Counterpoint proficient repair shop in Northeastern US?


New Member
Aug 16, 2019
I currently operate a Counterpoint SA-1000 fed with a SA-2 headamp. Both bought used (although I long ago owned a SA-2 new). Both are working fine, but with no official support site left, I am looking for a place to get to know who could do sensitive repair work in the future. I also own Audio Research gear and esoterica such as Amber amps and Thiel 3.5 equalizers, so a really knowledgeable place for general audiophile repair would be good.

I am based in Western Mass, so anything from NYC to Syracuse to Burlington VT to Portland ME to Boston are in driving range. Your suggestions will be appreciated.
I currently operate a Counterpoint SA-1000 fed with a SA-2 headamp. Both bought used (although I long ago owned a SA-2 new). Both are working fine, but with no official support site left, I am looking for a place to get to know who could do sensitive repair work in the future. I also own Audio Research gear and esoterica such as Amber amps and Thiel 3.5 equalizers, so a really knowledgeable place for general audiophile repair would be good.

I am based in Western Mass, so anything from NYC to Syracuse to Burlington VT to Portland ME to Boston are in driving range. Your suggestions will be appreciated.
Nobody wants to fix these anymore. All I see is extremely aggressive gut out and rebuilds that have no respect for the original designs. Get a good tube amp tech and interview them before commissioning to do work. I can provide my 2 cents here. I’ve owned dozens (yes!) of Counterpoint gear from stock to the better Altavista builds and fixed too many of them over the years.

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