Where do you place your equipment???

I'm not sure how much work it would take in your room. In mine I just needed different speaker cables and to swap an outlet to a better one :)
Folsom, I've been speaking to my cables guy. An option is to alter my current pair 2m spkr cbks to c.6m, thus moving every thing incl monoblocks to side wall.

This would get rack and floor sited tt c.3m from my spkrs, and critically get my tt away from current position that is <1m from downfiring subs.

Tbh, this is the main reason I'm considering the move.
Folsom, I've been speaking to my cables guy. An option is to alter my current pair 2m spkr cbks to c.6m, thus moving every thing incl monoblocks to side wall.

This would get rack and floor sited tt c.3m from my spkrs, and critically get my tt away from current position that is <1m from downfiring subs.

Tbh, this is the main reason I'm considering the move.
Why not leave the monos chez les enceintes?
Hi Christoph, because my cable guy is less confident on losses over long rca interconnects runs than he is on long spkr cbls or pwr cbls runs.
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Hi Christoph, because my cable guy is less confident on losses over long rca interconnects runs than he is on long spkr cbls or pwr cbls runs.
Well Christoph, I have to counterbalance potential signal losses in longer spkr cbls and a couple of pwr cords, and possible risk of side wall site coinciding with a node, versus the benefits of freeing up the interspeakers space, and especially getting my floor sited Stacored tt away from it's current position of 1m from downfiring subs, to 3-4m separation .
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I don’t see anything being a problem. A node? Maybe that would be bad but cable lengths can’t be too much given the space isn’t enormous.

Really it’s your call. At least it’s something to do, to try. I’ve really enjoyed not having the visual noise, too.

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