Blu-ray Movies/Documentaries: 2D - 3D - 2K - 4K ? Highest Video and Audio Resolution


Feb 8, 2011
Vancouver Island, B.C. Canada
This thread is not necessarily a review thread per se, it's also a technical audio/video thread of the very best Blu-rays out there:
2K - 4K - 2D - 3D and even with Dolby Atmos, DTS:X and Auro-3D immersive 3D audio encoding.

? Everything here is only from the Very Best: From Criterion Collection Blu-ray, Disney PIXAR Animation Films, Movies, Documentaries, ...all that best jazz.



I just watched it last night, in (((3D)))

Another great PIXAR animation film with many solid messages sprinkled all over, and fabulous for the entire family, with some lovely particular the little "critter" eating corn (from the food storage silo), and everything else (this little guy eats everything on its path). Just buy it, your kids are going to love you more for loving them more. :b ...True love is very inexpensive...there is great value behind the artistic and philosophical content here...of great life proportions.

This is best @ its best! And if you watch it in 3D, even more so the experience is enriching and full of treasures to cherish eternally.
If not, 3D would do too.

? More in the other hi-res audio hi-def picture thread...last movie you watched...with rating score and all that jazz...


? This thread is wide open to the entire general public...objectivist/subjectivist constructivism and relativism in ethics epistemology \ sociology concept approach.
All comments, mysteries, analysis, deconstructions, observations, theories, concepts, questions, answers on Best of Life from Blu-rays goes here.
You can argue all your heart content, with the writings, opinions expressed in this thread...just not the poster. :b

You can call me by my name (Bob) but no names. :D ...Only the content, the post content...yes there, any name you "it sucks" or "totally awesome" or "I hate it" or "I love it" or "what a piece of crap!" or "what a masterpiece!"
The post's content can take it, all of it...very bad and very the two extremes and all between. The words have very very very thick skin, so don't be shy to fully express yourself in total freedom.

I could write a book about this animation movie, but I won't.
I was looking @ screenshots taken from a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge phone/camera, of a 4k screen, from a 4K BR player...and I was totally flabbergasted.
{The UHD/4K BR flick is 'X-Men: Apocalypse'}


That is so sharp and detailed! I am waiting for the new Oppo 4K player to see 4K movie playback for myself.
I was going to start a new thread but this one is exactly what I was looking for.

The film I'm interested in @ this moment is Arrival, and will be available February 14.
Here's a taste:

It will come in both BR and 4K BR. But not in 3D. The picture quality is not of the caliber of other films like 'The Martian' for example.
It's ok though, it's the film that counts first. The picture quality is a bonus.
Still, an important bonus because when a film is not released on Blu-ray and in 3D, you want top picture quality from the best cameras and by the best cameramen.
For many reasons obviously, and one of them is a personal one: I like occasionally do a 2D>3D up-conversion from one of my 3D capable players.
I would have love 'Arrival' on 3D, filmed with real 3D cameras. That's me, and the holographic world I live in.

Anyway, I'm reading several reviews right now, from both versions; HD and UHD. And I will get the HD one on the 14th...Valentine's Day.
And from those readings there doesn't seem to be much of major improvement in picture and sound quality from the 4K BR version over the regular BR version. And 'Arrival' is not alone like that; several UHD Blu-ray movies don't look much better than their regular HD ones.
If I'm paying a premium for the highest definition picture available today, I want real delivery where it counts the most; up there on the screen in front of my eyes.

But I understand; this is new, and it might take few years and even more before everyone gets on the same page; the page of beautiful 4K UHD Blu-ray movie transfers. Also, if the source material, the master is not up to it, I don't expect the BR transfer people to alter or try improving what cannot be improved. Only the director and the master source can help.

Anyway, the art of cinema; that's what this thread is all about. If a film director is using tinted lenses heavily in front of his cameras for any reason, good and bad; that is part of the discussions. I know some people who are more sensitive than others on that regard, and I respect that.
But it is always the maestro himself, the film director with his cameramen, who have their last artistic words on canvas, with their own color's palette.
...Grain and all, from digitally shot vistas to 35mm to 70mm film pellicule/celluloid.

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Here is what i just discovered:

- Patriot Games
- Clear and Present Danger
- Ghostbusters

in BLU-RAY are awesomely clear, detailed and like new film. I was amazed having had the DVDs for years and always felt like it was going back in time to watch them. Sure it has an old feel to it, including the special effects...but watching Patriot Games is absolutely great.

Totally worth it, and these days quite inexpensive 2nd hand off Amazon. What a discovery...will be ordering and replacing some of the older classics.

Long Kiss Goodnight. Samuel L. Davis and Geena Davis. up next.
? 'Arrival' @ 125 minutes | 8 more minutes than its previous first theatrical release

That's right; this is the second theatrical release with an additional 8 more minutes bonus footage.
So for people who have already saw it, now you can revisit for the Bonus running time.

What that means? Well, it means that the Blu-ray 4K version, along with the regular BR which are going to be released on February 14 @ 116 minutes are going to be missing that actual footage. ...Or more exactly: Future Double Dip. Yeah way to go!

Now the question is: Should I buy the first time, or wait the second time? Lol, this is a funny hobby the movie hobby! :b
And who knows if Paramount studios would not try a Triple Dip next year with Dolby Atmos and in 3D!
In movies anything can happen, lol
Take George Lucas' Star Wars for example, the first three original ones... Or Ridley Scott's 'Blade Runner' (five versions).
Some painters even keep painting the paintings they sold years ago! And I kid you not. That's their style; a painting is never finished.
You cannot argue with artists, they are the masters of their art; and time is not a dimension that is closed to remains in perpetual movement with changes that can be applied years and years later...till they die.
Even some masterpieces are sometimes retouched, centuries later by expert 'replicators'.
And we've read stories of paintings that sold for several $ millions, only to be revealed later on that they were fakes.

Click above for another review ? @ its 116 minutes running time.

And whenever the double dip happens; perhaps Christmas 2017...this will be the new running time...the Bonus Edition from its 2nd theatrical release:

- Theatrical 2nd Release Date ('Arrival'): January 27, 2017
- Rating: PG 13
- Runtime: 125 min
(previously 116 min)
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Here is what i just discovered:

- Patriot Games
- Clear and Present Danger
- Ghostbusters

in BLU-RAY are awesomely clear, detailed and like new film. I was amazed having had the DVDs for years and always felt like it was going back in time to watch them. Sure it has an old feel to it, including the special effects...but watching Patriot Games is absolutely great.

Totally worth it, and these days quite inexpensive 2nd hand off Amazon. What a discovery...will be ordering and replacing some of the older classics.

Long Kiss Goodnight. Samuel L. Davis and Geena Davis. up next.

I was big on VHS movies back in the days, in particular the Widescreen versions...originals.
I was big on DVDs, right from the beginning.
I was big on HD DVDs, right from the beginning.
I was big on Blu-ray, right from the beginning.
I was big on 3D Blu-ray, right from the beginning.

I am still largely invested on Blu-ray (2D and 3D).
I am looking for the next revolution, slowly, not right from the beginning, not this time around.

But yes, I replaced all my favorite movies on DVDs to Blu-rays. ...Like a movie drug addict.
If it wasn't that it would be something else. I do have the Tom Clancy's/Jack Ryan's series of five films on Blu.

The first is the best...'The Hunt for Red October'...for keeping the great suspense in check. And the music score is perfect.
The third is the second best...'Clear and Present Danger'...for the great action sequences, the realism.
The second...third best...'Patriot Games'...for a great opening, acting, riveting.

Cool Lloyd, that you brought back some great flicks on Blu-ray, with great sound too. Inspiring.
Coming up...all in (((3D))) ? Avatar | Sequels #2, 3, 4 & 5 | (((3D)))

...First @ the theaters - 3D, then on Blu-ray - 3D. The second part is my best guess. Because I don't see the end of 3D on Blu-ray...just no way.
The TV manufacturers they can play all the games they want to play but the movie theaters and front projectors are in the hands of 3D customers with a higher dimension "love-affair" in 3D movie cinema. 2D is fantastic, 3D is just more ... immersive ... implicating ... 3-dimensional. IMHO
Post #3 above should be like this quote here ? now. I wish I could edit my post (#3).
Things like that happen sometimes; sorry about's outside my control.
The two links and last three screenshots have been altered by the source's originator, sadly/unfortunately.

all fixed Bob
This is super great Steve, I owe you one. And you also fixed the small typo in ack's thread's title...he owes you one. :b

This is a happy accident that I just read your post above, because I came here specifically to add to my last post (#10), regarding James Cameron and Avatar sequels in 3D. The guy must be quite busy because he did not deliver in time Avatar's sequel #2. He's very late; as a matter of fact he's so late (busy) that there are no more TV manufacturers supporting 3D on their TVs in 2017. When you get a ball rolling you got to keep pushing it or it'll stop and something else will come up 'in the sky'. That something else is of course 4K, but it's not cooking all the way perfectly; certainly not. It is a day-to-day work in progress...

Here's the simple short video that I was going to add to my prior post number 10:

It's nothing, but I'm noticing.

I don't have a crystal ball @ home telling me what's in the future of visuals @ the movies and the sounds @ live music concert venues.
Several things are happening on various fronts, more or less spreading to our local theaters (best are big cities), and to our homes (best are knowledge and calibrators).
8K is in the future; it is already in Japan today. And my own personal guess: 3D will eventually be back...glasses-free. And there is Holography 4D.

New York has Broadway, and the musical halls, the plays, the dancers/singers...
Los Angeles has the movie stars, movie theaters, actors/actresses...
From the East coast to the West coast there is a wide field of all entertainment. From Real 3D IMAX to Live Classical Opera music concerts.
The goal is to bring the artists and their art (cinema and performance) to inside our homes in front of us in our own sound stage.

WBF's average audiophile is generally less invested in 3D than in stereo. Only few people support 3D moving pictures.
So right from the bat I know for a fact that the audience here on this aspect of 3D movie watching is @ a very minimum.
It's all ok by me, because it doesn't take an army to build a nation. ...Way of speech. :b The essence is the passion, and the passion can be very solitary.
Speaker's designers and builders I'm sure they know a thing or two about this.

Anyway, all of this to simply keep up-to-date with everything 3D, 4K on Blu-ray. ...Because movies matter.
...Documentaries too.

And I'm looking forward to Avatar 2 in (((3D))). That, I'd go to my best 3D IMAX theater, the Real deal, the real IMAX, full size.
And later on, on 3D Blu-ray...of course. I won't buy any new 2017 TV series, only older ones with 3D capability...and 4K too.
Five years from now, roughly, I might borrow someone's crystal ball...
Michael Bay (The Rock, Pearl Harbor, Transformers Series in 3D), Steven Spielberg (Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Saving Private Ryan, War of the Worlds, Jurassic Park in 3D, The Adventures of Tintin in 3D, The BFG in 3D), Martin Scorsese (Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Hugo in 3D), Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, Prometheus in 3D, Exodus: Gods and Kings in 3D, The Martian in 3D), Guillermo del Toro (Pan's Labyrinth, Pacific Rim in 3D), Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit trilogy in 3D), Alfonso Cuarón (Children of Men, Gravity in 3D), ...The Great Gatsby in 3D, Star Trek (the last two in 3D), Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 3D, ...James Cameron (Terminator and T2: Judgement Day, Avatar in 3D), ... just some of the best movie directors who took advantage best of the 3D technology.

Now this (because 3D is big in China): "Terminator 2" comes in 3D in August

"The 3D version of "Terminator 2 - Judgment Day" was now officially announced for August. According to StudioCanal, the 3D version of the action classic will be launched in German cinemas on August 29, The 3D version will be shown at the Berlinale on February 17th.

Originally, the Kinostart of the new 3D version was already planned for 2016, but then moved again. The time is also a bit better in the history, because in 2017 the film celebrates the 25th anniversary of its world premiere and the 29.08.1997 was the date for the planned takeover of the world heritage by "Skynet".

For the re-release of James Cameron's classic, a 3D conversion was made. In addition, "Terminator 2" was also subjected to digital remastering and 4k sampling of the original negative. For the 3D conversion the specialists of "StereoD" were responsible, who already have a good reputation for their 3D conversions in many current films.

The main reason for the new 3D version of "Terminator 2" is mainly China. When "Terminator 2" came into the cinemas in 1991, China was still not a real market for the Hollywood studios, but today a large portion of the big blockbusters' income comes mainly from Asia. Even "Terminator: Genisys" has provided more income in China alone than in the US home market.

Currently only one of the Kinostart of the new 3D version of "Terminator 2" is mentioned. A new Blu-ray Disc release with the 3D version has not yet been promised. That would be in any case to be welcomed, since the previous Blu-ray Disc version qualitatively does not correspond more to the current standard. And if perhaps even an Ultra HD Blu-ray of "Terminator 2" should appear, would be a new 4k scan anyway.

In 2019 the "Terminator" rights go back to Cameron, who is currently still primarily concerned with his "Avatar" settlements. Preparations for a new Terminator movie involving James Cameron but should already be running."

* Crossing the fingers for a future 3D BR release; anywhere in the world would do. ...And in 4K BR too.
Are you not entertained? :b

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