Hi and Help with a problem


New Member
Jul 7, 2024
Hello, first of all I didn't know where to enter the topic. Sorry.

I have a harassment problem with a neighbor, in a very summary way they harass me with sound frequencies or another type that I don't know about.

For example, we have Durlock walls and ceiling and somehow with some type of frequency, they make clicking sounds in them. As if you hit them with a pencil for example, they are not isolated tics but 3 or 4 in a row, on purpose so that one notices them.

But it is not the adjacent wall but the ceiling and far walls, that rules out that they are hitting from the other side and this is technology.

I guess they use some device that emits some kind of bullet sound, I don't know. It's complex.

Likewise, they interfere with the AM radio that I listen to, they have some device that can override the signal and emit words above the radio frequency, 2 or 3 words and they cut off, they say my name for example.

Do you have any idea what type of frequencies and technology they may be using given this information?

I don't know who to turn to since I don't know sound professionals.

Sorry for my English.
Thank you.
Wow, you have very strange neighbors. I recommend you to consult for a legal advice cause I don’t think it’s legal to jam AM radio frequency or transmit your name over a frequency.
Sound professionals? How about call the police?

Rob :)
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It's generally best not to fall out with neighbours and calling the police or talking to legal people is likely to make matters far worse.

Have you spoken with your neighbours on a friendly basis, by innocently asking him if he has similar problems, as you are looking for the cause and perhaps you can help each other in identifying it? It could be that some equipment in his home is the cause and he is unaware of it. Does it ever happen when he's away?
It could be that some equipment in his home is the cause and he is unaware of it.
Are you serious? He says they're interfering AM radio frequency and saying his name. Could it done randomly by an equipment which they're not aware of?

Have you spoken with your neighbours on a friendly basis, by innocently asking him if he has similar problems, as you are looking for the cause and perhaps you can help each other in identifying it?
I agree, maybe it can work to calm things down to reach a common ground.

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