!!!!" takes a nation of millions....
"Tell me what time it is, boieeeeee!!!!" takes a nation of millions....
sorry...couldnt help making the reference to a tune from Public Enemy, (for those not into rap), that was the Flavor Flav reference Bruce made...
Lots and lots of people are using "pocket watches" again. They even use them to make calls, play games and send messages. :p :D

Most important watch - the one your wife is using. Synchronize your time piece to that and you're golden. LOL.

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