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      Sinewave reacted to Fjordfunk's post in the thread Why Synergy horns? with Like Like.
      Here are the speakers ready for shipping. I hope to have them on Friday or Saurday this week. Total is 80cm wide. JBL 2243, 18" sub...
    • S
      Sinewave reacted to schlager's post in the thread Why Synergy horns? with Like Like.
      One of my goods friends have inherited the legendary Snell Type A Reference System, but it has been out of service for the last 15 years...
    • S
      Sinewave reacted to schlager's post in the thread Why Synergy horns? with Like Like.
      Another listening experience and very fresh in my mind, as it is from yesterday. I got to hear the brand new Dali Epikore 11 speaker...
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      Sinewave reacted to schlager's post in the thread Why Synergy horns? with Like Like.
      Sure Rob, I'm just generalizing to make a point (and maybe be a bit polemic;)), the subject of "just using your ears" vs "measurements"...
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