
That's what I do. I know things and I drink.. and listen to music..
The Place To List Your Gear
Main System:
Reed Muse 3C with Brinkmann 10.5 and Triplanar 12 -> Accuphase C-47 / Garrard 401 with Ikeda 12" -> PhaseMation T-1000 -> Marantz 7C MM Phono Clone / Sony CDP-X777ES / Eversolo DMP-A8 -> Robert Koda Takumi K-10 -> Dan D'Agostino Progression 550 Monos -> Focal Maestro Utopia Evos / pair of Rel S/812 subs
Power: StromTank Quantum 2500
Cables: AudioQuest Winds, Siltech Princess (pre-power) & Prince (speaker), DIY Furutech / VDH cabled power cables
Cartridges: Ortofon MC Anna D, Murasakino Sumile, Hana Umami Red, Hana SL, Miyajima Madake Snakewood, Miyajima Zero, ZYX Airy S, VDH Colibri XGA Signature
Secondary System:
ClearAudio Ovation with Tracer -> Whest Audio PS.40RDT / Lumin U2 -> Nagra Classic DAC (with PSU) / Esoteric X-03 CDEP -> CH Precision L1 (with X1) -> CH Precision A1.5 / Jadis SE300B Monos -> Living Voice R80 OBX
Power: PS Audio P10
Cables: AudioQuest Winds (ics), Nordost Valhalla 2 (speaker)
Cartridge: Ortofon PWTi
and some more on rotation..
The Place To List Your Reference Tracks
So Far Away - Dire Straits (tonal & instrumental balance, technical ability, separation and detail)
Sway - Diana Krall (outro part for small orchestration)
No Moon at All - Diana Krall (intro for bass control and depth, piano & vocal entrance for piano and female vocal voicing, realism)
Little Room - Norah Jones (dead center stage realization)


when the music's over, turn off the lights..


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