
Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2019
I like this forum and I like to be here on WBF.

BUT: Why are the WBF servers sometimes so slow in comparison to other audio forums?

For examples: Searches can not be performed and I get error messages, threads do not open and so on, especially today.
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I like this forum and I like to be here on WBF.

BUT: Why are the WBF servers so slow in comparison to other audio forums?

For examples: Searches can not be performed and I get error messages, threads do not open and so on, especially today.
I have no issues at all and I am down in Terlingua TX for the Holidays.
No, issue for me.
...well, from India: cannot open site. Cannot find server. Tried a bazillion times. From iPhone and Windows laptop. Probably a DNS issue of some sort, but clearing cache did not resolve. For a few times, I could get a page link on Slack to resolve. Thought I had a workaround, but next time: nope.

From home (upstate NY) it's often slow in the morning, and sometimes freezes. Only instantiating a new browser will resolve the issue.
Haven't experienced any issues in the almost 2 years I've been on WBF
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Yep getting the same prob here in UK. Pics especially v slow to load
No issues here so far ...
I just assumed it was all the adverts they have to load so just the price we pay for the site’s existence.
I am looking into this, but it seems inconsistent. It could be time dependant i.e when the bulk of the USA members go on the site. I see no issues for me in the EU zone. The adverts are tiny files, they are not affecting it. I is more the amount of members on the site at once, so a database load / speed subject. I will report back.
Yep getting the same prob here in UK. Pics especially v slow to load
Same here...sometimes you get error messages on searches. or the site is very very slow to load.
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I see the are getting 1.3K 'floater' regularly as opposed to 500, this is good news, but will suck power off the server.

I am asking our service provider for a solution. We are already paying 4 times the cost from 2019. I am convinced it is bandwidth, amount of floater on at one time, and database load. It is NOT the adverts, and not the pics in posts either IMO. It is the amount of traffic we are getting now.
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...you guys will have traffic reports for the analysis, but generally, slowness is a morning east-coast US occurrence for me. Often (50/50?) the latency results in a non-functioning/non-navigable page. I have to close the browser and re-instantiate by entering "whatsbest..." in a new browser/address bar.

This isn't end-of-the-world level frustration, just regular frustration. In the modern world, one wants what one wants, when one wants it. Occasionally, the universe asserts its own interpretation of that desire.
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I got this two minutes ago as I wanted to look at the postings of a member:

Oops! We ran into some problems.
A server error occurred. Please try again later.

Just I got this as I wanted to go to WBF:

Fatal error: Uncaught XF\Db\Exception: No such file or directory in /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php:165 Stack trace: #0 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php(28): XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter->makeConnection(Array) #1 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php(60): XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter->getConnection() #2 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php(113): XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->connect() #3 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php(516): XF\Db\Mysqli\Adapter->escapeString('options') #4 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/AbstractAdapter.php(494): XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->quote('options') #5 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/DataRegistry.php(138): XF\Db\AbstractAdapter->quote(Array) #6 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/DataRegistry.php(83): XF\DataRegistry->readFromDb(Array, Array) #7 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/DataRegistry.php(226): XF\DataRegistry->get(Array) #8 /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/App.php(1753): XF\DataRegistry->offsetGet('opti in /home/whatsbes/public_html/src/XF/Db/Mysqli/Adapter.php on line 165
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I am sorry to say this but there are ongoing server errors when performing searches.
We are aware of all of this and please stay tuned for an important announcement that will soon solve all of these issues. We ask for your patience as we have been working on this for a month. An announcement will be made in the next day or do. Suffice it to say we are on top of it and a solution is on the way

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