Why are there so few reviews of this brand?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2010
Has the designer ticked off some people in the industry? Or is it just a niche taste?
Has the designer ticked off some people in the industry? Or is it just a niche taste?

Not niche at all -- just some of the best loudspeakers money can buy. I've reviewed the Mira, Altair, and written numerous articles on the company:




You can find more on the Rockport website.

I do know there will be a TAS review of the Altair II coming out soon. I'll also have a Rockport new product announcement coming on Sunday that I'll post here.
Not niche at all -- just some of the best loudspeakers money can buy. I've reviewed the Mira, Altair, and written numerous articles on the company:




You can find more on the Rockport website.

I do know there will be a TAS review of the Altair II coming out soon. I'll also have a Rockport new product announcement coming on Sunday that I'll post here.

Thanks, Jeff. I did see your reviews. I also remember Robert Harley getting a lot crap for calling a Rockport system he heard the "B" word a few years ago, but he has been silent on Rockport since. I guess I am puzzled as I would have expected a more broad sprinkling of reviews across the various publications.

Also, I believe you are high on Magico. The best discription of the Magico ideal I have heard is that it is "an electrostat with balls". Are these two brands more similar or are they going for a different customer? Thanks
Also, I believe you are high on Magico. The best discription of the Magico ideal I have heard is that it is "an electrostat with balls". Are these two brands more similar or are they going for a different customer? Thanks

The two brands are both fanatically going after true high fidelity -- and to me, that means a similar customer. They both comprehensively address as many facets of loudspeaker design, simultaneously, as any other speaker manufacturer I've seen. The engineering of both are simply world class in every way. I'm a speaker nut -- I love reviewing and learning about them -- and these two brands are certainly favorites of mine.

The methods they employ vary greatly, however. The most obvious is sealed (Magico) versus ported (Rockport) enclosures. But the materials and other design choices vary as well. The cosmetics are polar opposites, too.

Goodwins High End can do a great comparison for you with both brands' latest products. Every audiophile should do it just for the sonic education it can provide in a world-class room.

Having heard two Rockport Speakers : Mira and Aquila .. I ., also, have been wondering why the relatively scant coverage . Magico is all the rage but not much Rockport.
From what I heard with the Anquila ... I can tell that few speakers are in its leagues ... at any price. I am eager to hear the Altair .. A friend of mine is to acquire one in the summer . I will audition it at length...
IMHO, I think Andy Payor is happy being a smaller company. I have visited his shop in Maine and seen the amount of effort that goes into each speaker. Andy's hands touch every speaker that carries the Rockport name. He also personally tests each speaker and tweaks the crossover to achieve the best results. There is no assembly line. So, if Rockport received as many reviews or advertised as much as Magico does, the demand for his speakers may overwhelm Andy's capabilities to keep up.

On the other hand, Magico is a bigger company that is put together to have greater production capabilities. They also do a great job of producing a product that is held to the highest standards. This is where I think the companies are very much alike. Rockport chooses to do it in a smaller way.
Makes sense. Sound lab has the same mentality, but at least sound lab still appears on one of the TAS greatest products lists so they get some visibility that way.
I'm a speaker nut -- I love reviewing and learning about them -- and these two brands are certainly favorites of mine.The methods they employ vary greatly, however. The most obvious is sealed (Magico) versus ported (Rockport) enclosures. But the materials and other design choices vary

Thanks, Jeff. Do you know why Payor prefers ported?
After a recent conversation with Andy Payor I believe that there will be an Altair review in one of the print mags very soon. At the time I posed this very question to him and his response suggested that they are plenty busy with their current "stealth marketing" plan.

From owning a small business with an extreme focus on quality I know that one of the worst things that can happen is to grow too much too fast.
anyone know where i might be able to hear altairs or arrakis...in London, UK? these are the only speakers that, having heard sherak ii, intrigue me enough to [possibly...someday] entice me away from my wilson x1/grand slamms.
lloydelee21, I suggest you give Andy Payor at Rockport a call. If there's a pair available in the UK for a demo I'm sure that he can help you find it.

Given my experience with the Aquila I'm betting that you'll be absolutely blown away by the Altair or the Arrakis. Once settled in the Aquila easily best the MAXX3 with the exception that the MAXX can play slightly louder (which isn't an issue at all for me).
Hi Jeff, new member here and catching up on one of my favorite speakers, did you end up posting any Rockport news as mentioned?

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