Ellipticof A 50mkII

Existuje někdo, kdo vlastní i reproduktory Ellipticor A50mkII? Zdeněk
I heard them once, fantastic speakers. I was always put off by the construction costs: 10k€ just for the driver + 3k€ for the xover parts and for beautiful wood xk€?. Congratulations on these speakers, I'm a little jealous. Have you watched these videos yet? He built a dipole version of them? Most impressive sound on YouTube for me, a dreamspeaker.

P.S Better then most speaker outthere
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Thank you for the review and reply, please can you send me more pictures of your speakers, from what sources do you listen to music? But I mostly stream classical music from a turntable. Zdeněk
Thank you for the review and reply, please can you send me more pictures of your speakers, from what sources do you listen to music? But I mostly stream classical music from a turntable. Zdeněk
Its not my speaker a guy from poland build this speakers.
he wrote that these speakers will soon be available to view here as a project. I don't have any more information on this...sorry

A video where you can see more of the speaker.

P.s he use scanspeak woofer 2x 15"inside and outside 2x15" on this speaker
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