Subbase Vividus Zwo Grounding Box


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2021
As someone who has experimented with a few grounding solutions in the past, I wanted to share something of an open secret that would’ve saved me a good amount of trial and error had I discovered it earlier. The device in question is the Vividus Subbase Zwo grounding box ( I believe it is more popular in the EU, but virtually unknown in the US—and Laszlo and Fred deserve full credit for its discovery.

I would say that the level—and nature—of improvement from the addition of the Vividus to my setup has been on par with going from dirty A/C power to using a good isolation transformer, or upgrading to a Taiko Extreme running XDMS from a mid-level streamer. The improvement a grounding box brings is different from, say, a tube upgrade, in that it cleans up and improves the sound without altering it—hence the clean power/clean digital signal analogies. As I remember someone say on an isolation transformer thread, the insidious thing about noise is that you don’t know that it was there until it’s gone—and the Vividus demonstrates exactly that.

The box works right off the bat, and although it benefits from running in, there are unmistakable differences that I heard right away:
-Noticeably blacker backgrounds—the quietest my system has ever been
-Much improved imaging
-Overall cleaner, tighter sound with fewer artifacts
-Cleaner highs and less high frequency noise
-Perhaps as a consequence of the former, less listening fatigue at higher volumes

The lower noise level, cleaner sound and better imaging are what catches your attention first, but it’s only after some time that you realize that you are listening louder—because the noise is reduced and the highs are more effortless. It was one of those times when an upgrade is so significant that you can’t stop listening—in fact, I listened to The Astounding Eyes of Rita for nearly an hour because of just how much more immersive the sound was—with no downsides whatsoever.

I moved up to the Vividus from an Entreq Poseidon, which I credit for cleaning up the highs and tightening up the sound, but the Vividus was an instant improvement whereas the Poseidon needed to be removed from the system to be fully appreciated. The extent of the improvement was also much greater with the Vividus, but just as importantly, it also offered more areas of improvement.

It might take a leap of faith to invest in a grounding box that is not exactly inexpensive if you are new to grounding, but to be honest, it’s one of those things that you can’t imagine living without once you discover them. I strongly recommend the Vividus without reservations and would like to thank Laszlo and Fred for letting me in on the secret.

Correct, retail is $12,995 plus shipping.

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on the Zwo! It's a very exciting new addition to our line up, which we are thrilled to bring to North America.

I was skeptical myself on what this piece is capable of, as I had already taken several DIY grounding provisions in my parlor, but hearing is believing.
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I can verify Alexey experiences with Vividus2. I have 2 in my system. Adding the second unit just doubled the effect of the first unit. I use 1 for digital and another 1 for analog. I also have 2 Tripoint Troy NG and had some Entreq boxes too. The Vividus does something else than other grounding devices. Magic! One the biggest upgrade in my system. Highly recommend!!!
What is the pricing and how do you buy one in the USA? The website is rather circular. Thanks.
I must admit I completely don't understand -but I do credit- the level of patience you exhibited in photographing the opening and un-packing of this unit. I likely would have, if necessary, simply chewed through the box and all packing materials in order to get at the piece, hook it up and listen without further delay.
  • Haha
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I must admit I completely don't understand -but I do credit- the level of patience you exhibited in photographing the opening and un-packing of this unit. I likely would have, if necessary, simply chewed through the box and all packing materials in order to get at the piece, hook it up and listen without further delay.
I didn't have speakers at the time, which was the sole reason for taking my sweet time with the unboxing

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