How do you select a cartridge?


Dec 26, 2017
I'm in the process of buying a new TT setup. I might even pick up a used Aesthetix Io preamp from a friend. My question is how do you decide on a cartridge. It is nearly impossible to try a few before buying one. I can ask friends, dealers, etc. but that tends to lead me to buy what they like or what they sell.

Help a :confused: TT guy.
I'm in the process of buying a new TT setup. I might even pick up a used Aesthetix Io preamp from a friend. My question is how do you decide on a cartridge. It is nearly impossible to try a few before buying one. I can ask friends, dealers, etc. but that tends to lead me to buy what they like or what they sell.

Help a :confused: TT guy.

This is a question that I have also asked before. There is no easy answer. Matching the output of the cartridge to the phono stage is crucial. Other than that, everything else depends on the synergy between the cartridge and the arm.
IME, the last variable is your particular taste and budget.
I'm in the process of buying a new TT setup. I might even pick up a used Aesthetix Io preamp from a friend. My question is how do you decide on a cartridge. It is nearly impossible to try a few before buying one. I can ask friends, dealers, etc. but that tends to lead me to buy what they like or what they sell.

Help a :confused: TT guy.

So you decided not to provide any information and ask strangers and dealers you have no relation with to recommend what they don’t like or sell?

So you decided not to provide any information and ask strangers and dealers you have no relation with to recommend what they don’t like or sell?


No I asked strangers and dealers how they go about selecting a cartridge. If you read my question I didn't ask what one recommends.
i think most of our purchases was based on a budget at first with some compliance to our arms and phono stages,
after a while we heard some more cartridges at friends house, dealers, shows etc... and i think we combine some of our references with what we are reading in magazines, and users reviews on forums.
i'm for instance just combine all those together and decide what to get "next" or to add to my stable.
i don't think (from experience) there such a thing as a bad cartridges... only non fit to our set up or taste... so go figure what you want to achieve sound wise , your budget, and of course what will fit your set up electrical\mechanical wise. after doing that you good to go to decide what to get...
My way was to listen to friends' systems. Whenever I liked the sound, I bought the same cartridge I heard.
No I asked strangers and dealers how they go about selecting a cartridge. If you read my question I didn't ask what one recommends.
Fair enough, just wanted to understand what you were looking for. In my case I started with purchasing used cartridges in original condition tried them, kept the good ones or replaced them with new ones and resold what I didn’t want, this was very informative when I was learning setup and figuring out my own taste or a brand’s house sound with minimal risk. Somethimes I hear something new installing a system or turntable or get a cartridge sent to me by another dealer to try. Once in a while I read a review that resonates or get a tip from trusted friends. My suggestion is to start with something around half your budget and establish reference point for yourself then take it from there and don’t be afraid to play.

Good luck,
I buy out of curiosity and keep buying until I find one that ticks all my boxes.

my method is very close to David!

I am buying used Carts of the brands I am interested in. The most companies do have a house sound, so mostly it must not be the "best" of their line up.

from there it becomes clear to me, in which direction I want to continue the journey of decision.

At the end I am buying a new Cart of the preferred brand according to my budget.

That the Carts must fit to the given tonearm and preamp is a given, otherwise a comparison would not make any sense.
I'm in the process of buying a new TT setup. I might even pick up a used Aesthetix Io preamp from a friend. My question is how do you decide on a cartridge. It is nearly impossible to try a few before buying one. I can ask friends, dealers, etc. but that tends to lead me to buy what they like or what they sell.

Help a :confused: TT guy.

Personally, by reputation of being the most linear, like my entire system's goal.
Personally, I am against buying a used cartridge. The amount of wear on the stylus and age of the suspension is not easy to determine. As such, I don't want to risk the used cartridge chewing up my vinyl. Even one play of a worn stylus can destroy your record...and to me that risk isn't worth taking with the used cartridge.
Even if the stylus is fine, which I don't know how you would know unless you have access to a microscope and know what the stylus shape is supposed to look like; the fact that the suspension may have aged a lot is also a factor. Do you want to listen to an aged and worn out suspension and come to the conclusion that this is how the cartridge sounds..??? YMMV.
Personally, I am against buying a used cartridge. The amount of wear on the stylus and age of the suspension is not easy to determine. As such, I don't want to risk the used cartridge chewing up my vinyl. Even one play of a worn stylus can destroy your record...and to me that risk isn't worth taking with the used cartridge.
Even if the stylus is fine, which I don't know how you would know unless you have access to a microscope and know what the stylus shape is supposed to look like; the fact that the suspension may have aged a lot is also a factor. Do you want to listen to an aged and worn out suspension and come to the conclusion that this is how the cartridge sounds..??? YMMV.

Yes there are risks and it's not for everyone but overall I'm happy specially considering the vintage gems I found this way. There's also risk in buying used vinyl I've lost a stylus or two to damaged records over the years but that's all part of it.

If a stylus is bad enough to damage records (when properly setup), you'll definitely hear that something's wrong. Especially on inner grooves. Just keep around a couple test records you don't care about too much. If it sounds good, it is good. I bought my first cartridge unheard on dealer recommendation (Benz Glider L2) and it was good, but soon I was determined to become versed in cartridge setup so that I could explore the second-hand market. The discounts are huge. It worked out well for me, overall. The used Koetsus I bought sounded just like new ones (and rebuilt ones). But yes, you must trust the seller for an accurate history of the cart. And even among detail-oriented enthusiasts, their cartridge hygiene/cleanliness can sometimes leave something to be desired (I cringe whenever I see a picture of a cartridge with a dust beard).
If a stylus is bad enough to damage records (when properly setup), you'll definitely hear that something's wrong. Especially on inner grooves. Just keep around a couple test records you don't care about too much. If it sounds good, it is good. I bought my first cartridge unheard on dealer recommendation (Benz Glider L2) and it was good, but soon I was determined to become versed in cartridge setup so that I could explore the second-hand market. The discounts are huge. It worked out well for me, overall. The used Koetsus I bought sounded just like new ones (and rebuilt ones). But yes, you must trust the seller for an accurate history of the cart. And even among detail-oriented enthusiasts, their cartridge hygiene/cleanliness can sometimes leave something to be desired (I cringe whenever I see a picture of a cartridge with a dust beard).

Sure, but I'm not understanding how one can attempt to determine the quality of the SQ from a cartridge that is playing a crappy LP??? OTOH,Test records that are played once and destroyed are going to be an expensive replacement on an ongoing basis. Buying used is a crap shoot...and one that i personally am very hesitant to undertake. Better to buy new and make sure that you have done enough homework on the cartridge in question to be fairly sure of your purchase. ( albeit, still a little bit of a gamble, as who knows the real synergy with your system and room until you try).
At least you won't have damaged vinyl in the process...assuming you initially get the cartridge set up correctly.
BTW, I will not use an expensive cartridge on a G- uncleaned LP, stupid practice IME. :eek:
I go with the proven performers...
Ortofon are 100 this year & cartridge to suit every price range & musical style
Sure, but I'm not understanding how one can attempt to determine the quality of the SQ from a cartridge that is playing a crappy LP??? OTOH,Test records that are played once and destroyed are going to be an expensive replacement on an ongoing basis. Buying used is a crap shoot...and one that i personally am very hesitant to undertake. Better to buy new and make sure that you have done enough homework on the cartridge in question to be fairly sure of your purchase. ( albeit, still a little bit of a gamble, as who knows the real synergy with your system and room until you try).
At least you won't have damaged vinyl in the process...assuming you initially get the cartridge set up correctly.
BTW, I will not use an expensive cartridge on a G- uncleaned LP, stupid practice IME. :eek:
I have lots of records bought used for $4 - $8 (or thereabouts) that sound great and are adequate for determining if a cartridge sounds fine. Al Stewart "Year of the Cat" is a good one. Various Alan Parsons project records, too. No problem to buy another copy if it gets borked (I already have dupes anyways)...but really that is extremely unlikely to happen if you buy from a reputed seller. The high quality, expensive "audiophile" records rarely cut into the inner grooves, anyways. And I'm not buying used Koetsus to test out every week, lol.

The real gamble here is trying to determine how your preferences may fall among various $$$$ cartridges, based only on written reviews. That certainly gets very expensive, if you want to try a few nice cartridges to find your sonic soulmate, while only buying new. These things can arrive from the factory with issues, too - cantilevers askew, low-riders, etc.
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#1 Start with $$ - Cartridges do scale well the more you can spend so whether we want to admit it or not we generally have a budget of how much we want to spend
#2 Match Compliance - Naturally this eliminates incompatible cartridges right out the gate making your choices fewer
#3 Identify Strengths - Unless you are new to the game you must have references and heard rooms where you developed a preference of attributes you favor. Try and identify those across the board
--ie if you have 7 to choose that would work identify which have the styli you seem to prefer like Fine or Elliptical
#4 Request sample - Now that you have narrowed the field down just get your dealer to send you one to try
One way or another you have to develop some sense of the type of sound you like.

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