Beware Of Scam Buyers and Sellers in Classified Section of WBF

steve williams

Site Founder, Site Owner, Administrator
It has just come to my attention from a member here who posted a WTB ad in the classified section of WBF. Our member received a reply that he has the item our member was searching. The scam came from a WBF new member whose credentials showed he was from the UK yet his conversation with our member, who was searching to buy, said he was from Boston. ....

Scams are running rampant all over the internet and I can only stress that one should be careful in any transaction. I would not have found this out had it not been for the astute concern of our member who asked all the correct questions.

Said Scammer had username WilsonPalmer and has been banned..

Below is the correspondence to me from our member who was wise to the scam

I have a WTB ad on WBF .........

I received a message from a Wilson Palmer (New Member) “Hello
I don't know if you are still interested in getting matched pair you can contact he have it available for sale”.

This email string is my correspondence with “Daniel Albert”. The pics he sent had the same background as a previous ad on WBF. I felt sure it was a scam then but to ensure.. I asked for him to put some paper money in the pics. It’s obvious he photoshopped the bills into the pics. But the final nail was that the bills all have the same S/N.

"Thought you’d want to know about this “Wilson Palmer”. (I likely wouldn’t do business with anyone via just an email but thought I’d follow it for a bit to see)"

Bottom line is to always beware of any scams especially if someone reaches out to you and says they have such item available for sale
Thanks Steve!
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Thank you Steve and WBF.
Great work.

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