Update: Tape Spinning at California Audio Show July 26-28 Oakland Airport Hilton


May 24, 2010
SF Bay Area
If you are going to be in the Bay Area this weekend, come and visit the California Audio Show at the Oakland Hilton Airport Hotel (Fri, Sat, Sun). I'll be spinning tapes at the show helping out in Tim Marutani's room (Boardroom 3). I'll be playing 1/2" 15 ips tapes dubbed from my safety masters and other tapes. Paul Stubblebine (of Tape Project) will be there on Friday (tomorrow) and Keith Johnson (of Reference Recordings) will be doing a demo and Q/A Saturday starting at 5PM. Nick Doshi will also be there on Saturday.

I'll have a tape with jazz from Jonathan Horwich - International Phonograph Inc (Patricia Barber and Jeremy Kahn) and chamber music from Ed Pong - Ultra Analogue (Narek Hakhnazaryn cello, and Tatsuki Narita violin). Paul will be playing some of the Tape Project tapes.

My safety master dub selections will include Take Five, Flamenco Sketches, Bohemian Rhapsody, Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes, Brain Damage/Eclipse, Landslide, Michelle, and the Reiner Great Gate at Kiev. In addition, I'll have dubs of Light My Fire (7 minute version), Stairway to Heaven, For What Its Worth, Fire and Rain, Blue, God Only Knows, Girl from Ipanema (long version), Nights in White Satin, Jamaica Farewell, Whiter Shade of Pale, You Made Me So Very Happy, and parts of Bill Withers Greatest Hits and Sketches of Spain.

The components are the brand new Martin Logan CLX ART speakers and their matching ML Subs, Doshi electronics, and the Scott Rust 512 Engineering Power Units and cables and interconnects. The sources will be an Ampex ATR-102 with the Doshi 3.0 Tape Prepro and for digital, the Berkeley Audio Design Reference 3.

Come by for a listen and to say hello.

I will be attending on Saturday. I will be sure to stop by and annoy you.
I will be attending on Saturday. I will be sure to stop by and annoy you.

Thanks for coming by!Tim's Room CAS 2019.jpgKeith Johnson and LT at dinner - CAS 2019.jpg

Here are a couple of photos from the CAS Show this weekend at the Oakland Airport Hilton.

One is the room - Tim Marutani Consulting. The speakers are Martin Logan CLX electrostatics, with a pair of Martin-Logan Balanced Force 212 powered subs. The electronics are all from Nick Doshi, monoblock amps, preamp and tape preamp. Digital (which we played about 10% of the time) is the new Berkeley Audio Reference 3 DAC and the Analog, for which I served as TJ (tape jockey), is Tim's Ampex ATR-102 using his 1/2" headblock (electronics all bypassed to the Doshi tape prepro. 512 Engineering/Marutani Consulting provided the Symmetric Power Units and interconnects, speaker cables and power cords.

Paul Stubblebine prepared some mixed tapes from the Tape Project copied from the one-inch running masters (made from the original master tapes). Paul was there to help spin tapes Friday and Sunday and give us some insights into the master process he used for the tapes. I spun tapes, including the tape projects, a mix tape I made from Jonathan Horwich's (International Phonograph Inc) and Ed Pong's (Ultra Analogue) and some mix tapes I made of my master tapes and other 15ips 2 track tapes. All the tapes we played were 1/2" 15ips 2 track.

We had SRO crowds on Saturday (averaging 100% occupancy through the day - averaging the standing room folks with the occasional empty seats). Friday and Sunday were less busy, but we still has full houses a good part of each day. Many people came back 4 or 5 times and many stayed for 30-45 minutes. Tim said it was unusual for people to applaud and come up to thank us for the presentations - so that was a very nice feeling.

Second picture is Keith Johnson from Reference Recordings and me at dinner after his 5-7PM SRO presentation in the room. He talked about the listening experience, speaker design and illustrated his talk with excerpts from his recordings.

Nick Doshi also joined us on Saturday, coming in from Virginia. You can barely see his elbow in the far left of the picture.

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Couple more shots.
1) I am playing TJ (Tape Jockey) for the show. 2) Keith Johnson is giving his seminar.

One funny incident: One of the attendees came up to me and pointed to the Doshi mono blocks. See the top picture on the floor. He asked in all seriousness - are those solid state or tube amps?

LT presenting Tapes.jpgKOJ Seminar at CAS 2019.jpg
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"One funny incident: One of the attendees came up to me and pointed to the Doshi mono blocks. See the top picture on the floor. He asked in all seriousness - are those solid state or tube amps?"

I hope you told him they were solid state.
Hi Larry,

You did a great DJ job on Saturday and I have to say the tapes you played were great demos of the medium. The sound on a couple of your selections rated as the best in show. I seldom have the chance to listen to 1/2-inch tape, but I really enjoyed this setup. As proof, you can see me sitting in rapt attention in second row center, shot no. 1 above.

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This hobby needs to get a lot younger...

In the pic are the experienced audiophiles with the golden ears who drive the market with money to spare. Mortgage paid down and kids past college, what to do but buy something and defend it on the forum to remind themselves of their kids who have left home
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In the pic are the experienced audiophiles with the golden ears who drive the market with money to spare. Mortgage paid down and kids past college, what to do but buy something and defend it on the forum to remind themselves of their kids who have left home
Hello Bonzo the "Cynic."

This hobby needs to get a lot younger...

When you are young, there are a lot more exciting things to do and places to go.

Tang ;)
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We young guys don't live in Bangkok Tang. For us some of the more exciting places to go tbh are the old guy's home to tell him what the gear he has bought sounds like

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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