Kuzma tonearm for DS Audio Cartridges


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2012
I have just acquired a DS Audio W3, to be matched with a phono developed by my friend. As such, I am interested to know if members have any success stories matching DS Audio cartridges, especially the W3, to the Kuzma line of tonearms, from 4Point to Airline to Safir!

I am interested to match the W3 with the Airline, but since DS doesn’t publish compliance figures, I am not sure whether the Airline would be too heavy for the W3.

Any comment would be appreciated! Thanks in advance
It is very tedious to get through this review, but the reviewer says that the W-3 is “lowish” compliance.

“With a mass of 7.9gm and an unspecified but lowish compliance, it should work fine in most modern medium-mass tonearms. I installed the DS-W3 in the Brinkmann 12.1 tonearm, which has an effective mass of 14gm, on my Brinkmann La Grange turntable. The combination worked flawlessly.”

Just a reference point.

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I was interested in matching a W3 with a 4 Point (14 inches) on a Technics SP10R. DS Audio cartridges are said to need very low effective mass tonearms to work at their best. I discussed effective mass of the 4 Point line with Frank Kuzma in Munich and he was not really concerned in this respect. In his mind compliance was a key factor and a W3 could work well with a 4 Point (even the 14 inches - we did not discuss the Saphir as it was not long enough for an SP10R.
Ultimately, I went for an Alphason HR-200S which is a heavily revised version of the original HR-100 and is available in 9, 10.5 and 12 inch versions. I chose the 10.5 for the DS Audio W3. It is a superb aesthetic and mechanical match for the Technics (it uses the standard Linn arm mount).
Best regards


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Good to know the Alphason works well with the W3, as I also have an Alphason 100 which was updated by the factory recently with all the available upgrades, including the bearing. I was planning to use it with the VDH Colibri XPP, but surely will try it with the W3 also. Thanks

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