Sablon Evo usb cable

Hi Mark! This is João from Brazil.
A friend of mine from São Paulo, violinist on OSESP, the best Brazilian orchestra, sent me a comment about the Evo USB cable I would like to share with you.
It’s just a Google translation, so maybe some inconsistencies.

Hello my friend João, how are you, my dear? Look at the USB cable I received to test. I was a bit shocked by this USB cable from Sablon. João it is an impressive thing what this cable does. It's shocking because I have a $1000+ pure silver USB cable. But in this Sablon, the harmonic body resulting in the system, the openness with docility. and it's also fast impressive impressive João
I want to express my special thanks to Mark Coles of Sablon Audio. I use his EVO USB cable to connect Taiko Extreme and Lampizator Horizon. It is the best USB cable I have ever owned and used. Mark cares deeply about his customers and often shares his experience and wisdom about the audiophile hobby. He provides great services for the products he sold. For instance, because of the quirkiness of my components, I thought removing the v-bus line from the EVO may lower the noise floor. Mark first ascertained that such removal would not cause any issue for my components and then promptly performed the work as I wished. I shipped the cable from the US and got it back within the same week. I cannot be happier with the EVO USB cable and Mark's services. He is a manufacturer and seller you can trust completely. Thanks, Mark.
I’m wondering if anyone here has had any trouble with pops or crackles / ultra-brief breakups during playback with their Evo USB cable?

I just added one (new/unopened but second-hand) to my system (replacing a Lush^2 that was my mainstay for a couple years) and first things first: *everything* I’ve listened to so far sounds better overall… so major props, Mr. Coles!


On the problematic side, there are these infrequent/intermittent pops / crackles during playback (reminiscent of vinyl static discharges, sometimes quiet, sometimes louder, but never crazy loud) maybe half a dozen times during a song.

Some fiddling seems to be pointing (of all things) at the NOS mode on my Gustard x26 Pro DAC in conjunction with HQP either upsampling (or just transporting) the bits from Roon to my DAC.

For the past hour, I’ve tried:
- music of various bit depths and sample rates
- playing straight to the DAC (eliminating HQP)
- locally sourced music and NAS-delivered files
- music from Tidal straight
- music from Tidal upsampled

... the source doesn’t seem to impact it other than HQP being in the chain makes it more frequent.

The most “stable” I’ve gotten playback to be is by closing HQP on my server and selecting my Gustard directly via Roon plus disabling NOS mode on my DAC.

Really, really odd.

So, I’m curious — is my experience unique? Is this a known ‘trait’ others have witnessed? Any tips on how to work the gremlins out?
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@jeremya - this is not a common experience but equally is not completely unknown.

In arriving at the sonic performance of the Evo model, I have taken the design further away from typical usb 2 spec and the parameters of some driver software / usb input card aren't always comfortable with this deviation. This issue has mostly arisen with 'budget' asian dacs / the T&A200 which unusually uses a Thesycon input card / some early Lampizator Pacific JLSounds installations which didn't have the 5vdc connected.

Upsampling per se is not necessarily an issue but the outcome depends on the usb input card - eg the older Amanero used by T&A was very accommodating and would accept DSD512.
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@jeremya - this is not a common experience but equally is not completely unknown.

In arriving at the sonic performance of the Evo model, I have taken the design further away from typical usb 2 spec and the parameters of some driver software / usb input card aren't always comfortable with this deviation. This issue has mostly arisen with 'budget' asian dacs / the T&A200 which unusually uses a Thesycon input card / some early Lampizator Pacific JLSounds installations which didn't have the 5vdc connected.

Upsampling per se is not necessarily an issue but the outcome depends on the usb input card - eg the older Amanero used by T&A was very accommodating and would accept DSD512.

Thanks, Mark. =^)

The Gustard x26 Pro is based on the XU216 XMOS USB chipset. It's (so far) been working flawlessly with everything I can throw at it via other USB cables. Generally, I PGGB or HQP my music and feed the DAC a steady diet of 32/384 or 32/768 PCM (12.2Mbps), which is a splash in the bucket by even the antiquated USB 2.0 hi-speed (480Mbps) standard circa 2001. So, I doubt it's a bandwidth issue.

Even with NOS mode disabled, I still get these little intermittent ticks/pops/hitches (though they seem to be fewer - perhaps 2 or 3 in a 3 minute period, whereas it's closer to 5 or 6 in the same period with NOS enabled) - the DAC doesn't complain of losing USB sync at all, it's just an phenomenon that doesn't repeat if you rewind and try the same section of music again (though you might get a new one in a new place...).

Given the intermittent nature of it, I wonder if perhaps it's some kind of charge build-up and dissipation that is (in part) a function of accumulated signal activity and/or ambient EM/RFI and/or Earth potential of my server and my DAC (they are both plugged into the same circuit and the same power treatment chain, so by all rights their ground impedance should be effectively identical).

And if it is that, then I wonder if there's a way to remedy it with a cable modification that doesn't "throw the baby out with the bathwater"...
And if it is that, then I wonder if there's a way to remedy it with a cable modification that doesn't "throw the baby out with the bathwater"...
Unfortunately not as this narrower operating is innate to the design. The earlier 2020 model is however more accommodating and still sounds great, especially with a little tweak learned from the development of Evo.

Feel free to DM / email me should you wish to further discuss.
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They invested in Evo very seriously, resolution / transparency / speed, beautifully draws realistic images. It does not pull into brightness or darkness, with a good black background and at the same time dense with a warm base from the bottom and below.
The feed is more analog, similar to a vinyl shade.
There's nothing to complain about.
Light Harmonic LightSpeed 10g went for sale.
Antipodes k50 - Lampizator Atlantic trp.
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I'v had my new Evo USB cable for a couple of weeks now and thought I'd leave a short review. It was a significant improvement for me right out of the box. Most noticeable was an increase in the overall weight of the music. I had excellent separation already but there seemed to be some empty spaces between the instruments. This is now filled-in with a much more coherent and pleasing sound.

Almost as important was an improvement in timbre across the frequency spectrum. The edge is gone from the treble. For example, when Morgan James belted out a high note, at high volume, on my old cable it was piercing and I learned to crank down the volume a couple of bars earlier. Now, I just let it ride
with a soft edged sweetness. The midrange is absolutely beautiful. Initially the bass was a little too pronounced but a simple change of filters on HQPlayer corrected that. Now the bass is crisp, focused and well balanced.

The last and most unexpected change was around the speed and attack. Fast riffs - from Chicago horns to Mahler orchestrals - once blurred and indistinct are now crips and compelling.

My USB cable journey went from cheap data cable to a Nordost Heimdall 2 to a Phasure Lush^2. The Heimdall and Phasure were both overall improvements but had some minor trade-offs. The Evo is better
in every regard.

This is my second but not last Salon product, Great job, mark!
Could not agree more. Owned the USB cable for 2 years. Bought the Coax also. These cables are by far the best value!!!

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