Upgrade turntable or tonearm?


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2021
I currently run three turntables (SME 20/3 with series V tonearm, Kuzma Stabi-R with two tonearms - 4P11 and 4P9 - and PTP Lenco with a Glanz 94S) and I have decided it is time to consolidate. The plan is to sell the SME, PTP Lenco and 4P9 tonearm and probably to keep the Stabi-R to run with the Glanz and 4P11 tonearms.
The decision to make though, is whether to upgrade the 4P11 to a Safir tonearm (I have heard the Stabi-R and Safir a few times now and despite the disparity in price between the TT and arm, it is a good combination), or to upgarde the TT to a J Sikora Reference or TechDas AF3 Premium and keep the 4P11 and Glanz?
I would be interested in people's experience on whether a greater improvement/refinement in sound is likely to be be achieved with an upgrade to the tonearm or to the TT.

(FYI I mainly listen to modern classical, electronic, modern jazz and some rock; my cartridges are a Muraskino Sumile MC, Lyra Etna Lambda, Ortofon MC Anna Diamond, and a Sculpture A A.3; my phonostages are an Allnic H8000 and a Zanden Model 120)
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You have lovely equipment!

I own a Kuzma Stabi M and a 4Point 11 arm. I’m very satisfied with this combo, nothing to blame except that I would like 2 arms. So… after long consideration, I’ll downgrade to a Stabi R and get a brand new Safir while keeping the 4Point arm. Time will tell if I took the right decision!
So… after long consideration, I’ll downgrade to a Stabi R and get a brand new Safir while keeping the 4Point arm. Time will tell if I took the right decision!
The Stabi-R is excellent. I prefer it to the SME 20/3, which can make records sound a bit dead/flat (it definitely benefits from a more 'lively' cartridge).
Will be very interesting to hear your thoughts - I could well end up doing same!
You can’t go wrong with either way. I heard all tables and arms you mentioned many times. IMHO keeping 4P9 and Glanz and upgrading to AF3P is the better choice. If you have an effective base or solution for vibration buy AF3P with solid feet if not then buy with new suspension feet. AF3P is the better turntable among those it just needs a good dynamic arm such as; AS Axiom, SAT CF1-09, Kuzma Safir or top Glanz. BTW 4P9 will do just fine as well as Kondo silver wired SME V.
You can’t go wrong with either way. I heard all tables and arms you mentioned many times. IMHO keeping 4P9 and Glanz and upgrading to AF3P is the better choice. If you have an effective base or solution for vibration buy AF3P with solid feet if not then buy with new suspension feet. AF3P is the better turntable among those it just needs a good dynamic arm such as; AS Axiom, SAT CF1-09, Kuzma Safir or top Glanz. BTW 4P9 will do just fine as well as Kondo silver wired SME V.
I am tending more towards upgrading the TT to the AF3P.
I think the 4P9 is an excellent arm, but I have a slight preference for 4P11 (I like the VTA on the fly option). I would keep the 4P11 and the Glanz, although I may trade that up for the MH1200S.
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