metei's latest activity

  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    Couldn't agree more. Everyone in the room was like a child in the candy store :]]
  • metei
    metei reacted to Rhapsody's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Like Like.
    Thanks, Elliot. Great seeing you as well. The Gobel speakers were great and should make a lot of customers very happy. I think they will...
  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    Hi TC4 Thanks for the correction. Seems I just worked my logic instead of searching. The bigger is the newer and better :]]]
  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    Hi Peter, At least not while I was there..
  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    my final post.. Gryphon Room; Gryphon was showcasing their turntable this year. The presentation was all about it. They openly say...
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  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    Wadax Room; Wadax was the star last year, they were almost in every room, at east the ones sounding best, but way expensive even for HE...
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  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    Room by room impressions, please see former post for disclaimers.. Esoteric Room - with Wilson; I am planning to buy a Wilson - Alexia...
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  • metei
    metei replied to the thread Munich HighEnd 2024.
    Here are my thoughts, impressions from Munich 2024. I was there last year, too so this is my second year in a row. Will definitely go...
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  • metei
    metei reacted to heihei's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Like Like.
    A few random thoughts from my Thursday to Saturday visit..... Small speakers often sounded better than bigger speakers. I suspect this...
  • metei
    metei reacted to andromedaaudio's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Like Like.
    Gershman Acoustics . Sounds nice .
  • metei
    metei reacted to Rhapsody's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Like Like.
    In the Alsyvox/Taiko/Pilium/VYDA room yesterday it seemed like the show had started. We must of had 50+ visitors during the day from...
  • metei
    metei reacted to Rhapsody's post in the thread Munich HighEnd 2024 with Like Like.
    Please join us in a few weeks at MOC Munich!

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