I need a manual!


Active Member
Jan 6, 2022
Some months ago, I bought a pair of Usher Grand Reference speakers from my buddy who was an Usher dealer. He sold me his personel pair. There were no boxes, floor anchors and no manual for these 477lb speakers.

We had lestened to these speakers at a CES show and both my wife and I were astounded at how these speakers conveyed symphoney music beyond any other speaker we ever heard. One day we thought, we could own a pair of these amazing speakers.

Many years later that day had come and now they have a place in our living room. I call it my wife's system as she was the one who pulled the trigger on the purchase.

These speakers come in 3 sections (thank God) therefore having 3 sets of binding posts. The bottom set of posts hold the x-overs, we believe. Connecting these speakers in a logical fashion yielded no sound. It took days, many phone calls to actually get output that seemed reasonable. But, these speakers lack bass. They should have crushing bass. I even placed them close to the rear wall in an attempt to push to the bottom octaves and it helped. The amp, a BMC-S1, in comparison to the Threshold designed Usher 1.5 amplifier actually outperformed the Usher in the bass department. That was many years ago in another room. I don't believe the lack of output has to do with the amplifier.

What I need is the manual, even a screenshot showing how to connect the cabling to the speaker. I have written Usher in Taiwan and the US importer. I don't get any responses. Now I'm reaching out to the community. I know it's a longshot.

Thanks for reading this if you got this far.
Some months ago, I bought a pair of Usher Grand Reference speakers from my buddy who was an Usher dealer. He sold me his personel pair. There were no boxes, floor anchors and no manual for these 477lb speakers.

We had lestened to these speakers at a CES show and both my wife and I were astounded at how these speakers conveyed symphoney music beyond any other speaker we ever heard. One day we thought, we could own a pair of these amazing speakers.

Many years later that day had come and now they have a place in our living room. I call it my wife's system as she was the one who pulled the trigger on the purchase.

These speakers come in 3 sections (thank God) therefore having 3 sets of binding posts. The bottom set of posts hold the x-overs, we believe. Connecting these speakers in a logical fashion yielded no sound. It took days, many phone calls to actually get output that seemed reasonable. But, these speakers lack bass. They should have crushing bass. I even placed them close to the rear wall in an attempt to push to the bottom octaves and it helped. The amp, a BMC-S1, in comparison to the Threshold designed Usher 1.5 amplifier actually outperformed the Usher in the bass department. That was many years ago in another room. I don't believe the lack of output has to do with the amplifier.

What I need is the manual, even a screenshot showing how to connect the cabling to the speaker. I have written Usher in Taiwan and the US importer. I don't get any responses. Now I'm reaching out to the community. I know it's a longshot.

Thanks for reading this if you got this far.
Hi, what kind of amplifier do you have and what input power is this amplifier capable of delivering to the speakers? So don't worry about the speakers not having enough bass and buy a quality active subwoofer or two with a 12-inch speaker and an RMS power of 350 - 500W, set the active crossover to 80Hz and you'll have plenty of bass and you'll be happy. Zdenek
Some months ago, I bought a pair of Usher Grand Reference speakers from my buddy who was an Usher dealer. He sold me his personel pair. There were no boxes, floor anchors and no manual for these 477lb speakers.

We had lestened to these speakers at a CES show and both my wife and I were astounded at how these speakers conveyed symphoney music beyond any other speaker we ever heard. One day we thought, we could own a pair of these amazing speakers.

Many years later that day had come and now they have a place in our living room. I call it my wife's system as she was the one who pulled the trigger on the purchase.

These speakers come in 3 sections (thank God) therefore having 3 sets of binding posts. The bottom set of posts hold the x-overs, we believe. Connecting these speakers in a logical fashion yielded no sound. It took days, many phone calls to actually get output that seemed reasonable. But, these speakers lack bass. They should have crushing bass. I even placed them close to the rear wall in an attempt to push to the bottom octaves and it helped. The amp, a BMC-S1, in comparison to the Threshold designed Usher 1.5 amplifier actually outperformed the Usher in the bass department. That was many years ago in another room. I don't believe the lack of output has to do with the amplifier.

What I need is the manual, even a screenshot showing how to connect the cabling to the speaker. I have written Usher in Taiwan and the US importer. I don't get any responses. Now I'm reaching out to the community. I know it's a longshot.

Thanks for reading this if you got this far.
Hello, I would personally buy one more amplifier to power the bass section separately, this second amplifier must have an adjustable input signal and I recommend this amplifier https://stereo-magazine.com/review/nad-c-298-review
Some months ago, I bought a pair of Usher Grand Reference speakers from my buddy who was an Usher dealer. He sold me his personel pair. There were no boxes, floor anchors and no manual for these 477lb speakers.

We had lestened to these speakers at a CES show and both my wife and I were astounded at how these speakers conveyed symphoney music beyond any other speaker we ever heard. One day we thought, we could own a pair of these amazing speakers.

Many years later that day had come and now they have a place in our living room. I call it my wife's system as she was the one who pulled the trigger on the purchase.

These speakers come in 3 sections (thank God) therefore having 3 sets of binding posts. The bottom set of posts hold the x-overs, we believe. Connecting these speakers in a logical fashion yielded no sound. It took days, many phone calls to actually get output that seemed reasonable. But, these speakers lack bass. They should have crushing bass. I even placed them close to the rear wall in an attempt to push to the bottom octaves and it helped. The amp, a BMC-S1, in comparison to the Threshold designed Usher 1.5 amplifier actually outperformed the Usher in the bass department. That was many years ago in another room. I don't believe the lack of output has to do with the amplifier.

What I need is the manual, even a screenshot showing how to connect the cabling to the speaker. I have written Usher in Taiwan and the US importer. I don't get any responses. Now I'm reaching out to the community. I know it's a longshot.

Thanks for reading this if you got this far.
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