Newbie needing advice


New Member
Jun 16, 2024
New York
I inherited this system from my deceased father- his hand-me -downs as he upgraded his system to all sorts of Spectral components. The Goldmund DAC just died and I need a replacement. One of my father’s friends suggested an Emotiva pre amp/DAC but the Goldmund was attached by MIT cables and seemed to generate a lot of heat. I don’t know that the Emotiva is up for the job- any advice on replacement? I am very new to this.
My system:
Mark Levinson ML-2 amplifiers
Magnepan speakers(MG-Ib Magneplanar)
Enlightened Audio Designs CD player
Audio Research High Definition Stereo Line Amplifier
Goldmund Mimesis 12(deceased)D/A Converter
Gigantic MIT cables
Power Wedge power wedge.
Many thx.
Can Goldmund have a look at it?
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What is your budget?

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I inherited this system from my deceased father- his hand-me -downs as he upgraded his system to all sorts of Spectral components. The Goldmund DAC just died and I need a replacement. One of my father’s friends suggested an Emotiva pre amp/DAC but the Goldmund was attached by MIT cables and seemed to generate a lot of heat. I don’t know that the Emotiva is up for the job- any advice on replacement? I am very new to this.
My system:
Mark Levinson ML-2 amplifiers
Magnepan speakers(MG-Ib Magneplanar)
Enlightened Audio Designs CD player
Audio Research High Definition Stereo Line Amplifier
Goldmund Mimesis 12(deceased)D/A Converter
Gigantic MIT cables
Power Wedge power wedge.
Many thx.
I have so many questions about this.
I presume your budget is around $500? Since you were thinking of the Emotiva pre-amp/DAC?
What happened to all the Spectral components? Did somebody else get them? Were they sold and did you get money for them?
Have you been using this system for a long time already or did you just inherit the system?
Are you trying to keep most of these components because they belonged to your father so this is like a connection to him?
The Enlightened Audio Design CD transport usually is purchased with the Enlightened Audio Design DAC called DSP7000. Do you know if your father sold it and replaced it with the Goldmund DAC?
Do you only listen to CDs?
When you said Gigantic MIT cables coming out of the Goldmund DAC, do you mean you’re using XLR (balanced) or RCA (unbalanced) audio cables?

To me, the main issue here is sunk cost theory. Unless you really really want to feel connected to your father and continue listening to his stereo, if somebody gave you a sizeable sum of money to buy a new stereo, I doubt you’ll find anybody who would purchase what you listed.

So the first thing that jumps out in my mind is why not sell everything and just buy a modern stereo system that suits your needs?

If the goal is to preserve as much of your father’s system as possible but with a limited budget of $500, then I would suggest getting a Topping/SMSL/Schiit DAC in that price range that can connect to the EAD CD transport and can connect to the Audio Research preamp (so you need to know whether it’s XLR/RCA cables coming out of the DAC) and you’re done.
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I inherited this system from my deceased father- his hand-me -downs as he upgraded his system to all sorts of Spectral components. The Goldmund DAC just died and I need a replacement. One of my father’s friends suggested an Emotiva pre amp/DAC but the Goldmund was attached by MIT cables and seemed to generate a lot of heat. I don’t know that the Emotiva is up for the job- any advice on replacement? I am very new to this.
My system:
Mark Levinson ML-2 amplifiers
Magnepan speakers(MG-Ib Magneplanar)
Enlightened Audio Designs CD player
Audio Research High Definition Stereo Line Amplifier
Goldmund Mimesis 12(deceased)D/A Converter
Gigantic MIT cables
Power Wedge power wedge.
Many thx.
Hi -
First of all, those ML-2 amps are keepers, they are very good amplifiers!
The speakers (these are MG-1b, correct?) are OK, easily superceded by contemporary designs.
You can listen to music using your CD player, just connect the analogue out directly to the Audio research pre-amp (you probably already know that).
DAC: Schiit or Topping mentioned above are inexpensive choices I know to be good. Another good choice (more expensive) is a base model from Lampizator or Ideon audio. These will easily outperform the Mimesis 12.

Good luck!
What is your budget?

Not unlimited! But the system I have is quite good- I know outdated, but it sounds very good and I want to make sure whatever I get can handle the job. I think the Goldmund isn’t worth attempting to repair and I’d probably have to send it to Switzerland anyway.
Hi -
First of all, those ML-2 amps are keepers, they are very good amplifiers!
The speakers (these are MG-1b, correct?) are OK, easily superceded by contemporary designs.
You can listen to music using your CD player, just connect the analogue out directly to the Audio research pre-amp (you probably already know that).
DAC: Schiit or Topping mentioned above are inexpensive choices I know to be good. Another good choice (more expensive) is a base model from Lampizator or Ideon audio. These will easily outperform the Mimesis 12.

Good luck!
Thanks so much- I agree about the ML amps. Do not presume I know anything!! They were my father’s passion- I just love listening with him. I very much appreciate your advice. I may get a speaker upgrade (also Magnepans) when my mother moves. We will see about the Spectral equipment- the place where my father got them(in Delaware- Ovation in Wilmington) is helping me with assessing what’s worth keeping as well as shipping. I very much appreciate this forum and thanks again so much no will look at your suggested equipment.
I have so many questions about this.
I presume your budget is around $500? Since you were thinking of the Emotiva pre-amp/DAC?
What happened to all the Spectral components? Did somebody else get them? Were they sold and did you get money for them?
Have you been using this system for a long time already or did you just inherit the system?
Are you trying to keep most of these components because they belonged to your father so this is like a connection to him?
The Enlightened Audio Design CD transport usually is purchased with the Enlightened Audio Design DAC called DSP7000. Do you know if your father sold it and replaced it with the Goldmund DAC?
Do you only listen to CDs?
When you said Gigantic MIT cables coming out of the Goldmund DAC, do you mean you’re using XLR (balanced) or RCA (unbalanced) audio cables?

To me, the main issue here is sunk cost theory. Unless you really really want to feel connected to your father and continue listening to his stereo, if somebody gave you a sizeable sum of money to buy a new stereo, I doubt you’ll find anybody who would purchase what you listed.

So the first thing that jumps out in my mind is why not sell everything and just buy a modern stereo system that suits your needs?

If the goal is to preserve as much of your father’s system as possible but with a limited budget of $500, then I would suggest getting a Topping/SMSL/Schiit DAC in that price range that can connect to the EAD CD transport and can connect to the Audio Research preamp (so you need to know whether it’s XLR/RCA cables coming out of the DAC) and you’re done.
So many questions indeed! I’ve had the system for a while and I’ve enjoyed it a great deal but I do know it’s dated. There is the sentimental connection but it is a very good sound nonetheless. That said, I may be inheriting the upgraded system when my mother moves- larger Magnepan speakers(one has a tweeter issue that we are looking into repair if possible)- and some of the Soectral components as well as a couple of others- I can’t remember what it’s called but I’ve been in touch with the place that sold them to my father in Delaware (Ovation in Wilmington) and they’ve been helping me to assess what’s worth keeping and they agree about the ML amps being very good.
I don’t want to spend more than $1000, and I will be adding a turntable and of course want to connect either streaming or other laptop or digital media. I am sentimental but not a Luddite . There is a component in a closet somewhere that was swapped out when my father brought more stuff over. I will look to see if it’s an Enlightened Audio Design piece. Thank you so much for your advice! I’m so glad I found this forum.
Hi -
First of all, those ML-2 amps are keepers, they are very good amplifiers!
The speakers (these are MG-1b, correct?) are OK, easily superceded by contemporary designs.
You can listen to music using your CD player, just connect the analogue out directly to the Audio research pre-amp (you probably already know that).
DAC: Schiit or Topping mentioned above are inexpensive choices I know to be good. Another good choice (more expensive) is a base model from Lampizator or Ideon audio. These will easily outperform the Mimesis 12.

Good luck!
Thanks so much! I will look into your suggestions- much appreciated!
I have so many questions about this.
I presume your budget is around $500? Since you were thinking of the Emotiva pre-amp/DAC?
What happened to all the Spectral components? Did somebody else get them? Were they sold and did you get money for them?
Have you been using this system for a long time already or did you just inherit the system?
Are you trying to keep most of these components because they belonged to your father so this is like a connection to him?
The Enlightened Audio Design CD transport usually is purchased with the Enlightened Audio Design DAC called DSP7000. Do you know if your father sold it and replaced it with the Goldmund DAC?
Do you only listen to CDs?
When you said Gigantic MIT cables coming out of the Goldmund DAC, do you mean you’re using XLR (balanced) or RCA (unbalanced) audio cables?

To me, the main issue here is sunk cost theory. Unless you really really want to feel connected to your father and continue listening to his stereo, if somebody gave you a sizeable sum of money to buy a new stereo, I doubt you’ll find anybody who would purchase what you listed.

So the first thing that jumps out in my mind is why not sell everything and just buy a modern stereo system that suits your needs?

If the goal is to preserve as much of your father’s system as possible but with a limited budget of $500, then I would suggest getting a Topping/SMSL/Schiit DAC in that price range that can connect to the EAD CD transport and can connect to the Audio Research preamp (so you need to know whether it’s XLR/RCA cables coming out of the DAC) and you’re done.
I will see what I can find out about the cables. Not sure what kind. As I said, I’m a newbie! Thx again.
So many questions indeed! I’ve had the system for a while and I’ve enjoyed it a great deal but I do know it’s dated. There is the sentimental connection but it is a very good sound nonetheless. That said, I may be inheriting the upgraded system when my mother moves- larger Magnepan speakers(one has a tweeter issue that we are looking into repair if possible)- and some of the Soectral components as well as a couple of others- I can’t remember what it’s called but I’ve been in touch with the place that sold them to my father in Delaware (Ovation in Wilmington) and they’ve been helping me to assess what’s worth keeping and they agree about the ML amps being very good.
I don’t want to spend more than $1000, and I will be adding a turntable and of course want to connect either streaming or other laptop or digital media. I am sentimental but not a Luddite . There is a component in a closet somewhere that was swapped out when my father brought more stuff over. I will look to see if it’s an Enlightened Audio Design piece. Thank you so much for your advice! I’m so glad I found this forum.
So in that case I would recommend keeping it simple.

First, does your mother still use the Spectral system much? Particularly to listen to CDs?

If not, you should find out if there is a DAC in that system and just ask her to ship that to you to replace the Goldmund. To me that’s the most cost effective thing to do and will likely get you better sound than buying a new DAC for less than $1000.

If neither you nor your mother are tech savvy, maybe ask her to take a photo of the system so that you (and maybe people here) can see what components that system has. It would give you a better sense whether getting the DAC from that system is worth the shipping cost.

That said, if you just want to spend money, my gut feeling is that the Schiit Bifrost DAC for $800 is the right product for you as the Goldmund replacement. Based on my previous experiences with other Goldnund products and their sonic signature. And if I’m wrong, you have a 15-day money back guarantee (minus 5-15% restocking and shipping fee)
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Thanks so much! My
Mother does not use the system much- the CD player is actually a Sony SACD player- very fancy but old, but there are some Super Audio CDs in my father’s collection that are very nice so I’ll probably take it. I’ll look up the other stuff. Some of the Spectral pieces are very outdated- some are ok. My father bought top quality pieces at the time, but I know the entire industry has shifted to streaming. That said, there are several LPs I’m also going to have. He has a turntable that I will also have. So it’ll be an odd mix. I just heard from Emotiva regarding the pre amp I bought- they said if the amps I have are RCA connected it should be fine. I suspect they are XLR given the size of the cable and the connectors- but will check. I am not an electrician or sound person! But I work among them so maybe can get advice. I just don’t want to fry anything. I looked at the Bifrost and aside from amusement at the name that does look really good. I won’t spend more than $1000, less if possible, but I’m probably not getting the other equipment for a while. I need to know what questions to ask and this forum is very helpful. Thank you again.
Thanks so much- I agree about the ML amps. Do not presume I know anything!! They were my father’s passion- I just love listening with him. I very much appreciate your advice. I may get a speaker upgrade (also Magnepans) when my mother moves. We will see about the Spectral equipment- the place where my father got them(in Delaware- Ovation in Wilmington) is helping me with assessing what’s worth keeping as well as shipping. I very much appreciate this forum and thanks again so much no will look at your suggested equipment.
Whoops- Overture in Wilmington- not Ovation! They are great.
So in that case I would recommend keeping it simple.

First, does your mother still use the Spectral system much? Particularly to listen to CDs?

If not, you should find out if there is a DAC in that system and just ask her to ship that to you to replace the Goldmund. To me that’s the most cost effective thing to do and will likely get you better sound than buying a new DAC for less than $1000.

If neither you nor your mother are tech savvy, maybe ask her to take a photo of the system so that you (and maybe people here) can see what components that system has. It would give you a better sense whether getting the DAC from that system is worth the shipping cost.

That said, if you just want to spend money, my gut feeling is that the Schiit Bifrost DAC for $800 is the right product for you as the Goldmund replacement. Based on my previous experiences with other Goldnund products and their sonic signature. And if I’m wrong, you have a 15-day money back guarantee (minus 5-15% restocking and shipping fee)
My Dad’s System:

Turntable: VPI Traveler
Spectral Pre Amp DMC 20
Sony SCD-1 CD super audio CD player
Spectral Studio Reference Processor SDR 2000
BSG technologies qøl signal completion stage
Spectral DMS 20(I cannot find anything from Spectral on this component)
Magnepan Speakers- I don’t know what model-
They are 6’-0”x 2’-0”
Martin Logan “Descent” subwoofer
Z Center -don’t know what this is
Spectral DPS 2000 Power Supply
Several enormous cables- Spectral/MIT
Welcome to WBF, JWalker!
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Le système de mon père :

Platine vinyle : VPI Traveler
Préampli spectral DMC 20
Lecteur CD Super Audio Sony SCD-1
Processeur de référence Spectral Studio SDR 2000
Étape d'achèvement du signal Qøl des technologies BSG
Spectral DMS 20 (je ne trouve rien de Spectral sur ce composant)
Enceintes Magnepan - Je ne sais pas quel modèle-
Ils mesurent 6'-0" x 2'-0"
Caisson de basses Martin Logan « Descent »
Z Center - je ne sais pas ce que c'est
Alimentation Spectral DPS 2000
Plusieurs câbles énormes - Spectral/MIT
Bonjour, bienvenue, je connais bien le matériel goldmund, si le dac est ancien il ne sera pas réparé, a l'intérieur se trouve des modules alise avec des composants noyé dans de la résine et non réparable, c'est qu'elle modèle ?
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