
Jun 5, 1966 (Age: 58)
The Place To List Your Gear
2ch: Ref3A Royal Virtuoso ■ Naim NAIT2 ■ Tentlabs b-Drive ■ Audio Note DAC1.1x/II ■ TelluriumQ / EupenEMC

CAS: Infinity InfiniTesimal RS0.1 ■ Pioneer M22 ■ Questyle CMA400i & iFi iPurifier3 ■ ZMF Ori ■ Shunyata / StraightWire / Wireworld

TV: Jern 12XF & Sunfire HRS8 + AntiMode ■ NAD C338 ■ Oppo 101 & 93 ■ Samsung UE46F8000 ■ NVA / Audioquest


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