The ***Official*** Progressive Rock Thread

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Lahmana- On Embracing A Blank Space
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Benjamin Croft- We Are Here To Help
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Sgaile- Traverse The Bealach
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Six By Six- Beyond Shadowland
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Intervals- Memory Palace

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Infinite Canvas- Art Of Time Travel

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Marcel Gardote’s Holy Crab- Felvidek (OSR)

I was not expecting the trumpet.
Last night was my first listen to this title and it really had me going back and forth. I was trying a new (to me) quad of tubes in my Lampizator so I may have had to much going on in my head at the time! I did enjoy it though and will definitely listen to more of it!
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Barock Project- Time Voyager

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Methodica- Hypocricity

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Apiarys- Ni L’espace, Ni Le Temps…
(This is a cool new Prog release but please be aware all vocals are in French)

When my older brother gave up vinyl (he was gradually replacing LPs with LaserDisks and hoping his wife would not notice), he passed his records on to me. Shamefully, I never listened much to the APP disks, but I have lately made up for lost time. One thing that tickles me about I Robot is the little note added to the price tag in a used record shop in Halifax, NS, somewhere in the late seventies:

Tonight is “Flying Fingers” night!
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Azure- Fym

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Now Playing:
Lee Abraham- Comatose


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ELP fans take note.
If you don’t know about Rachel Flowers you’re in for a mind blowing treat.
Blind since near birth, she was playing Bach by ear at 4.
She has a special affinity and mastery of the Keith Emerson ( bless him) catalog. Check Tarkus on solo piano.


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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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